Ray Taylor (who chaired the meeting) and twenty members.
The chairman welcomed all to the meeting.
Apologies had been received from Alan Harris, Bob
Loxley, Sylvia Sykes, Mick Tomlinson, WTC Cllrs Joanna Cornford and Matthew
Scott, and KCC Warden Laura Bungard.
The minutes of the last meeting, (11/12/17), which
had been circulated, were amended then agreed as a correct record on a prop. by
Don Eacott sec. by Christina Taylor, and adopted, and signed.
1) Westgate Pavilion Asset
Disposal. Members reported interest
expressed in the building by an individual, and also by the London School of
English, as well as the present tenant who had been considering putting in a
ramp for disabled access. The TDC had
not been entirely happy with the latter
plans, and considerable maintenance is required on the building.
REPORTS: Councillors-KCC, TDC, WTC. PCSOs and Wardens.
KCC Warden Laura Bungard: (Sent in and read out at the meeting).
1) Highways and TDC General
Matters: Issues of potholes, street
lights, parking, homelessness, rubbish and fly tips have received attention. The Rowena Road site with old cars is now in
the hands of the police via TDC.
2) Vulnerable Residents. Call outs and referrals have been made
3) DVLA Ongoing issues with
untaxed vehicles, and help with police issues re drug dealing in the area.
4) Scams. Do not buy from traders at the door or allow
them in your home without prior checks and appointments, call police on 101 if
there are concerns.
No report.
Information has been received by members that palm oil has washed up on some
beaches including St Mildred's Bay. TDC
are aware, but those with dogs are advised to take care as this can be toxic
to animals.
No new information available.
The bank balance as reported mid December by the treasurer
stood at £6,253.
Payments for the magazine adverts were almost complete and
these almost balanced the printing costs, namely £1,304 printing and £1,090
Monthly expenses: rent £260, energy £89, plus window
cleaning and insurance.
The treasurer had felt that with the prudent reserve there would be no
need to recommend increases in membership subscriptions.
Ray Taylor reported that items were coming in for the next
issue, and the W&WRA facebook page was doing well.
Mavis reported very few cards had been required up to now.
Christina reported tidying up membership records for the
year, and looking forward to seeing all those at the New Year Lunch at St
Westgate Heritage Centre:
Saturday 3rd February at 10.30am at St Saviour's Church, “The
Storey of two or three Wills relating to Westgate-on-Sea” part 1 by Sally
Whitworth and Dr Dawn Crouch.
Margate Civic Society: Thursday 1st February at
7.30pm at The Walpole Bay Hotel, “Christopher Alexander's Paintings –
Mediterranean Theme by Steve Alexander.
Pat Castle reported that the local press now required
reports in very promptly, and this will be done in future.
Ray Taylor informed the meeting that it is hoped to hire
the Community Centre on either June 17th or 24th. A BBQ and ice cream van will be arranged, and
teas coffees and soft drinks available. Entry and control would be by raffle
type tickets, and following a discussion it was agreed to make a charge for the
food of £2 for adults and £1 for children.
A slide show from photographs taken in Westgate and of the
W&WRA through the years will be arranged.
Other possible items could include the “Blend” Choir, the King Ethelbert
School Band, Silver Band, local artists' display.
There would be a budget of £1,000, local businesses would
be supported and would include the butchers.
Opening time 12.00noon to 5.00pm.
1) Pancake Race. This was thought to be in good hands with the WTC, who would
also be arranging for the road closure.
2) Mystery signs at St
Mildred's Bay Car Park. Small grey signs
had been observed on a telegraph pole by the blue shed advertising cycle
repairs and bearing a mobile phone number.
3) Dogs. Some missing dogs had been reported. New cleaning
machines had been used on pavements to clear dog mess.
4) Chris Wyer reported the
continuation of fly tipping in his road and necessity for warning signs.
5) Walmer Castle. This has been
developed as a Greek community cafe.
6) Charges for Social
Events. The committee had been asked to
consider this and had come to a conclusion that in fairness to all members the
limited number that can be accommodated in the Bake House for these events
should not be subsidised by all the other members.
7) Westbrook Undercliff.
Progress was made when a recent working party had raked off a lorry load of
grass in preparation for the new trees and shrubs to replace those accidently
cut down by TDC contractors. There is to be a planting day on Saturday 24th
February at 10.00am and volunteers are welcome.
This is being carried out in conjunction with the Bumble Bee
Conservation project, details may be found on their website: www.bumblebeeconservation.org
8) Defibrillator. In answer to a question it was not known if
the site for this had been determined.
9) Thanet Over Fifties Forum
(TOFFs). Pauline Petitt from this group
informed members of their meeting to be held at Broadstairs Baptist Church on
Tuesday 13th February when
members of Healthwatch Kent and Thanet CCG would be speaking. The aims of TOFFs is to raise the voice of
older people across Thanet on local and national issues affecting the
quality of lives. Their contact email
is: TOFFs@thanetvolunteerbureau.co.uk
10) NHS. Dave Morrish said that Dr Tony Martin (Thanet
CCG) had said that the new pattern for the NHS would be for six main areas, and
discussion was needed before the plan was rolled out.
11) PCSO. It was not known at the meeting if a PCSO had been assigned to
Monday 12th
February at The Bake House.
There being no other business the meeting concluded
at 8.20pm.