Seventeen members, and WTC Cllr Joanna Cornford.
Members were welcomed to the meeting especially on such a
wet evening, and unanimously agreed to Ray Taylor taking the chair in the
absence of Mick Tomlinson.
Apologies had been received from Don and Maureen
Eacott, Vivien Osborne, Tony and Sylvia Sykes, Mick Tomlinson, and KCC Warden
Laura Bungard. .
The minutes of the last meeting, (14/08/17), which
had been circulated were agreed as a correct record on a prop. by Tony Snow
sec. by Mavis Vaughan, and adopted, and signed.
1) Barnes Car Park. Tony Snow clarified the position regarding
notices. The original notice stated “no
parking for camper vans” has now been changed to “no parking or camping overnight”. A local resident had been seen clearing up
REPORTS: Councillors-KCC, TDC, WTC. PCSOs and Wardens.
WTC Cllr Joanna Cornford:
1) Amendments to Street
Markings. Cllr Cornford drew the
meeting's attention to various roads Dunstan Avenue, St Benet's Road, and other
adjacent roads where there is to be a change of
single /double yellow lines. Full
details may be seen on the TDC website.
2) Westgate Pavilion. This is now declared an asset of community
3) Recent Town Council
Meeting. There had been a good
attendance at the recent meeting in the new venue, (Christ Church Hall). The Town Clerk has resigned, and the post has
been advertised.
4) Westgate Flowers. It was hoped to include hanging baskets next
year provided volunteers can be found to water them. If W&WRA members can do this the
appropriate baskets will be labelled “maintained by the W&WRA”. Chris Wyer thought that use of water
retention gel would help. It might be possible to use hydrants if permission is
agreed. The hanging baskets had not been
very good this year, this was due to funding confusion which caused late
KCC Warden Laura Bungard:
Laura had sent in a short report as she is on
holiday. There has been considerable
involvement with the removal of untaxed vehicles. Laura is available by phone or message on 07969583922. This number is also available at the Bake
CHAIRMAN'S REPORT TDC Cllr Mick Tomlinson: (read by
Ray Taylor):
1) Mick had expressed his
apologies about missing the W&WRA monthly meeting but had been called to
attend an emergency extraordinary meeting of the Margate Charter Trustees. This was to discuss monies that had been paid
from Margate to the then new Westgate-on-Sea Town Council, about which a
complaint had been received. The basis
on which the sum was worked out was not very clear. Mick will give full details at the next meeting.
1) Westgate Community Centre
Quiz. Saturday 23rd September
7.00pm £3.00 per person. Bring your own
food and drink.
2) Bumblebee Conservation
Trust. Funding has been secured for this project which will commence in the
Autumn. Any additional volunteers will
be welcome to join the Westbrook Group.
Full details will be given presently.
3) Police Email Messages. A reminder that police will never request
your bank details or send somebody round to transfer money or collect your cash
book/pin no/or cheque book. Any calls of
this nature are scam.
Tower House, 125, Canterbury Road. Application for new external fire escape
spiral staircase torear of building and erection of outbuilding.
11, Westonville Avenue.
Application for part single, part two storey rear extension.
Westcliff House, 37A, Sea Road. Application for four storey front/side and
rear extension with balconies, with alterations to fenestration to facilitate
conversion into twenty seven 2-bed apartments, andfour 1-bed apartments
with parking and new pedestrian access.
Land Adjacent to 36, Westgate Bay Avenue. Application for variation of condition 2 of
planning permission F/TH/15/1202 for erection of three terraced dwellings to
allow for reposition and enlargement of two dormer windows to the front and
three to the rear elevation.
11, Cliff Avenue.
Change of use from residential annexe and rear garden to school
(temporary). GRANTED.
97, Sea Road.
Two storey front side and rear extensions, and balconies to front and
rear. GRANTED.
Land to rear of 15, Victoria Avenue. Erection of two storey detached
dwelling. GRANTED.
38, St Mildred's Road.
Installation of two condenser units to the rear. GRANTED.
10, Mutrix Gardens.
Erection of single storey rear extension. GRANTED.
10) Gate
Lodge, Hundreds Farm Stables, Canterbury Road.
Application for two storey side extension.
11) 33,
Minster Road. Application for erection
of single storey rear and side extension following demolition of existing.
12) 31,
Rancorn Road. Variations of conditions 2
and 4 of consent F/TH/16/1502, change of use from sheltered housing to five
self contained flats with single storey rear extensions following demolition of
rear conservatories. GRANTED.
13) 12,
Westcliff Road. Erection of first floor
rear extension, and dormer to side elevation.
14) Vodafone,
44, Station Road. Erection of 14.4 metre
monopole with three antennas to replace existing monopole. GRANTED
Sam's report was read out by Ray:
The bank balance stood at £7,378. Bills for Young's Nursery and the magazine
printing had been paid. £1,289 had been
deposited on 21st August which consisted of subscriptions, sales of
the chairs, and quiz and tea takings.
Some advertisers had queried receiving invoices when they
believed that they had already paid.
Christina Taylor thought this could be due to the fact that the invoices
for last year had been sent out late,
and this year's had just gone out, and she would be checking this with Sam.
Ray Taylor reported that articles for the next issue were
coming in, any more would be welcome.
The facebook page was going well.
Mavis reported that just one get well card had been sent
this month, which was for our treasurer Sam who had been injured in a fall from
a horse.
Christina reported that subscriptions had mostly been
paid, and there were thirty eight new members this year so far.
Members expressed their thanks for the excellent tea party
and music provided to thank the road
stewards and tea/coffee staff for their hard work.
Westgate Heritage Centre:
Saturday 7th October at 10.30am at St Saviour's Church,
“Roxburgh Road”, an illustrated talk by Dr Dawn Crouch.
Margate Civic Society: Thursday 5th October at
7.30pm at The Walpole Bay Hotel, AGM followed by a talk on “the Secret Gardens
of Sandwich” by Steve Edney, (Head Gardener at The Salutation).
Pat Castle reported that she had sent notice of meetings and a photograph to the Gazette.
It was agreed that a sub-committee should be formed from
the membership. The actual date of
inauguration was nor known at present, but it would seem sensible to hold the celebrations in the
summer. Possibly the Community Centre or
the new centre at the Walmer Castle may be suitable venues. Ray invited everyone to send in their ideas.
Party 2nd October.
A MacMillan coffee morning will be held at the Bake
House on 29th September.
Sunday Lunches.
The next one to be held is on 8th October at The Swan, list
for names is in the Bake House.
1) Repaired Shelter. Wood knots had come out of the side giving a
tatty appearance. Cllr Cornford said
that the Financial and General Purpose committee would be dealing with this.
2) Punch and Judy Show. This had been much enjoyed by all. Chris Wyer was concerned in case an ancient
covenant had been contravened.
3) Dual Carriageway A28. It was noted that gutters and drains near the
central reservation were blocked. This
should be KCC responsibility, but if no action is taken the subject could be
brought up with WTC who will press the matter with KCC. Members' suggestions included parking bays
where the kerb is wide, and speed restrictions of 20mph.
4) Parking and Residents. Due to the charges in TDC car parks, notably
St Mildred's Bay car park, cars are parked in nearby roads, (Beach Road, Sussex
Gardens etc) to the inconvenience of residents whilst the car park remains
almost empty. (It was noted that the multi storey car parks in Ramsgate and
Margate are free on Saturdays).
5) Defibrillator. A member asked where in Westgate this is
kept. Cllr Cornford agreed to find out.
6) Westgate-on-Sea Town
Council. The new office is now up and running.
The W&WRA had requested a donation towards the fund raising
MacMillan's coffee morning. It was noted
that there was no mention of the W&WRA in the WTC website, this being due
to a contact allegedly saying that it was not required, but it has not been possible
to identify the contact concerned.
Monday 9th
October, at the Bake House.
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