Thursday, 18 April 2019




Ray Taylor (chair), thirty members, TDC Cllrs Ash Ashbee, Sam Bambridge, and Carol Messenger, and WTC Cllrs Joanna Cornford, and Matthew Scott. PCSO Susie Temple-White, and guest speakers from Save our Stroke Units and Community Life Savers.


1.  Save Our Stroke Units.  The chairman introduced Pauline Barratt and Dr Coral Jones campaigning to save four local stroke units, and not reducing East Kent to three only which would exclude the unit  at the QEQM Hospital, thereby causing a road journey of over an hour for patients to be taken to Ashford, when fast treatment for the condition is so essential.  The idea has come about due to budgets, and could even lead to the A&E unit being downgraded.  It has now been referred back to the Secretary of Health and the vote has been delayed until after 2nd May (when elections for councillors takes place).
A question from the  floor asked about the “staff shortages” referred to, but it appeared that there has not been a proactive policy for recruiting staff, in fact some members present had had members of staff in their family being told that their jobs would not be there in the future.
Residents were asked to be active in contacting their KCC Councillors, (details may be found on the website).  The speakers were warmly thanked.

2.  Community Life Savers.  The chairman then introduced Petra and Nicky, who are keen to see more defibrillators and trained local residents available.  Access to defibrillators needs to be quick as the ambulance service is stretched and may take some time to arrive.  A question from the floor, how do we get one?  This is by calling 999 when you will be informed where the nearest one is, for Westbrook it was thought that the Bowls Club would make a good position if a cabinet could be put up on the  perimeter.
Two hours of training is offered free of charge.  This is a Thanet initiative. 

Apologies had been received from Pat Castle, Pam O'Toole, Pat Sawyer-Jones, Sylvia and Tony Sykes, Mavis Vaughan and TDC Cllr Mick Tomlinson, and WTC Cllr Hannah Scott.

The minutes of the last meeting, (11/03/19), which had been circulated, were agreed as a correct record on a prop. by James Brazier sec. by Cllr Carol Messenger, and adopted, and signed.

1)      The Sunken Gardens.  Cllr Ash Ashbee was warmly thanked for seeing that the gardens were quickly and thoroughly cleaned up after the travellers had left considerable rubbish and mess behind.  There is now a campaign to raise £2000 to continue the improvements already started by the volunteer group co-ordinated by Peter Hasted.  The gardens are already looking better.     

REPORTS: Councillors-KCC, TDC, WTC. PCSOs and Wardens.

PCSO Susie Temple-White:
1.      Theft of Car Number Plates.  This has been taking place in the area recently, and residents are advised to be vigilant.
2.      Rough Sleepers.  There are still some in the area, and locals are advised to call in with the details.
3.      Cold Call Scams.  There are scams being received about income tax, council tax, etc.  On receipt of such calls they should be reported to action fraud, and also the police on 101, or by using the Kent Police website chat line.

TDC Cllr Carol Messenger:
1)      Thank You.  Cllr Carol thanked all the residents for their support during her four years in office.
2)      Lymington Road Recreation Ground.  Following recent antisocial behaviour the area has been visited by the PCSO and the ASB unit and the problem has reduced.    

TDC Cllr Ash Ashbee:
1)      Thank You.  Cllr Ash thanked residents for their support, and said she had learnt a great deal during her time in office re council procedures etc.
2)      Old Westbrook Phone Box.  This has at last been removed.
3)      Travellers.   These had moved on due to prompt action. In the long term a “no stop” policy was being looked at, but the council would have to provide two sites, one permanent, and one temporary (for 28 days).                                                                                                                                       

WTC Cllr Matthew Scott:
1)      Community Meeting re 2000 Houses Proposal.  Matthew thanked all who had attended.
2)      WTC Annual Meeting.  This is to take place on 17th April at the Community Centre.  There is a ramp for use by those disabled.
3)      Saturday Surgeries.  These continue on the third Saturday in the  month at the library 10.00am to 11.30am.
4)      Westgate in Bloom.  Volunteers are welcome for tree planting on Friday 12th April at Lymington Road.  South East Rail are working hard on their area.  Bulbs that had been planted in an area that was subsequently mowed by contractors, but it was hoped not much damage was done as they had not grown much at this time.  Don Eacott pointed out that packs of seeds for wild flowers for bees were available from Aldi for £1.50.

1)      The AGM.  This will be held at the Westbrook Bowls Club on 13th May.
2)      Period of Uncertainty.  During the closure of the  Bake House members had been enjoying meeting in other organisations' coffee mornings, and the ones in the Bake house had now resumed on Wednesdays.  Unfortunately there had been a low level of attendance and for a rental of £17 only now averaging takings of £4.  An additional coffee morning had been started in the United Services Club by a local councillor under the name of the W&WRA, but this would not have been covered by our public liability.  Our name is not now used so there is now no objection.        As there is now nowhere to store the donated and lent pictures that were on the walls, it was hoped to return any where that was the owner's wish or could possibly be donated to the WTC or Westgate Heritage Centre.
3)      Easter Egg Hunt.  This will take place on Easter Saturday 20th April.
4)      Proposed Beach Party.  On contacting the TDC events team an exceedingly large amount of paper work was required, the chairman had done this only to receive a further large quantity requiring more information and was difficult to understand.
5)      Repairs Cafe.  The chairman put out this idea as many retired residents have skills to make repairs, thereby saving landfill and providing a social forum. Cllr Ash asked if there was any site in mind, and the chairman said there were two possible. 

Cllr Joanna Cornford said she hopes the Bake House will be used at times when the W&WRA was not using it and had hoped that it would work out less expensive for the W&WRA.

Save Thanet Coast Project.  An email had been received via member Tony Sykes concerning the proposal to cut (Tony Child) the organiser's post.  It asked that this be brought to the attention of all councillors.  There are one hundred volunteers and one paid co-ordinator who look after the coast, report on conditions, and bring to the public awareness of  the beaches and environmental matters.

1)      6, Carlton Road East.  Application to change existing windows to front and rear from UPVC to aluminium and replacement of UPVC door to rear with aluminium bi-folding doors.
2)      7, Hundreds Farm Stables.  Conversion of garages into habitable rooms. GRANTED.
3)      16, Seymour Avenue.  First floor side extension over existing garage conversion.  GRANTED.
4)      78, Canterbury Road, Margate.  Change of use of garden land to nursery use with existing nursery, with erection of single storey building for additional classroom and play space.  GRANTED.

The bank balance stands at £4,888 as at 28th February.  Refunds from credits owed to the W&WRA by the water and electricity companies are still awaited, as they say they require proof that the contract had ended, and they are still deducting money from the credits as the direct debits have been cancelled.
The accounts have been audited by Mr Jarvis, and agreed and are ready for the AGM.
Our treasurer Sam Secomb has had to stand down as she will be very busy for the next two years and was warmly thanked for her excellent work.

Ray Taylor informed the meeting that the magazine is now going out with the road stewards.

No report.

Christina reported that the subscriptions will be coming in as the magazines go out.

Westgate Heritage Centre:  Next meeting Saturday 4th May at 10.30am at St Saviour's Church, when there will be an illustrated  talk by Dr Graham Field - “Kent Lodge, Westgate Bay Avenue, Home of the Meyer Family”.

Civic Society: Thursday 9th May at the Walpole Bay Hotel at 7.30pm,  when the Town pride awards will be made followed by refreshments, (guests £4.50).  James Brazier pointed out that there are two buildings selected for entry that are in Westgate, namely Brompton Villas, 34, Westgate Bay Avenue, and Sandy Villas near the Knot.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

1)      Twiddle Muffs for those with Dementia.  Lorraine Hambidge requested pieces of old materials and buttons which will be sewn into muffs that will go to the QEQM Hospital.  The materials are also used to make mastectomy cushions.
2)      Local Tennis for Adults.  New member Mr Derek Heptinstall, having recently moved to Westgate said he is hoping to start a group at the courts at St Mildred's Bay.  The first session will start on Sunday afternoon 21st April.
3)      Broken Wheelie Bin Lids.  Cllr Ash pointed out that if a bin is damaged during collection the TDC will repair or replace this.
4)      Memorial Benches from Westgate Heritage Centre.  Two  are available thanks to the Co-op local community fund, but Dr Dawn Crouch has had problems with the councils as to obtaining approval for the siting of these and would be grateful for help from councillors.
5)      Committee.  Lorraine Hambidge thanked the committee for their hard work over the year.                                        

Monday 13th May, will be the AGM at the Bowls Club 7.00pm for 7.15pm.  

There being no other business the meeting concluded at 8.50pm.

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