New sign very kindly arranged and funded by Mick Tomlinson Ward Councillor

Kent Wildlife Trust at Work recording plantlife on site.
New Sign recognises new Nature ParkMick Tomlinson ward councillor and Ex-Mayor unveiled a sign for the Westbrook Undercliffe Nature Park On Wednesday 22 June which he kindly arranged and funded. The press attended and a report should appear in this week's Isle of Thanet Gazette. This recognises the start of a long term project which started with a volunteer day in February 2011 with the clearing and planting of shrubs and seeding of wildflowers. The site will be managed by local volunteers and Thanet District Council in partnership with Kent Wildlife Trust.
The shrubs have been difficult to establish this year due to the spring drought. Although some have survived it may be necessary to replant some more in the autumn. Generally the park will be left mainly in its natural state with some management to enhance biodiversity.
Kent Wildlife Trust surveyed the site and recorded plant, animal and bird life. Once this list is completed, it is hoped that a management plan can be drafted. The site was successfully registered as a Town Green in February 2011 giving it protection from any future development and conserving this natural green open space.
Future activities will include cutting and bailing the grass in the autumn to encourage more wildflowers for next year, replanting shrubs where necessary and introducing appropriate wildflower seeds. It has been gratifying that this year people have been pleased to see the experimental displays of poppies, cornflowers and other wildflowers introduced. The site has also a number of native species already thriving on the site and it is hope to encourage these with careful management.
It is also hoped that local schools may like to be involved with projects in the future.
This site has brought together councillors from all denominations with the aim of helping preserve green open spaces like this one.
The project is a partnership between Thanet District Council, Kent Wildlife Trust, Thanet Coast Project, Natural England and local volunteers. If you would like to help please email: . Telephone Kent Wildlife Trust on 01622 357860 or Thanet Coast Project on 01843 577672.