Saturday, 28 October 2017

Council Contractors Devastate Nature Park

 Sadness as Trees and Shrubs Destroyed

A recent cut to the Westbrook Undercliff has resulted in trees and shrubs being destroyed.

These trees and shrubs were planted in 2011 by volunteers lead by Kent Wildlife Trust and other organisations with support from the Mayor of Margate, who at that time was Mick Tomlinson. The land had just been registered as a Town Green. Of the 100 that were planted about 50% survived in this hostile environment. These included hawthorn, hazel, tamarisk, sea buck-thorn and others. It took 5 years to establish and growth had just started to accelerate and blossom had appeared this year. It is really sad to see these trees and shrubs destroyed by indiscriminate cutting.

Normally cuts are arranged by Thanet District Council in liaison with Thanet Coast Project and the WASPS group so areas of planting would be avoided. We do not know what has happened but no one was advised of the cut. We do not know whether it is out of ignorance or incompetence due to the high turnover of officers at TDC but all we do know is we have lost these trees and shrubs to the detriment of wildlife.

The Open Spaces Department are supposed to work with communities and with projects like "Buzz on the Coast" by the Bumble Bee Trust which due to start and we must ensure that lines of communication are solid.

Foreness Point

We have also heard that a similar incident has occurred at Foreness Point where habitats for migrating birds have been destroyed.

October 2017 Cut

History February 2011
Mayor Plants Sapling

Sea Buckthorn

Beds cleared for planting

Wednesday, 18 October 2017




Mick Tomlinson (Chair)  thirty five members, and TDC Cllr Ash Ashbee, and WTC Cllrs Joanna Cornford and Tom King.
The chairman welcomed all to the meeting. 

Apologies had been received from Bob Loxley, Sam Secomb, Christina and Ray Taylor and KCC Warden Laura Bungard.  

The minutes of the last meeting, (11/09/17), which had been circulated were agreed as a correct record on a prop. by Chris Wyer sec. by Pat Sawyer-Jones, and adopted, and signed.

1)      TV Interference.  Information is still awaited.
2)      Barnes Car Park.  The current notice still reads the same as before.
3)      Road Speed Limits.  Some 20mph maximum speed areas have been introduced outside schools and at other spots.
4)      Defibrillator.  This has been obtained by the Town Council, and the location   for it is to be announced shortly.  Tony Sykes pointed out that there is information on the TDC website regarding the location of defibrillators in Thanet.    

REPORTS: Councillors-KCC, TDC, WTC.  PCSOs and Wardens.

TDC Cllr Ash Ashbee:
1)      Manston.  The DCO will be submitted in November, when there will be twenty eight days for the government to take it forward.
2)      Draft Local Plan.  This goes to scrutiny next  month, and there will be four workshop meetings.  The final plan will go to full council in January 2018.
3)      Local Issues.  Councillors are aware of parking issues.  Advice from the consultant (formerly the asset manager) regarding Westbrook shelters is for local councillors to “adopt” them, for which there is a process.  It would now be an appropriate time for the KCC to reconsider installation of a zebra crossing in Westgate Bay Avenue.  Netting repairs are needed for part of the St Mildred's Bay tennis courts.   

It was noted that further accidents had taken place in Westbrook Avenue where speed was often a factor.  A question from the floor enquired if meters were to be introduced in Westbrook, this would be up to KCC.  There are twelve parking enforcement officers in Thanet.

WTC Cllr Tom King:
1)      Town Clerk.  Tom reported with regret the resignation of the  Town Clerk, and said that it may prove difficult to obtain a replacement.
2)      Local Items achieved and ongoing include entertainment on the green for bank holiday, litter equipment and insurance obtained for Westgate against litter group, funding of Westgate youth project, planting tubs and flowers, responsibility for the allotment gardens, contribution and support for Christmas lighting, restoration of shelter at West Bay, provision of defibrillator, responsibility and maintenance of Lymington Road recreation ground and changing facilities.
3)      Future work would include the neighbourhood plan, provision of a beacon, St Mildred's Bay children's playground if grants available, “Westgate in Bloom”, and the remembrance day parade.
4)      Civic Society.  A complaint had been made by Cllr King to the chair of the society that the newsletter had been used as a political platform, as the charities commission require a non political basis. 

Questions arising included some knot holes in the shelter wood, litter in roads and the dual carriageway.  The litter problem was being tackled by Westgate TC supplementing the cleaning of roads already covered by TDC.  The question of dog walkers on the St Mildred's green was raised should a playground be installed.  Cllr King pointed out that there were no children's recreation facilities north of the Canterbury Road.

KCC Warden Laura Bungard:
Laura had sent in a report which was read out.  Issues dealt with included highways, potholes, lines for repainting, blocked drains, untaxed vehicles, flytipping, elderly vulnerable residents, and parking.    Laura is available by phone or message on 07969583922.  This number is also available at the Bake House. 

CHAIRMAN'S REPORT TDC Cllr Mick Tomlinson:
1)      Scam Phone Calls.  A particular one to avoid engaging with shows the first three numerals 011.  Residents are advised not to answer as the call time proves extremely expensive.
2)      W&WRA MacMillan Coffee Morning.  This had raised £330, and all the helpers were warmly thanked.
3)      The Foreshore.  Residents are asked to report anything strange, particularly if people are coming ashore in the dark hours.  The police number is 101.
4)      Barnes Car Park.  Issues and comments from local residents re motor caravans have been noted, the signs are back up and the situation is being monitored. Officers (not councillors) have to deal with this.
5)      Bridge Road.  This is in a disgraceful state, KCC and Railtrack are supposed to be responsible for upkeep.  This is being followed up.
6)      Remembrance Day Parades.  New regulations make organising these events very difficult.
7)      Children's Play Area St Mildred's.  Previous applications for this have been refused.  The nearby road was thought dangerous for children.
8)      Margate Charter Trustees.  In dividing the finances/assets owned by the Charter Trustees between Margate and Westgate Thanet Finance Dept advice had been that £22,000 was to be paid to Westgate plus a further £30,000, and two trophies.  Following a complaint by a member of the public, an investigation by a clerk and others had been made at some length, and a meeting was held to come to an agreement as to the correct figures to be agreed between Margate and Westgate.  The Charter Trustees produced a “public interest report” (available on the website), which was given consideration and agreed and a letter sent to Westgate-on-Sea Town Council requesting return of the overpayment of £18,382. 

Questions/Comments:  Cllr King said that with the division of assets £50,000 had been offered, accepted and banked, and had understood that the Charter Trustees meeting had decided to draw a line under the matter.  Cllr King also alleged that the newsletter of the Civic Society had been political in nature.  Member James Brazier said the newsletter had only reported the facts.  Cllr Ashbee told the meeting that no solitor's or auditor's letter had been produced which lead to the decision change.  Cllr Tomlinson said this was as advised by TDC officers.
At this point Cllr King left the meeting.

1)      Neighbourhood Engagement Meeting (NEM).  Next meeting to be held on 1st November at 6.30pm at Garlinge Junior School.
2)      Police Email Messages.  Beware of bogus phone calls, at present the caller pretends to be from the government and must test the durability of double glazing for which a charge will be made.  Do not engage with caller or give personal details.  Also door sellers with smoke alarms and fire extinguishers of dubious quality, beware.

1)      4, Tyson Avenue.  Erection of two storey pitched roof side and rear extension with balcony at first floor rear elevation. GRANTED.
2)      8, Royal Esplanade.  Variation of condition 2 attached to planning permission for erection of dormer window with french doors and installation of balcony to front elevation to allow for the design of the dormer window to be changed.  GRANTED.
3)      161, Westbrook Avenue.  Erection of single storey side and rear extension. GRANTED.
4)      33, Norman Road.  Erection of two storey side extension.  GRANTED.
5)      20, Wesdtcliff Gardens.  Erection of ground first and second floor rear extensions with balconies at first and second floor levels, additional side windows, and insertion of full length dormer window to to front. GRANTED
6)      21, Westcliff Gardens.  Erection of ground, first, and second floor rear extensions with balconies at first and second floor levels, additional windows, and insertion of full length dormer window.  GRANTED.
7)      10, Carlton Road West.  Erection of porch to front elevation.  GRANTED.
8)      160, Canterbury Road.  Alterations to roof to rear from hip to gable, erection of two dormer windows GRANTED.
9)      29, Domneva road.  Variation of condition 2 attached to planning permission for erection of single storey side and rear extensions and installation of balcony to first floor front elevation following demolition of existing garage to allow alteration to fenestration within the ground floor rear elevation. GRANTED.
10)  1, Sussex Mansions.  Retrospective application for the installation of wooden stairs and decking platform to rear extension.
11)  Jurrasic Jungle, 174, Canterbury Road, Margate.  Application for erection of attached two storey dwelling together with installation of replacement shop front.
12)  14, Domneva Road.  Application to replace existing timber sliding sash windows with white UPVC sliding sash windows and replace existing facia, sofit, gutter and downpipes to UPVC.
13)  Royal Seabathing Hosp. West Wing.  Application for variation of condition 36 of planning permission, change of use and conversion of hospital to residential units together with extensions and the erection of a five storey wing, to enable alterations to the design of the approved car park to serve the west wing to provide an 86 space ground level car park with pantechnicon turning  area.
14)  4 and 5 Beach Houses, Royal Crescent.  Application for change of use of No 4 from single dwelling house to 2 self contained flats including conversion of roof space of No 5 together with alterations to roof, installation of balcony to first floor front elevation of No 5 and to ground floor front elevation of Nos 4 and 5, and installation of external staircase to rear garden of No 4.
15)  Land North West of Former Seabathing Hosp.  Erection of ten 2 bed dwellings with associated parking, landscaping and access.  REFUSED.
16)  32, Bowes Avenue.  Erection of two storey rear extension, single storey side extension, porch to front elevation and first floor front extensions together with alterations to front bay window.  GRANTED.
17)  11, Westonville Avenue.  Erection of part single, part two storey rear extension and single storey side extension to existing garage.  GRANTED.
18)  Land Adjacent to 36, Westgate Bay Avenue.  Variation of condition 2 of planning permission for the erection of of three terraced dwellings to allow for the reposition and enlargement of two dormer windows to front elevation, and three dormer windows to the rear elevation, and alterations to internal layout to increase the number of bedrooms. GRANTED.

Mick reminded members that details may be seen on line using the “Thanet Planning” search box.

Sam's report was read out by the minute secretary:
The bank balance at 30th August stood at £6,723.  As at end of August nine of the twenty four advertisers in The Record had paid their invoices for the year,
A request for the buildings insurance premium to cover the period to 28th September 2017 has been received and is for £230.54.
All bills are paid up to date.

No report. 

No report.
No report.

Westgate Heritage Centre:  Saturday 4th November at 10.30am at St Saviour's Church, “Westgate Bay”, an illustrated talk by Dr Dawn Crouch. 

Margate Civic Society: Thursday 2nd November at 7.30pm at The Walpole Bay Hotel, “The Vikings are Coming” a talk by Imogen Corrigan. 

Pat Castle reported that she had sent details of W&WRA meetings and the MacMillan coffee morning to the local press.

Due to the length of this meeting and the time, it was agreed to hold over discussion  of details until the next general meeting.

1)      Quizes.  Mick offered to run another quiz either one afternoon or evening in October/November.
2)      Sunday Lunches.  A good number of members enjoyed the lunch on Sunday.  The next one to be held is on 5th November at The Swan, list for names will be in the Bake House.

1)      New Cable Laying.  Members had noted that maintenance hatch covers over junction boxes were bright yellow and therefore not always in keeping with the local area.  Also some of the trenches were sinking and could become a trip hazard.  It is understood that in these instances further surface material will be added to keep the ground level.
2)      Alleyway by Margate Station.  Chris  Wyer  reported this to be very dirty. 
3)      Bottle Banks in St Mildred's Car Park.  Members reported that two of these have been removed.

 Monday 13th November, at the Bowls Club.