Monday, 7 May 2018




Mick Tomlinson (chair) and eighteen members.
The chairman welcomed all to the meeting. 

Apologies had been received from Alan Harris, Bob Loxley, Sylvia and Tony Sykes,  TDC Cllr Ash Ashbee, and WTC Cllrs Joanna Cornford and Matthew Scott.

The minutes of the last meeting, (12/3/18), which had been circulated, were agreed as a correct record on a prop. by Don Eacott sec. by Ray Taylor, and adopted, and signed.

1)      Garlinge Post Office.  James Brazier reported that this was about to reopen.
2)      Road Car Sales/Obstructions.  Cars in Rowena and other roads had been served with police notices, and if left there would be removed.
3)      Parking generally is receiving  more attention, the wardens now have the latest technology for checking purposes.
4)      Rough Sleepers.  The local ones have refused help, which makes action difficult.
5)      Margate Carnival.  This will now process through Westbrook this year.
6)      Post Boxes.  These are soon to be refurbished.
7)      Hanging Flower Baskets.  The W&WRA had passed over all the money from the TDC to the nursery, and the balance of £300 is to be paid by the WTC, as agreed by a letter from the former Town Clerk.

REPORTS: Councillors-KCC, TDC, WTC. PCSOs and Wardens.
Don Eacott reported that scam phone calls were still being received concerning PPI. There are also “con” letters in a format similar to government letters re PPI, they may help claims, but then keep one third of the money recovered.
Another scam involves a “barrister” phoning about a high court appearance about money supposedly owed.  If the telephone no is given this may be looked up in Google, and  should also be reported to BT 150, and Action Fraud.

1)      Pot Holes.  Mick thanked those who had sent photos in and said these are now due to be repaired.
2)      Signs Formerly on Canterbury Road.  The present location of these was not known.
3)      Manston Airport.  The DCO had been submitted to the government today, the planning inspectorate then has up to twenty eight days to say yes  or no.
4)      Virgin Media Cables.  Millions of pounds of investment is being made.  The former contractors have gone and the new ones are leaving the ground in a much better state.  They are not legally required to replace paving slabs except in conservation areas.
5)      Stroke Services.  Mick had brought information  sheets which would be left in the Bake House.  At present closure of the A&E at Margate is not being considered, but the possibility of a large hospital in Canterbury is being looked at.
6)      Street Cleaning/Shelters etc.  These are to be improved, so also the toilet block on Margate sea front, but some of the art work suggested seemed over expensive.  A new restaurant is supposed to be opening where the double decker bus cafe is set up, (owned by the Sands Hotel Group).
7)      Margate Town Team.  This was set up by Mary Portas with £100,000 funding and progress can be looked up on line.

1)      Tony Sykes had sent an update on the Westbrook Undercliff Bumble Bee project, outlining the next action will be some signage on cliff top greens explaining why some areas will be cut less often to encourage wild flowers.  Some bee friendly flowers will be planted in the Sunken Gardens.  New volunteers welcome, details in the Bake House.
2)      Skip in Barnes Car Park.  TDC are trying to have this removed.

1)      3, Marilyn Court, 73, Sea Road.  For installation of replacement windows with partial infill of original window openings.
2)      4&5 Beach Houses, Royal Crescent.  Change of use of no4 from single dwelling house to two self contained flats with balconies, and balconies to no5.
3)      Westerly, Carlton Rise.  Erection of balcony to front side and rear over existing garage, with door at first floor level.  REFUSED.
4)      145, Canterbury Road, Margate.  Change of use from HMO to single dwelling with erection of porch, boundary wall, fence and gate.  GRANTED.
5)      12, Westgate Bay Avenue.  Formation of vehicular access with hardstanding.
6)      76, Royal Esplanade.  Erection of porch with flat roof, following demolition of existing  porch and utility room.
7)      33, Minster Road.  Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing extension.
8)      20/21 Roxburgh Road.  Erection of single storey workshop, for light industrial use with parking and access to Edith  Road.  WITHDRAWN.
9)      4/1, Beach Rise.  Retrospective application for roof light to the rear.
10)  11, Royal  Esplanade.  Relocation of door on first level enlargement of dormer windows, loft conversion, window, turret, and balcony alterations, and single storey side extension and garage following demolition of existing side extension and garage.
11)  2/58, Westgate Bay Avenue.  Erection of external staircase and porch to rear elevation following removal of existing.
12)  105, Sea Road.  Installation of dormer window and balcony to first floor rear.
13)  16, Cliffe Aveune.  Erection of canopy/awning off front edge of existing recessed first floor balcony at the rear.
14)  10, Domneva Road.  Erection of detached dwelling with associated parking and amenity space following part demolition of existing property.
15)  155, Sea Road.  Erection of single storey rear extension with  balcony and first floor infill extension.                                                                                         

Accounts had been sent for auditing, and the bank balance was healthy at around £6,000.  

Ray Taylor reported that road stewards are now taking the new magazines out to members.

Mavis reported that four cards had been sent out during March. 

Christina reported that the subscriptions had started to come in for the new year.

Westgate Heritage Centre:  Saturday 5th May at 10.30am at St Saviour's Church, illustrated talk by Dr Graham Field “A Rolling Kentish Stone” - the storey of one resident of Roxburgh Road.

Civic Society: Thursday 10th May at 7.30pm at The Walpole Bay Hotel, Town Pride Awards followed by refreshments.

Ray Taylor reminded the meeting that the special event/party will take place on Saturday 23rd June at the Community Centre from 1.00pm to 5.00pm.  There will be a  buffet by Angelos and Fredericks also tea/coffee and seating inside and out.   Entertainment is being arranged, from King Ethelbert School a  band, poetry group, dancers and singing, also a ukulele group, rock group. The Blend singers, Mick T and his music. Local artists, Westgate Against Rubbish, and other groups may run displays and stalls. There will be a slide show of W&WRA activities and people over the years.  Tickets will be £2 adults and £1 for children, these will be on sale at the Bake House up to one week before the event. If possible an ice cream van will be arranged.

1)      Police Communications:  Warnings to keep the rear of properties secure following burglaries, and vehicles as secure as possible have been received.   The new local PCSO holds surgeries at the library on the first Wednesday of the month after lunch (2.00pm to 3.30pm).
2)      Westgate-on-Sea Town Council.  The third annual public assembly meeting takes place at the Community Centre on Wednesday 11th April at 7.00pm.  Only those registered for Westgate elections are permitted to speak, which, it was pointed out from  the floor, would exclude residents of Essex Road and other nearby roads, and those regularly in Westgate who live just outside the electoral boundary. 
3)      Young Man in Westgate asking for money for bus fare.  When he tried this in the Bake House, fortunately KCC Warden Laura was present as he is not supposed to do this, the bus staff take his name and address and allow him on to get home.  The chairman said that the W&WRA should obtain an incident book to record any such events.
4)      Miscellaneous: Telephone Kiosk by Westbrook Bridge.  It was noted that this did not contain a telephone.  A house near the front in Hengist Road has had blue roof tiles replaced by grey ones.  A van has been parked on the pavement outside the houses of Chris Wyer and his neighbour, and is in danger of causing a cover to collapse.  The number of Thanet road sweepers has been reduced from 74 to 38.  The fine for littering is to go up from £80 to £150.

The chairman, Mick Tomlinson, told the meeting that he was thinking of relinquishing his duties, as he cannot guarantee his attendance at all W&WRA meetings due to clashes with TDC business.

 Monday 14th May at The Bowls Club.   The AGM will be held followed by a short general meeting.

There being no other business the meeting concluded at 8.52pm.

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