Tuesday, 12 December 2017

The Great British Rake Off

WASPS Help Bees

A group of volunteers formed a working party today (12 Dec 17). Following an Autumn cut, the Westbrook Undercliffe Town Green was raked. This was to ensure that nutrients were not returned to the soil in advance of planting wild flowers. This is part of a project, which started today, called "Buzz on the Coast".
The Bumble Bee Trust has secured funding to enhance this site and encourage various species of Bumble Bees some of which are struggling to survive.

More information can be found on this link  Buzz on the Coast.


If you are interested in activities, surveys, bee walks or other activities please enter your details on the Bumble Bee Conservation site. Alternatively get in touch with the Thanet Coast Project on 01843 577672.

Site to be enhanced

From now on work will continue to change the rank state of this site to allow wild flowers to be introduced and so encourage bumble bees to flourish.

Tree/shrub Planting

The unfortunate cutting of trees/shrubs as reported on a previous posting of this blog on 28th October, have been trimmed in the hope that some will survive and regenerate. However I understand that Thanet District Council have agreed to replace these trees, so hopefully they can be inter-planted between the existing beds to allow any survivors to grow.

More pictures of work in progress.

Well done volunteers great job.

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