Saturday, 28 October 2017

Council Contractors Devastate Nature Park

 Sadness as Trees and Shrubs Destroyed

A recent cut to the Westbrook Undercliff has resulted in trees and shrubs being destroyed.

These trees and shrubs were planted in 2011 by volunteers lead by Kent Wildlife Trust and other organisations with support from the Mayor of Margate, who at that time was Mick Tomlinson. The land had just been registered as a Town Green. Of the 100 that were planted about 50% survived in this hostile environment. These included hawthorn, hazel, tamarisk, sea buck-thorn and others. It took 5 years to establish and growth had just started to accelerate and blossom had appeared this year. It is really sad to see these trees and shrubs destroyed by indiscriminate cutting.

Normally cuts are arranged by Thanet District Council in liaison with Thanet Coast Project and the WASPS group so areas of planting would be avoided. We do not know what has happened but no one was advised of the cut. We do not know whether it is out of ignorance or incompetence due to the high turnover of officers at TDC but all we do know is we have lost these trees and shrubs to the detriment of wildlife.

The Open Spaces Department are supposed to work with communities and with projects like "Buzz on the Coast" by the Bumble Bee Trust which due to start and we must ensure that lines of communication are solid.

Foreness Point

We have also heard that a similar incident has occurred at Foreness Point where habitats for migrating birds have been destroyed.

October 2017 Cut

History February 2011
Mayor Plants Sapling

Sea Buckthorn

Beds cleared for planting

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