Saturday, 23 June 2018




Mick Tomlinson (chair), twenty members, and TDC Cllrs Sam Bambridge and Carol Messenger, WTC Cllr Matt Scott, and KCC Warden Laura Bungard.
The chairman welcomed all to the meeting. 

Apologies had been received from Pat Castle, and Sylvia and Tony Sykes.

The chairman thanked all involved with running the AGM, as due to the clash of dates with Mayor Making he had been unable to attend.

The minutes of the last meeting, (14/05/18), which had been circulated, were agreed as a correct record on a prop. by Carol Messenger sec. by Mavis Vaughan, and adopted, and signed.

1)      Post Boxes.  Mick had followed up information provided by Tony Snow, and had received the information that they would be refurbished, but no date was given.
2)      Blocked Drains.  A number had been reported, and there was concern that when the grass was eventually cut the amount of cuttings could cause additional blocking.
3)      Road Repairs.  Members had seen circles on the tarmac of Canterbury Road between George V Avenue and the BP garage indicating areas for repair, but   Mick informed the meeting that it was not due for complete resurfacing.   

REPORTS: Councillors-KCC, TDC, WTC. PCSOs and Wardens.
TDC Cllr Sam Bamford:
1)      Parking.  Both Sam and Cllr Carol messenger had had a private meeting with Cllr Bayford, and in view of the very large number of signatures received against the proposals there would be no parking charges in Westgate.
2)      Westgate Pavilion.  This had been purchased by a community group, and would continue to be available to Westgate and the London School of English.
3)      Manston.  The DCO is to be re-submitted at the end of the month.
4)      Grass Verges.  KCC are two to three weeks behind with this due to new staff being under training and machinery breakdown.  (KCC are responsible for the verges, and TDC for open spaces and parks).
5)      Virgin Cable Laying.  This had caused problems in some areas, and is under the responsibility of KCC, but TDC may be able to help with problems if contacted.  The level of repair is supposed to be “up to standard”, there have been several different contractors involved.  Concern was expressed in case drains became blocked with the debris.

WTC Cllr Matt Scott:
1)      Councillor Vacancy.  Names have gone forward for consideration for the position.
2)      Monthly Surgeries.  These take place on the third Saturday of the  month at the library from 10.30am to 11.30am.

Questions.  James Brazier asked if the pavement cleaning machines were in use.  These had been seen at work.

1)      The chairman expressed thanks to members and to Ray, vice-chairman for standing in when he was unable to attend due to clashes with other meetings.
2)      Parking Proposals.  People power and our two councillors, and over five thousand signatures submitted to TDC had resulted in withdrawal of the proposals for Westgate and Birchington.  Also Westbrook had been exempted from the proposals.  The Transport Board meetings who make the decisions consist of County, District and Town Councillors together with officers, and councils are not permitted to use parking fees for other projects. 
3)      Street Cleaning.  Mick thought this was a disgrace.  The question of other towns such as Herne Bay being so much cleaner than Thanet arose, here we have bins overflowing and fly tipping litter on buses etc.  Some thought it could be lack of civic pride, and the charges made for removing rubbish.
4)      Housing Numbers.  Twenty thousand houses are planned, two government inspectors are present as the local plan  did not make the deadline.  Some are planned over the ground of Margate Cricket Club, but this is part of the route of the Tivoli Brook.
5)      Barnes Car Park.  On the village green area are three tents in residence, with lack of facilities in the immediate area this is proving unhygienic.  Both Westbrook councillors have emailed TDC but the officers have told them to ask them to move on which is unsatisfactory.
6)      Beach within Reach.  There is concern about the Margate depot as Leisure Force have sacked the beach inspector who looks after the stock and do not intend to find a replacement.
7)      W&WRA 60th Anniversary.  Ray reported that the slide show, food, plates, tombola, and entertainment are going ahead.  Those helping to set up will meet at 11.00am, and the event will open at 1.00pm.

1)      Police emails warned of thefts from and of cars.  One had been stolen from Westgate Bay Avenue when the thief had entered a hall and picked up a car key.  Scam telephone calls are being received, and residents are reminded never to give out their credit card or bank details.

1)      38, St Mildred's Road.  Change of use to upper floors to flats with insertion of rooflight, and ground floor for cycle and refuse storage.  GRANTED.
2)      3, Marilyn Court, 73, Sea Road.  Installation of replacement windows with partial infill of original window opening.  GRANTED.
3)      Land North West of Seabathing Hospital.  Erection of ten 2 bedroom dwellings with parking access and landscaping.  REFUSED.
4)      Land North West of Seabathing Hospital.  Application for listed building consent for demolition of part of western boundary wall to facilitate vehicular access from Westbrook Gardens.  GRANTED.
5)      Lockwoods Yard, The Grove.  Application for erection of 2/3/4 storey to existing factory creating offices and light industrial use with parking together with demolition of existing paint store.
6)      Lockwoods yard, The Grove.  Application for listed  building consent for erection of part 2/3/4 storey extension as in (5) above.
7)      3, Lymington Road. Change of use from micro-pub to restaurant. GRANTED.
8)      3, Mutrix Road.  Application for erection of single storey side and rear extension.
9)      27, Station Road.  Application for erection of one two storey building for workshop/office following demolition of existing building.
10)  Westgate-on-Sea United Services Club.  Retrospective application to replace three timber framed single glazed windows with UPVC double glazed windows.
11)  39 – 41, Sea Road.  Change of use of existing care home buildings to eight 2 bed flats, one 6bed dwelling and a 26 bedroom supported living accommodation.
12)  201A, Westbrook Avenue.  Erection of single storey 2 bed annexe to rear following demolition of existing buiilding. GRANTED.
13)  16, Cliffe Avenue.  Erection of canopy to rear.  GRANTED.
14)  105, Sea road.  Installation of dormer window and balcony to first floor front elevation.  REFUSED.
15)  1/1, Beach Rise.  Retrospective application for the replacement of two timber windows to UPVC French doors to rear elevation.  GRANTED.
16)  155, Sea Road.  Single storey rear extension with balcony over external stairs , first floor infill extension with balcony to front elevation and alterations to fenestration above garage.  GRANTED.
17)  2/58, Westgate Bay Avenue.  Erection of external staircase and canopy to rear elevation following removal of existing.  GRANTED.
18)  1, Meadow  Road.  Erection of single storey rear extension.                                                                                         

As given two weeks ago at the committee meeting.  Bank balance £5,750, more subscriptions had come in during April, and with the tea money there had been an income of £418.  

Ray Taylor reported that the next magazine will be ready about mid July.  Any articles will be very welcome.  The facebook following is growing.

Mavis reported that just one thank you card was sent this month. 

Christina reported that most of the subscriptions were now in, and thanked the road stewards.
GDPR.  The self assessment questionnaire had shown that there was no requirement for the W&WRA to pay any fee, and as we are non profit making no need to register, but we must follow the rules.
Christina is our data controller, and any member has the right to be “forgotten” if required and requested.

Westgate Heritage Centre:  Saturday 7th July at 10.30am at St Saviour's Church, illustrated talk by member Pat Orpwood on Freddie Lonsdale, playwright and London Theatre Manager, who had important links with Westgate-on-Sea.

Civic Society: Thursday 14th June at 7.30pm at The Walpole Bay Hotel, Mr Rod LeGear will give a talk “Margate Caves and Thanet's Underground Heritage”.

A box is provided in the Bake House for returning the questionnaire in the magazine about events that members would like to have.
A music quiz is being arranged for July.
Next Sunday lunch at the Swan is on 24th June list for names in the Bake House.

1)      Power Cuts.  A useful contact phone number is 115 from which information about the cut and likely duration is given if possible.
2)      Abandoned Car.  This was reporteed to be in The Grove.  Mick suggested contacting the TDC site, putting in the details, and this should then be removed. 
3)      Margate Town Council?  Mick confirmed tht there were no immediate plans to create a  Margate Town Council.
4)      New Miles and Barr signs showing “slow down”.  This was a new gimmick, and has been reported.

Monday 9th July at The Bowls Club.  

There being no other business the meeting concluded at 8.30pm.

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