Friday 12 December 2014

Westgate and Westbrook Residents' meeting December 2014






Tom King, chairman and councillor, forty members, and KCC Cllr Jeff Elenor.

The chairman welcomed all to the meeting.


Apologies had been received from Chris Smith.


1)      Village Green (Town Green) Application Outcome.  Tom introduced Graham Rickett who spoke to the meeting about the application which commenced over three years ago. The application was successful however the land had been donated to King Ethelbert School by KCC in 2010, and an appeal against the finding had been made, and since rejected.  A further appeal for an oral hearing had been made against KCC, but the Judge had concluded that there was no case for review, and the seven days period  for appeal against this  had now elapsed.   Local residents have chosen the name “Linksfield Town Green”, and there are plans to apply for lottery fund money.  There are seventeen varieties of butterfly present, and the Holm Oaks are ideal for egg laying.  Kent Wildlife is to help manage the area, and a community page is to be set up to inform residents what may be found there.
2)      Thanet Local Plan.  Tom informed the meeting that this is being  put together and will be referred to for future decisions.  Birchington, Westgate, Garlinge, Manston, and Westwood are included, and strategic sites for 1,000 houses have been identified each side of Minster Road across from Birchington to Garlinge. This has been identified as much of the necessary infrastructure is thought to be already in place.  Consultation is to take place from 5th January to 20th February 2015, Tom would like to see a longer period as these are such major works, and public meetings should be held.  There will be road shows, drop in meetings, and information on the TDC website.  Both KCC Cllr Jeff Elenor and Graham Rickett said that present footpaths should continue to be used, and would become an issue.  There is concern about sufficient cover by Doctors and Dentists for the increasing number of people, and that residents need to be kept informed.  It was noted that the Thanet Plan had not featured in the local press.
3)      Parish Council.  At the recent TDC meeting the PC for Westgate was ratified, and it was agreed that the Charter Trustee System for Margate will continue.  Tom said he had been observing some local parish councils and these seem to have achieved very good results, which bodes well for Westgate.  The Parish Council will be elected in May 2015, and during the first year will formulate a list of services to provide.  James Brazier reminded the meeting that the precepts would be increased and the assets of the Charter Trustees will be split.  Tom thought the improvements would be well worth the extra precept.    


The minutes of the last meeting, (10th November 2014), which had been circulated, were adopted on a prop by Don Eacott sec by Dave Morris, and signed.


1)      34, Westgate Bay Avenue.  No applications for planning had been received for this site.  Part of the front wall was still  down.

2)      TDC Chief Executive.  Details of this post are at present subject to total confidentiality.

3)      St Mildred's Bay Slipway.  TDC Officers have agreed to place railings at the side of the slipway to improve safety.

4)      41, Royal Esplanade.  The planning application for this site has been withdrawn. 


KCC Cllr Jeff Elenor:

1)      Zebra Crossing.  In answer to questions Jeff said that the design and  costing for the crossing in Westgate Bay Avenue are being planned, the precise location has not as yet been decided, and such consultation does take time.  One member who thought that Westgate roads were becoming more dangerous thought there should be speed limits of 20mph and more crossings as in Birchington.  Jeff has given all his grant to the Westgate crossing which hopefully may have an island to help pedestrians.  Other members thought there should be enforcement of no parking next to the crossing and round the corners of the road junctions.    

2)      Station Road.  The new surface has been well received, but it was disappointing that it had already been dug up for works to the gas supply.

3)      Airport Capacity in the South East.  There had been hostility to a proposal of a third runway at Gatwick, and a minister is coming down shortly to look again  at Manston.

4)      Relocation of Margate Market.  This will now be in Cecil Square.

5)      Thanet Plan and Developments.  Alongside these, 106 agreements could be beneficial to the area and should be considered.

6)      Thanet Sewers.  These are due for servicing and repair.

7)      Local Children's Nurseries.  It had been brought to Tom's notice that a local children's nursery had had notice of funding to be discontinued.  Support was asked for and many members signed the petition at the meeting.  Westgate, especially with development possible, cannot afford to lose nurseries.


1)      2/62, Cuthbert Road.  Application for permission to erect external staircase to rear first floor.

2)      Westbrook Road.   Application for HMO.  Refused. 


Samantha Secomb presented the accounts, fully audited and in order.

The current bank balance stands at £6,543 and from this it will be possible to make a donation to the Westgate Community Association of £1,000, subject to the agreement of members.    Since this year the Charter trustees are not supplying a Christmas tree for Westgate, one has been purchased by the W&WRA for £300.   Business rates for the office space in the Town Hall Building of £196 have been paid.


Derek thanked those members who had sent in articles, and requested more for the  next edition.



MEMBERSHIP                   None


Westgate Heritage Centre (in St Saviour's Church).  Next meeting is Saturday 3rd January at 10.30am when there will be a talk by Dr Dawn Crouch about the Tower House, Canterbury Road.


Richard told the meeting that last month's report had been published in two halves on consecutive weeks, so he will condense the next report.


1)      Quiz Night.  November's quiz was good and the next one is in February.

2)      Christmas Party.  This Wednesday.

3)      New Year Lunch.  Sunday 11th January at St Augustines.  A few places still available.

4)      Trips/Outings.  Ideas and suggestions welcome for next year's programme,  there is a list in the Bake House.


1)      Councillors.  It was noted that, though invited, very few councillors attend W&WRA meetings, and members asked if attendance records for the year could be made available.


 Monday 12th January, in the Westbrook Bowls Club.


There being no other business the meeting concluded at 8.40pm.


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