Wednesday, 14 November 2018




Ray Taylor (chair), nineteen members, TDC Cllr Carol Messenger, and WTC Cllr Matthew Scott. 

Apologies had been received from Vivien Osborne, Sam Secomb, and TDC Cllr Sam Bambridge.

The minutes of the last meeting, (08/10/18), which had been circulated, were agreed as a correct record on a prop. by Mavis Vaughan sec. by Pat Sawyer-Jones, and adopted, and signed.

1)      Road Surface, Canterbury Road.  Cllr Carol Messenger had made enquiries and was informed that remedial works are due next year.
2)      Vans with Duplicate Number Plates.  The police are investigating this, one of the vans appears to have gone.  No further update given to Cllr Messenger. 
3)      Inconsiderate Parking in Lymington Road Area.  The enforcement team has been asked to monitor this.   
4)      Drain Problems.  The exact location of any drain problem should be given in order to clarify if the responsibility is that of KCC or Southern Water.  There is a considerable problem with the road adjacent to The Swan where a local resident has been removing leaves to prevent flooding.
5)      Question from the floor.  Parking on Verges.  This is still ongoing, some posts have been put up and some enforcement has been carried out by TDC.  The problem is particularly noticeable in Westbrook Avenue near Bridge Road.
6)      Planning Application  18 – 20A Station Road.  This has been passed, most of the trees did not have a preservation order.  One member was concerned that a tall sycamore had soil removed from the base and some root damage, which could cause  it to fall.
7)      The Knot.  Where the micropub had been proposed under the original planning application  a flat is now proposed.  There have been objections to alterations to the original plan.
8)      Cllr Messenger congratulated and thanked the WTC for the beacon event.   

REPORTS: Councillors-KCC, TDC, WTC. PCSOs and Wardens.

TDC Cllr Carol Messenger: Report has been covered under matters arising.

WTC Cllr Matthew Scott:
1)      Drains.  The Town Clerk has asked operatives to keep drains clear to prevent flooding.
2)      Litter bins.  New bins have been installed in Westgate where needed.
3)      Speedwatch.  Two sets of equipment have been obtained that show vehicle speeds.  More volunteers are required
4)      Beacon 11th November.  This was a good event and there has been positive feed back.  

Questions arose as to the frequency of bin emptying, and the closure of toilets on the front whilst some short term rental on beach huts continued.  Cllr Messenger informed the meeting that a review across the district is to take place concerning  toilets.  Cllr Scott had no further news about the equipment stolen from the blue shed. The defibrillators are awaiting fixings at Edwards shop and the Lymington Road Community Centre.

KCC WARDEN Laura Bungard: (October report sent in and read out by the chairman).
1)      Roads.  Quite a few potholes filled by KCC , and blocked drains reported, sometimes the contractor has difficulty accessing the drains due to car parking.
2)      Vehicles without MOT.  These are reported to police for action.
3)      Heating for Retired/Elderly.  A scheme “Kent and Medway Warm Homes”, a partnership between KCC and district councils may give grants and help to those eligible.  Contact for this is Tel 0800 1701174 or htts://
4)      One House in Westgate is still dealing drugs and has been reported to council, police, and DVLA, any residents with concerns or caused nuisance should report this to the police and Gordon Hunt at TDC.
5)      Residents who may be elderly/vulnerable are visited in co-ordination with Trading Standards who can help victims of scams.
6)      Laura may be contacted by phone 07969 583922 or by email .

1)      Bake House.  The original opening date has had to be postponed due to  further work, but it is hoped to open again soon.  Don Eacott had noticed some of the bricks and lime mortar were in poor condition.  Ray confirmed that there would be new air bricks.
2)      Remembrance Display. The W&WRA display is excellent and has kindly been given space in the Westgate USC, and will  be there until 15th November.  Cllr  Bob Micallef has asked to keep the poppies for display next year.
3)      Festive New Year Lunch.  This will be on 13th January 2019 at St Augustines.  There will be tables of ten and booking/menu forms will be available which should be returned by 7th December.
4)      Summer Beach Party.  On 9th June 2019, at West Bay with snacks and hot dogs etc available from the cafe.
5)      Flooding.  This has been mainly due to leaves and litter in various venues.  Due to parking the operatives have not been able to reach all the drains.
6)      Christmas Lights Switch-on in Westgate.  This is on Friday 2nd December.  The W&WRA usually wrap the presents and has been offered use of the WTC room should the Bake House not be open.  Some water has got into a few of the lights and an electrician is looking at the problem. The grotto will be at Evans Fencing.

The police had advised all to take care to reduce vehicle crime, by removing all valuables, and suction marks made by sat nav systems, and checking that vehicles are securely locked.  Prowlers in thee night have been trying car doors, and have been seen on CCTV doing this and stealing door step milk.   

1)      11, Audley Avenue.  Part retrospective application for single storey pitched roof rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory.
2)      29, Royal Esplanade.  Application for change of use of existing dwelling to 3 x 2-bed and 2 x 1-bed self contained flats.
3)      19, St Crispins Road.  Application for single storey side extension and front porch with formation of vehicle access and parking area.
4)      11, Royal Esplanade.  Application for erection of 2 storey 2 bed attached dwelling with dormers to front and rear.
5)      73, St Mildred's Road.  Application for balcony and replacement of window to French doors at first floor.
6)      25, Fitzmary Avenue.  Application for single storey side and rear extensions.
7)      Westgate-on-Sea United Services Club. Application for installation of solar panels.
8)      Land N/W of former Seabathing Hospital.  Application for 9 x 2-bed two storey dwellings with parking, access, and landscaping.
9)      Lockwoods Yard.  Application for part 2/3/4 storey 1200sqm extension light industrial use to E and N perimeters with parking and demolition of paint store.  GRANTED
10)  Land Adjacent to Old School Hall, Dent de Lion Road.  Outline application for two semi-detached dwellings with parking and access.  REFUSED
11)  197, Westbrook Avenue.  Application for single storey side and rear extension to provide annex.  GRANTED

Bank balance stands at £7,157.  Refunds due to the AA £71.50 and EKIDS £18 for sessions cancelled  due to the Bake House closure.  There are no monies coming in for refreshments at present.

Ray Taylor reported that the magazines were out and had been mostly delivered.  Improvement in the legibility of some parts would be sought for the next issue.
The editor was congratulated by the meeting for a good magazine.

Mavis reported the only card required this month was for a member who had  broken a knee cap.

Christina thanked road stewards for prompt delivery of the magazine to members.

Westgate Heritage Centre:  Saturday 1st December at 10.00am at THE SWAN, “Memories of Fairdales” - by members of the Heritage Centre with slides of events by Colin Osborne.

Civic Society: 13th December at the Walpole Bay Hotel at 7.30pm , Christmas  Social and 50th Anniversary celebration with  1960s films , music, and photo quiz, raffle and refreshments.  All welcome, there will be a small charge for non-members.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Pat Castle had sent in a print of the poppy display as well as notification of the next meeting.

1)      New Year Lunch.  Christina confirmed the date is  Sunday 13th January 2019, and there would be four options for each course, tickets are £24.
2)      Next social lunch at The Swan is Sunday 18th November, contact Viv Osborne for reservations.

1)      New Litter Bins.  Chris Wyer was concerned that any of these near food outlets could be subject to dumping.                                                                                                                       
2)      Barnes Car Park.  The over night parking has continued.                                            
3)      Draft Local Plan Consultation.  The objections have been sent through and also the CPRE have sent many objections.   
4)      Chairman Ray Taylor announced that he would not be seeking re-election as chairman or editor at the AGM in May.  This was noted with great regret by the meeting.

Monday 10th December at The Bake House.  

Saturday, 20 October 2018




Ray Taylor (chair), eighteen members, and TDC Cllr Carol Messenger. 

Apologies had been received from Pam O'Toole, Sam Secomb, Sylvia and Tony Sykes, Mavis Vaughan, TDC Cllr Sam Bambridge, WTC Cllr Matthew Scott, and KCC Warden Laura Bungard.

The minutes of the last meeting, (10/09/18), which had been circulated, were agreed as a correct record on a prop. by Tony Snow sec. by Cllr Carol Messenger, and adopted, and signed.

1)      Letter Boxes.  Chris Wyer informed the meeting that in Herne Bay a few of their letter boxes had been repainted, the refurbishment appears to be proceeding in a haphazard way.
2)      Planning Applications.  129, Sea Road,  application for demolition had been refused, and Cllr Carol Messenger confirmed there was no precedent for such demolitions.   
3)      Westgate-on-Sea town Council.  A vote for the co-option of a new councillor had taken place from three candidates and Robert Micallef had been elected.
4)      Trees at Meade's.  No further information available.    

REPORTS: Councillors-KCC, TDC, WTC. PCSOs and Wardens.

TDC Cllr Carol Messenger:
1)      Bin Collections.  There had been a good improvement in this service.
2)      Lymington Road Traffic.  Complaints had been made concerning the speed  of cars, and the pedestrian crossing was not very well marked or lit.
3)      Fund Raising for British Legion/Poppy Appeal.  To mark one hundred years since WW1 and in memory of more than seventy men from Westgate who lost their lives, an event will take place at The Swan on 17th November which will include entertainment and a buffet.  Also the following week there will be  a quiz at the Community Centre to mark the one hundred years, the proceeds of this will go to the Community Centre.
4)      Grass Verges and Parking. In answer to a question  Cllr Carol Messenger said that KCC were responsible for the verges, but TDC councillors could investigate this and she would liaise with KCC Warden Laura Bungard.
5)      State of the Roads.  It was noted from the floor that some of the drains on the dual carriageway were blocked, and the surface of Canterbury Road by the BP garage was in poor condition.
6)      Possible Micropub at “The Nott”.  No further information available.  

KCC WARDEN Laura Bungard: (Sent in and read out by the chairman).
1)      Horse Lorry Parked Opposite Christ Church.  This is  partly on the pavement with one flat tyre and apparently abandoned has no MOT, and should be removed soon.
2)      Untaxed Cars.  Quite a few seen in Adrian Square, Victoria Avenue, and Cambourne Avenue, and other roads reported to DVLA.
3)      Pot Holes.  A number of small but deep ones seen in Garlinge Westbrook and Westgate.  All reported and awaiting repair.
4)      Two vehicles seen with the same registration number in the Linksfield  Road area reported to police.
5)      One House in Westgate is dealing drugs between 2.00am and 5.00am.  All registration numbers reported to Kent Police.
6)      KCC contacted again about pedestrian crossing in Westgate Bay Avenue where there is danger due to speed of cars.
7)      Blocked Drains.  There is a problem clearing these as cars are parked over them.  Laura has reported blocked drains again.
8)      Free Yoga and cooking for weight loss/diabetes is offered by Thanet Ageless at the Community Centre and Library.  Call 01843 296687 or email for information.
9)      Laura may be contacted by phone 07969 583922 or by email .

1)      Bake House.  This will be closed for October for redecoration, and is to reopen on 5th November.  It is also hoped to improve the acoustics by reducing the echos with wall hangings and fibre notice boards.
2)      Remembrance Day.  The W&WRA will be laying a wreath at the Westgate Memorial, Sea Road, and there will  be an appropriate display in the Bake House for two weeks.
3)      Dedication of Memorial in Lymington Road Recreation Ground.  This is to take place on Friday 2nd November at 2.00pm.  The memorial is by the entrance, and Dr Dawn Crouch is making all necessary arrangements.
4)      Stroke Centre Policy Demonstration.  This went well until it became political.
5)      QEQM Hospital A&E.  There is talk of downgrading this in spite of all the new proposed houses.
6)      Local Plan and Proposed Houses.  The letter writing took placed as arranged in the Bake House and the thirty letters were delivered.  Others wrote and posted their letters from home.  Cllr Carol messenger had leafletted many houses and surprisingly found numerous households oblivious to the proposals.
7)      MacMillan Coffee Morning.  This had raised £226 and was made up to £230.

A question from the floor about the lighting of beacons as part of Remembrance Day at 7.00pm, asked if it was known  if  a beacon is to be installed in the Rounder in St Mildred's Bay.  It was thought this was the case, and there may be a choir and piper near Millie's Bar.


1)      44, Westfield Road.  Application for erection of dormer window to front and rear to facilitate loft conversion.
2)      115A, Canterbury Road, (Opposite Dot's Cafe).  Application for erection of attached two storey building to accommodate 2-bed self contained maisonette, and ground floor office use following demolition of existing building.
3)      Unit 1, 18-20A, Station Road.  Proposed variation of condition 2 attached to planning permission, change of use from storage and distribution to community use to allow alterations to fenestration.  This is the former Meade's building and some members felt that an objection should be made as there are residents nearby, but this is not for community use of local people.
4)      16, Pembroke Avenue.  Application for erection of single storey front extension with change of use of garage to living accommodation.
5)      28, Argyle Avenue.  Application for erection of 2M high boundary fence to George V Avenue.
6)      Tamerisk, 105, Sea Road.  Application for erection of first floor balcony and terrace with UPVC french doors.
7)      Ursuline College, 225, Canterbury Road.  Application for listed building consent for refurbishment of “block C” including new door for fire exit and demolition of two storey building and single storey buildings by Canterbury Road to provide additional parking.

Bank balance stands at £7,171.  Advertising revenues are now paid, there is a bill to pay for the last magazine printing of £319.  

Ray Taylor reported that the next magazine should be out before Remembrance Day, and invited any more articles from members that could be included.

No report.

No new information.

Westgate Heritage Centre:  Saturday 3rd November at 10.30am at CHRIST CHURCH, “Commemorating the Centenary of the Great War” - A short talk by Dr Dawn Crouch on Westgate-on-Sea in November 1918, followed by a tribute to the men who lost their lives in the Great War.

Civic Society: 1st November at the Walpole Bay Hotel at 7.30pm there will be a talk by  John Drewy, Patron of The Nursing Memorial Appeal, “Time to Thank Them”.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Pat Castle confirmed the monthly meeting report, and details of the lunch at The Swan had been sent in to the local press.

1)      New Year Lunch.  Christina informed the meeting that the requested date of Sunday 13th January 2019 still awaited confirmation from St Augustines.
2)      Next social lunch at The Swan is Sunday 21st October.  

1)      Fence by Green at St Mildred's Bay.  A member pointed out that this was falling down near the blue hut.  It was thought to be the responsibility of TDC. Ray agreed to look into this.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
2)      Pedestrian Crossing Survey in Westbrook Avenue.  The average speed had shown  as 36mph in the report which means some vehicles are travelling considerably faster, and member Bob Loxley asked if  the speedwatch team could include this in their rota of venues.                                             
3)      Defibrillators.  These had not as yet been placed around the town, it was believed that one was in the WTC offices.  Shops that are open for extended hours could make good venues.   
4)      Remembrance.  A suggestion of silhouettes for beaches or cliffs of outlines of soldiers was made.
5)      Sunken Gardens.  The planting in this previously neglected venue by volunteers was proceeding well.

Monday 12th November at The Bake House.  

There being no other business the meeting concluded at 8.28pm.

Friday, 14 September 2018




Ray Taylor (chair), and twenty three members, KCC Cllr Emma Dawson, and TDC Cllrs Sam Bambridge and Carol Messenger. 

Apologies had been received from Sam Secomb and WTC Cllr Matthew Scott.

The minutes of the last meeting, (13/08/18), which had been circulated, were agreed as a correct record on a prop. by James Brazier sec. by Dee Hooper, and adopted, and signed.

1)      Speed Camera, Canterbury Road.  Chris Wyer reported that this is working well.
2)      Planning Applications.  A request by Chris Wyer concerning a large building said to be planned for removal to allow the building of flats, (Victoria House in Carlton Rise), resulted in the chairman agreeing to look into the matter.   
3)      Local Plan Protest March.  This had taken place on 1st September, and it was observed that two other groups had hijacked the march, one being the NNF group (no night flights), and these were asked to leave by a councillor.    

REPORTS: Councillors-KCC, TDC, WTC. PCSOs and Wardens.
KCC Cllr Emma Dawson:
1)      Westgate Bay Avenue Zebra Crossing Request.  There had been a survey in the area and the average traffic speed was 36mph, but there had not been many pedestrians waiting to cross the road, so resources would not at present be used for a crossing. A pedestrian refuge in St Mildred's Road between Dadds the Butchers and  the Carlton Cinema is to be considered.
2)      Signs.  A “Welcome to Margate” sign has been placed on the roundabout by the Nayland Rock, and community signs from TDC concerning litter.
3)      Sunken  Gardens.  Requests may be made for a community grant for flowers. (It was thought that this is being done by Peter Hasted and the volunteer group).

TDC Cllr Carol Messenger:
1)      Street Cleaning Complaints.  There is  to be a meeting with the Town Clerk and TDC and cleansing staff concerning improvements.
2)      Local Plan.  The consultation period is now live, and opinions are invited. There are two meetings this week, on Wednesday 12th September at the Community Centre with WTC, and on Thursday 13th September at the Swan with Sir Rger Gale MP and TDC councillors.  Both meetings at 7.00pm.
3)      Planning.  The application to demolish a large house at 129 Sea Road has been refused.
4)      The Homeless.  The man who was at the Co-op has been offered three properties but did not behave reasonably, and is now begging at Marks and Spencers.  Residents are advised not to give money or food as he is in receipt of benefit.  This Thursday Porchlight are carrying out a sweep of the area. There is a blue tent near the Westgate memorial, TDC and Porchlight are aware, the public are advised not to approach.
5)      Lymington Road Recreation Ground.  The application by Dr Dawn Crouch for a memorial plaque has now been approved.
6)      Local Plan.  There had been no time left for councillors to oppose this, but Manston had been removed to protect it.  It was hoped to reduce the number of proposed houses in Westgate by consultation.  

KCC WARDEN Laura Bungard: (Sent in and read out by the chairman).
1)      Graffiti.  This  has been reported, and TDC clean up any on council property.
2)      Overgrown Hedges.  Where these impede footpaths etc. they are reported to KCC Highways who require the owner to cut them back, or charge for it to be done.
3)      ASB.  This year has not been too bad, any incidents are reported to the police.
4)      Camper Vans and Vehicles Staying Overnight.  If they are taxed, insured, and have MOT they are legally allowed to be there as long as no criminal offences are committed.
5)      Laura may be contacted by phone 07969 583922 or by email .

Chris Wyer pointed out that cars are being sold on Canterbury Road.
The chairman said it had been some time since local PCSOs had attended a W&WRA meeting with their report, but could be contacted by Kent Police Website.

1)      Local Plan.  Ray informed the meeting that the Bake House will be open Saturdays 10.30am to 1.00pm to assist residents who wish to write to TDC about the local plan.  Pens paper and envelopes have kindly been supplied by WTC and there are helpful suggestions available.  The  letters may be  left in a box in the  Bake House and they will then be delivered. Refreshments donated by Joanna Cornford.
2)      Bake House Redecorations.  Having spoken with the landlady the condensation and mould  will be dealt with, (the wrong paint was used last time), the toilet fan will be repaired and windows at the back reopened.  Our signs and  notices will be updated to fit the frames.  The Bake House may have to be closed for a short period but should be open again before remembrance day.
3)      Green Wedge by Allen Avenue (end of Linksfield Road).  Though not part of the  local plan there is concern to keep this from development, in spite of reports in  the local press Ray has confirmed that there are no plans to build on this site.
4)      Remembrance Day – 100 years.  Ray suggested that the Bake House be appropriately decorated to commemorate those who had died.  Members may be able to make some more knitted poppies, black buttons had been requested by Betty for this purpose.
5)      TV Licensing authorities will be making a visit to check there is no receiving equipment in the  Bake House, the chairman had replied on the declaration they would be welcome and could purchase a cup of the excellent W&WRA tea or coffee.
6)      Amenity Tip.  KCC propose to charge for taking soil, rubble, hardcore and plasterboard etc. There is a consultation period for this to be considered.

A question from the floor about possible use  of toilets in shops to replace the public toilets when closed was raised.  TDC Cllr Carol Messenger said that following a review the public toilets will be open for longer.

1)      Police emails.  No new information, as last month warned of bogus callers in the area who try to trick their way into homes to steal valuables and money.   Thefts from cars have taken place, do not leave valuables inside.   

1)      28, Waverley Road.  Application for erection of 1 x two storey two bed dwelling.
2)      8, Cliff Field.  Application for erection of two storey and single storey side extensions with single storey rear extension.
3)      43 to 49, Marine Terrace, Margate.  Application for 124 bedroom hotel with restaurant/bar, gymnasium, meeting spaces, rooftop bar following demolition of existing buildings.

Bank balance stands at £5,229.  Advertising revenues of £1,260 are expected.  A few more advertisers would be welcome.  

Ray Taylor reported that the facebook page is doing very well, and the new magazine would be out soon.

Mavis reported that no cards had been required this month.

Christina reported that thirty three new members had joined this year and more were joining.

Westgate Heritage Centre:  Saturday 6th October at 10.30am at THE SWAN, illustrated talk by Sally Whitworth on the Rammell family, one-time owners of Streete Court and other land relating to Westgate.
Also the Heritage Open Day's programme on Saturday September 15th from 12.00noon to 4.00pm, in the Town Hall.

Civic Society: There are Heritage open days next Saturday and Sunday, and on the 4th October at the Walpole Bay Hotel at 7.30pm there will be a talk by Dr Andrew Brown BA, PhD, MCBA, planning director, SE Planning Group, historic England on “Thanet's Gift to the World”.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Pat Castle confirmed the monthly meeting report had been sent in to the local press.

1)      Sunday Lunches.  The next one is to be held on 23rd September.
2)      MacMillan Coffee Morning. To be held at the Bake House on 28th September.  

1)      Westgate-on-Sea Town Council. James Brazier informed the meeting that co-options were due to be made to fill vacancies on the council, there were now four names put forward, (although the two candidates available earlier had not been considered).
2)      Tree at Meades.  Concern was expressed that the roots had been undermined, the work was alleged to be necessary for pest control. A second tree nearby is intact.                                              
3)      Westbrook Road.  Chris Wyer pointed out that the new block of flats only had  spaces for bicycle stands but the residents owned many cars which were causing congestion problems. 
4)      Flower Beds by War Memorial.  These are in need of weeding and a member asked if TDC was responsible for their upkeep.  Cllr Carol Messenger agreed to chase this up.
5)      Post Boxes.  It was reported some had been refurbished whilst most were not.

Monday 8th October at The Bake House.  

There being no other business the meeting concluded at 8.40pm.