A grey seal pup was stranded on the sands at Westbrook Bay yesterday (Monday). Thank you to the family that reported it to the Thanet Coast Project as it meant that help could be summoned. Public and dogs were kept away to avoid stress to the pup until the British Divers Marine Animal Rescue arrived. The pup was checked and no injuries were found and it appeared reasonable healthy but tired so the decision was made to try to return it to the sea. This is a very delicate operation and can be dangerous unless you are trained. The pup was placed in a seal bag without harm or stress. Brilliant job by Suzie and John.
Despite being placed at the waters edge the pup was not playing ball. It was decided to leave it there for when the tide came in as it was away from harm. The coastal warden regularly checked during the evening until 11.45pm when it had disappeared back into the sea. It can only be assumed that it has now returned to its colony as checking all the bays this morning shows no sign of the pup.
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