Julian Dungey (Vice-Chair) who chaired the meeting, and
twenty four members, including WTC Cllr Joanna Cornford.
Gina May, Vivien Osborne, Mavis Vaughan, and Cllr
Matt Scott.
CHAIRMAN'S REPORT (Read out by the Vice-Chairman)
Communications to the W&WRA committee. Whilst communications and ideas from members
are welcome, some have been using social media, but all are requested to use
the W&WRA email address: westgateandwestbrook@gmail.com or to send items in
writing, C/o St Augustines' Business Centre, 125, Canterbury Road,
Westgate-on-Sea CT8 8NL. The new W&WRA mobile number is 07873551901 where
messages can be left and calls returned in due course. If received by 5.00pm on the Friday before
the next committee meeting it will be discussed and acted on where possible
providing the item is within the remit of the W&WRA. (Committee meetings
are currently held on the Monday before the monthly general meetings, next one
The minutes of the last meeting, (12/08/19), which
had been circulated, were agreed as a correct record subject to minor
amendments to the spelling of names, and signed.
1) Caravans Parked
Illegally. This was reported both in
Westbrook and Westgate. James Brazier suggested these be reported to KCC Warden
Laura Bungard.
KCC Warden Laura Bungard: (Report sent in and read
by the chair):
1) Drains. Several drains in
Westgate Bay Avenue tend to flood in heavy rain. Following Laura's report the inspector is to
come with relevant people, and hopefully the problem will be dealt with
2) Rowena Road. Dog poo bags are being deposited behind the
green utilities boxes, and has continued after clearing. Residents are asked to watch out for this so
it can be stopped.
3) Travellers Gypsies and
Campers. Various sites have been invaded
and these have been reported to
TDC. Those homeless around the area have
also been reported to TDC.
4) Rubbish Bins. Residents are requested not to deposit
rubbish in any bin
is already overflowing. Please contact
5) Contact. Laura may be contacted by email laurabungard@kent.gov.uk or by phone 07969 583922,
and her details are held at the Town Council Offices.
6) White VW Van parked at the
junction of Wentworth Avenue and 181 Westbrook Avenue. This had been raised with Laura by members as
it was causing a dangerous lack of visibility to drivers emerging from
Wentworth Avenue, or vehicles turning right into Bowes Avenue. TDC had informed Laura that it had been
“claimed” and not dumped, and at the time both tax and MOT were in date, It is expected to be removed soon.
WTC Cllr Joanna Cornford:
1) Planning Application for
129, Sea Road. This is a re-application
to demolish the existing building and replace it with flats. Objections had been forthcoming and Cllr
Cornford said it was essential to object with the correct reasons. WTC planning committee are meeting tomorrow
2) Speeding Cars. More speedwatch volunteers are needed, it was
reported by members that Westbrook Avenue and The Royal Esplanade often see
speeding vehicles.
1) 40, Station Road. Application for change of use from retail to
retail sandwich bar and drinking establishment, with alterations to
fenestration, installation of canopy, and addition of WC.
2) Elizabeth Court,
Westbrook. Members reported seeing
footings in front of this building but have not seen any planning
applications. Item to be checked with
3) Planning Lists. Copies were previously supplied for the
W&WRA general meetings by a TDC councillor, but have not been available
recently. WTC Cllr Joanna Cornford
kindly offered to obtain future copies.
1) Notice of Review of Polling
Places and Polling Stations. A
consultation period has just started and comments are invited to the TDC. There is also an email link consultation@thanet.go.uk
2) Police by Email. Telephone and computer scams are being tried,
and residents need to be extremely vigilant.
Vehicle crime locally has escalated, particularly damage to car windows.
1) Monthly Report. Jacquie apologised to the meeting that she
had not brought it, but could email copies later in the evening to any members
wishing this.
2) Proposed Children's
Christmas Party. The committee had
proposed this for members children and grandchildren. The Westgate Community Centre would give a
special price of £30, and there would be a charge of £2.50 each to cover the cost of food and
presents. Comments were invited, James
felt that a budget should be set, Don suggested the road stewards could put
details through members' doors, perhaps with an explanation that the W&WRA
magazine is now within the Westgate “News and Directory”. It was also suggested that road stewards
could at the same time check that members had received the new magazine as some
roads do not appear to have been completely covered. The meeting did not
proceed with the Christmas party proposal.
3) Literary Festival. The W&WRA has been asked if one of the
speakers for the children's literary event could be sponsored for £100. There
would be useful publicity/advertising associated with this, and the proposal
was agreed by the meeting.
Joanna Cornford initiated a discussion on where
cards could be obtained reasonably. It
was generally thought that KCC Warden Laura would be most helpful with
information about local residents who may benefit by a kind word and card. Joanna reported that Joan Penhallow is now
back in Westgate (at Eaton Lodge).
The Vice-Chairman introduced member Clare Hastings
who has been co-opted to the committee, and she was welcomed by the meeting.
Westgate-on-Sea Heritage Centre at St Saviour's Church. Saturday 12th October (second
Saturday) 10.30am, a talk by Dr Dawn Crouch “Streete Court Boys' School and its
literary link”.
Margate Civic Society at the Walpole Bay Hotel Thursday 3rd
October at 7.30pm, a talk by Amber Butchart “Nautical Chic: High Style on the
High Seas” .
Birchington Heritage Trust at Alpha Road. Thursday 26th September “A
Schoolgirl's War” by Mary Smith.
1) New Year Lunch. Jacquie had made enquiries at St Augustines
and passed round sample menus, a possible free date is 12th January,
and cost per person £21.
2) Other Events. Members were asked to make their preferences
known for all age groups.
1) Kerb Edges. Chris Wyer pointed out the large number of
weeds in roads, and had cleared some near his home with a shovel, there was
also graffiti in the shelters.
2) Domneva Road. A bungalow had been built so close to another
building, that it could make very difficult for fire fighters should they be
3) Litter Collection by
Volunteers. Members were appalled to
learn that litter collected by volunteers had been classed by the amenity tip
as industrial waste and refused.
4) Hedge Cutting. Heat seeking equipment is being introduced to
conserve wildlife.
5) St Mildred's Bay Car
Park. A proposal from a member that the
WTC and W&WRA lobby the TDC to dispense with car parking charges in the
summer as this is hardly ever used due to unrealistically high charges. It is suggested that the loss to TDC would be
minimal, (under FOI regulations is it possible to be advised of the annual
revenue of this car park?), and more visitors would be encouraged and the street
parking in the area relieved which has been to the detriment of local
6) The Old St Mildred's Putting
Green. Provision of picnic tables has
been mentioned over the years, what are the pros and cons for this? Could these be provided from the W&WRA,
and be stored in the council hut during the winter?
7) St Mildred's Bay
Toilets. There is a rumour these may be
replaced by portaloos. If this is
correct could we be advised of the situation regarding the shower facilities
(required for a blue flag beach).
8) Wheelie Bins. The lid of a black bin was broken off during
collection and lost in the collecting lorry on 8th April. Several phone calls were made during the next few weeks, and TDC instructions were to
leave the bin out at the front so that the operative could check the size and
type required, also being advised this would take about TWENTY WEEKS. There has still been no action from TDC, and
another call was made to them explaining that whilst out at the front items
have been placed in it including recyclables and dog poo, and the rain fills up
in the bin so that all the rubbish has to be sorted out in a solution of dog
poo, hardly compliant to conditions appropriate to health and safety. We would ask how long does it take to replace
a bin lid?
9) Code of Conduct. This as discussed at a previous meeting was
put to the vote for adoption, and unanimously accepted.
10) MacMillan Coffee
Morning. To be held at the Bake House on
Wednesday 25th September from 10.00am to 12.00noon.
Monday 14th October, at the Bake House
7.00pm for 7.15pm.
The meeting concluded at 9.10pm.
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