Monday, 16 January 2012

Blot on our Coast

Enough is Enough

This site adjacent to the Nayland Rock has been in this state for far too long. This area was featured in a Turner painting "Margate from the Nayland". Not such a pretty picture now.

For as far as I can remember this site had poorly maintained buildings until they were demolished and the site left in this state.

For far too long have sites like this been allowed to fester destroying the chance of regeneration in our town. Unless action is taken soon regeneration will stall.

It was suggested to me that this would make a good skate park. At least it might divert activities from setting fire to toilets.

Maybe someone could enlighten us to why it has been like this so long and what is going on.


  1. Problem is that any construction on that site is prone to storm damage and flooding.

  2. Maybe a skate park is the way forward as this would be unlikely to be affected by storms. It does need to be tidied up.
