Another one bites the dust
Another open space for disposal Highfield Road, Ramsgate along with Dalby Square and a great chunk of Hartsdown park.
Thanet is already very poor for green open spaces so why are we disposing of more?
Councillor Chris Wells says "One figure about life expectancy in the area being 17 years lower than the best in Kent has already been widely publicised. In today’s society, to still have differences like that is appalling. We need and will do whatever we can do to change them.”
Err!! Open Spaces have a direct effect on our health and well being. Selling them off to developers does not help.
No wonder residents are revolting. At the Westgate and Westbrook Resident's Association last Monday a motion was passed deploring the Council's action of passing plans for a football stadium and taking a large chunk of Hartsdown Park.
Laura Sandys Talks about a green Thanet. Maybe she should take a look at what our council is doing as green fades to grey.
Many of our open spaces were acquired under the Public Health Act of 1875 for the well being of its residents so is it right to put them into the hands of developers?
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