Cllr Ash Ashbee who kindly chaired the meeting, and seventeen members.
Apologies had been received from the chairman Cllr Mick Tomlinson, James Brazier, Janet Smith, Sylvia Sykes, and KCC Warden Laura Bungard.
The minutes of the last meeting, (12th December 2016), which had been circulated were agreed and adopted.
1) TDC Local Planning Meeting. Councillors had been given copies of the proposals in a document which exceeded one thousand pages, and only five days to check this through. UKIP had amended the entry for Manston Airport land to “mixed use”. The plan was then sent to the cabinet which had passed it, so that in effect in the Draft Local Plan Manston Airport no longer exists. There is now to be an eight week consultation with the community, and comments and objections will be collated and sent back to the cabinet and scrutiny committee, if ratified this will then be put to the full council for a vote in June. Any houses proposed for the airport land will not cause a reduction in the number of houses proposed elsewhere. A DCO is being sought by the company Riveroak, for which the Secretary of State has permitted an environmental study. Meetings in support of Manston Airport are taking place at the Winter Gardens on 4th February, and the AGM of the Save Manston Airport Group takes place on 5th February.
2) Westbrook Avenue Crossing. Cllr Ashbee told the meeting that the reason for the delay is that KCC are not willing to start the consultation whilst the enquiry into the road death is still ongoing. This is further complicated by the election in May when new KCC Councillors will be elected. For the time being it as hoped to use a flashing speed sign when available.
3) New PCSO. His name is Tom Daley and he will be taking up duties in Westgate shortly.
REPORTS: Councillors-KCC, TDC, WTC. PCSOs and Wardens.
KCC Warden Laura Bungard: Laura's report was read to the meeting.
Laura did not have anything out of the ordinary to report, and had attended the usual call outs, and wished everyone a happy new year.
TDC Councillor Ash Ashbee:
1) Dog Excrement. Cllr Ashby has asked for more bins along the coastal paths as some have been lost. It had also been noticed that sometimes the speed of the FIDO machine was too great to collect the excrement efficiently.
2) Paper and Card Recycling Collections. Sometimes bits of this are blown away in the wind during collection, but the crews have to leave this as such delays in retrieving it would make it impossible to complete their round.
1) Westgate CCTV. A letter had been received from Rogers and Hambidge concerning the expenses of upgrading this equipment, and requesting a financial contribution of £180. Whilst the W&WRA has always been supportive of this over the years the meeting suggested that we should contact the Westgate-on-Sea Town Council to invite them also to contribute to this. Cllr Ashbee also suggested that some of the local traders and KCC might also be asked to help, and a comprehensive system of four cameras could be set up. Cllr Ashbee to make enquiries. If the WTC do not agree to assist the matter will be brought back to the next meeting.
1) 18, Gresham Avenue. Application to build a cattery was passed in spite of some objections. However a licence will be required and Cllrs Ash Ashbee and Mick Tomlinson will be speaking to the licensing officer.
2) 3 & 5 Royal Crescent. Application for extension at the rear.
3) 93 to 95 Canterbury Road. Application for warehouse and cladding.
4) 4, Queens Road. Application for single storey extension.
5) 49, Westgate Bay Avenue. Several members had noticed the ground being prepared for building, and the Holm Oak trees on the site which had been badly pollarded a year or so ago had been taken out. This being in the conservation area had caused concern that the work may have been carried out without proper planning permission.
6) Mountain Ash Trees on the Verges. Some of these had been attacked by a fungus and had to be removed.
7) Soft Verge Trees. Cllr Ashbee said that KCC will plant trees at the request of residents, but there is a charge of £140 + VAT.
In the absence of Sam Secomb the report given on 19th December to the committee was read out. The bank balance stood at £5,502 and all bills are paid up to date.
Muriel Atkins was warmly congratulated on the production of the magazine.
No report.
Christina had no special items to report.
Westgate Heritage Centre: Next meeting is Saturday 4th February at St Saviour's Church at 10.30am when there will be a pictorial journey of Sea Road about the houses and people who lived there.
Margate Civic Society: Next meeting is Thursday 2nd February at the Walpole Bay Hotel at 7.30p.m. When a talk will be given on “The Medway Queen, Heroine of Dunkirk” by Mr & Mrs Bathurst from the Medway Queen Preservation Society.
1) Festive New Year Lunch. Eighty seven are now booked and paid.
2) Lunch at the Swan. A booking is to be made for 26th February, details to follow on the Bake House notice board.
1) Post Boxes Refurbishment. No further news has been forthcoming.
2) Bridge Road Railings. It is hoped that KCC will supply some paint, and that the community pay back team will use this for the railings.
3) Bridge Road Cabinets. Some cabinets had been sited on the Garlinge side of the bridge which could be dangerous to pedestrians.
4) Barn Crescent. It was reported that there was a large amount of weeds and rubbish in this road.
5) Pancake Race. It was agreed to check with the WTC Town Clerk that this is in hand.
6) Tree Work Green Notices. These do not seem to be deployed, especially for listed trees or those in a conservation area.
7) Rancorn Road Parking. There has been dangerous parking on the bend, so that double yellow lines have been put in.
8) Recycling of Plastic Materials. A request was made for a plastic recycling receptacle in St Mildred's car park.
9) Loggia Building. In the forthcoming asset disposal auction this building is not included, (Westgate Pavilion is on the list).
Monday 13th February, at the United Services Club, 7.00pm for 7.15pm.
There being no other business the meeting concluded at 8.50pm.
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