From the Open Spaces Society's web page. Link http://www.oss.org.uk/we-slate-thanet’s-plan-to-sell-beauty-spot/
"We slate Thanet’s plan to sell beauty spot
18 December 2009
We have objected strongly to plans by Thanet District Council to sell its land below Ramsgate’s West Cliff in Kent. Thanet Council has consulted local people about this and we are backing the objection by our member, Pegwell and District Association, and many individuals.
This lovely area of wild greenspace, at the far end of the promenade, is of immense natural beauty and rich in wildlife.
It is much valued by local people as an area where they can escape and dream by the sea. It is tranquil and scenic with lovely views along the coast. There are very few areas which are so wild and undeveloped.
We consider that it would be a tragedy if it were sold and developed, and we have urged the council to retain it so that it can be enjoyed by people and wildlife."
Thanet District Council 2006 plan shows "There is an existing level of provision of 0.95 ha per 1000 population. This equates to 1.05 ha per 1000 population less than the national recommended level of provision i.e. English Nature Standard. The recommended minimum standard of future provision for Natural/Semi-Natural Greenspace is 2 ha per 1000 population; to raise the current level and location of provision, given the nature of the district, could be achieved by the introduction of the new community woodlands, consider the development of a country park at Quex and
introducing semi natural greenspace into existing parks."
Maybe I do not understand but does this not say that Thanet has less than half the open spaces that it should have? So why is TDC acting like a vandal and trying to dispose of sites like this and others like our proposed Village Green at Westbrook?
The Westbrook site and Ramsgate site are both on our coast. They are too valuable to lose to tacky developments that we are used to in Thanet.