Mick Tomlinson (Chair)
twenty two members, and TDC Cllr Carol Partington, WTC Cllrs Joanna
Cornford and Matthew Scott, and KCC Warden Laura Bungard.
The chairman welcomed all to the meeting.
Laura reported working on highways issues, and in
connection with this any complaints about the Virgin Media cable laying should
be addressed to KCC Highways. Other
issues include DVLA, Cars in Rowena Road, Rubbish & Fly tipping. Speedwatch training and associated risk
assessment are being carried out.
The PCSO has moved on and a new one from Canterbury
is to cover the area.
Scam warning, do not answer the door after dark, the
TDC does not issue “posh” pedlars' licences, and fraudulent ones are being
Apologies had been received from TDC Cllrs Ash
Ashbee and Sam Bambridge.
The minutes of the last meeting, (09/10/17), which
had been circulated, following an amendment replacing paragraph 8 of the
chairman's report, were agreed as a correct record on a prop. by Don Eacott
sec. by Denise Packer, and adopted, and signed.
1) St Mildred's Bay Green. The chairman confirmed that this area is not
on the asset disposal list.
2) Yellow triangles on new
cable junction boxes. Chris Wyer had
found that these were only temporary.
REPORTS: Councillors-KCC, TDC, WTC. PCSOs and Wardens.
TDC Cllr Carol Partington:
1) Housing and Local Plan. Westgate were opposed to the housing numbers
proposed and were fighting to come to a solution. After 18th January 2018 the plan
will go to public consultation and it is then the opportunity for residents to
make their input.
2) Manston Airport. A majority of residents support the
airport. The DCO will be put in during
November which could save the airport, the chairman noted that it is at present
left out of the draft plan. Tony Sykes
reminded members that objections may be madee to the Stone Hill plan.
WTC Cllr Joanna Cornford:
1) Communication. Until a new town clerk was appointed,
residents with items of concern should email one of the WTC councillors.
2) St Mildred's Gardens. A no entry sign has been placed here as it is
unsuitable for motor vehicles.
WTC Cllr Matthew Scott:
1) Cllr Scott
thanked all for their welcome, and will be available to be approached
concerning items as needed. Saturday
will be a day when he hopes to set up a local surgery.
CHAIRMAN'S REPORT TDC Cllr Mick Tomlinson:
1) Death of KCC
Councillor. For those not already aware
Mick announced with regret the death of KCC Cllr Ken Gregory.
2) Hanging Baskets and
Plants. The grant of £1,500 did arrive
though rather late, and had been paid to
the nursery. However the total bill was
for £1,900, and the balance was to come from the Westgate TC, but had not as
yet been paid.
3) Westbrook Undercliff
Green. The entire site had been cut down
including all plants and trees which had been put in and nurtured for six years
by volunteers. There appears to have
been a lack of communication between the council and contractors, and the
council has now said they will replant the area. Tony Sykes said some of the shrubs cut down
might grow again. There is also to be a
bumble bee project in the area. Mick
said he would keep a close eye on the situation.
4) Rough Sleepers. There are forty six known to be in
Thanet. Some are in mobile homes in the
Barnes Car Park, but also have residency in Thanet which makes it difficult for
enforcement. Member John Pye said
volunteers for Thanet Winter Shelter will provide for a number of them. TDC have contact details on their website under
5) Westbrook Cliff Top
Shelters. Cllrs Ash and Mick hope to
have these tidied up.
6) Street Cleaning. This had caused great problems. Westgate did have additional cleaners.
7) Westgate Forum. This was not the steering group as some
members had thought, and appeared to be
run by one person.
8) Quiz at the Bake House. Friday 24th November 7.00pm, £2.00.
James Brazier raised the question of boundary changes. Mick informed the meeting that the TDC is now
not seeking to alter ward boundaries before the next elections so any anomalies
would not be rectified until 2023.
The Westgate war memorial has now been listed by
Historic England.
1) Police Email Messages. Mainly warnings to lock up cars and houses
now the afternoons are becoming darker.
Tower House, 125, Canterbury Road. Application for installation of external
boiler flues to the existing building.
6, Cedric Road.
Application for erection of single storey rear extension.
The Swan, 75, Sea Road.
Application for erection of 1.7 metre boundary treatment to front and side
elevations following demolition of existing wall together with insertion of
UPVC windows and doors to front elevation.
Land West of hundred's Farm House, Canterbury
Road. Application for outline permission
for erection of three storey building containing 12 2-bed self contained flats
with parking, access etc, following demolition of existing building.
14, Westgate Bay Avenue. Formation of vehicular access. GRANTED.
Premier Inn Margate, Station Approach. Replacement of existing timber and aluminium
windows with aluminium windows. GRANTED.
89, Canterbury Road.
Retrospective application for a change of use from A2 offices to A3
Royal Sea Bathing Hospital. Variation of planning permission to alter
design of approved car park.
10, Buenos Ayres.
Application for erection of balcony and replacement of existing window
with doors to first floor rear.
10) 33,
Norman Road. Application for erection of
two storey side extension. GRANTED.
11) 64,
Westgate Bay Avenue. Erection of 1.8M
high timber fence to front boundary.
12) 27,
Elm Grove. Change of use from 1 dwelling
to 2 3-bed dwellings with dormers to front and rear, raising roof, and
installations of first floor window to side with associated parking. GRANTED.
13) Gate
Lodge, Hundred's Farm. Erection of
single storey side extension with dormer windows to front and rear. GRANTED.
14) 16,
Warren Drive. Application for erection
of conservatory to rear elevation.
15) 138A,
Minster Road. Application for formation
of vehicular access together with erection of 2M high fencing following
demolition of part of boundary wall.
16) Flat
3, 1, Beach Rise. Application for
replacement of existing sash windows to doors with Juliet balconies to rear
The bank balance reported near the end of October stood at
Ray reported that the new magazines are ready to go
out. Copy for the next issue will be very welcome.
Mavis had sent two cards out this month.
Christina reminded members that booking and menu choice
forms are available from the Bake House for the
New Year lunch at St Augustines on 14th January 2018.
Westgate Heritage Centre:
Saturday 2nd December at 10.30am at St Saviour's Church,
“Celebrating the Seasons”, an illustrated talk by Sally Whitworth.
Margate Civic Society: Thursday 14th December
at 7.30pm at The Walpole Bay Hotel, social evening films Christmas raffle,
quiz, and refreshments.
1) Road Sweeping. Chris
Wyer reported observations where
small items of litter were collected but the leaves left behind. Other members had seen leaves collected up in bags, presumably for
2) Remembrance Sunday. Ray Taylor thanked all those who had worked
very hard to make the day a success.
3) Parking. Chris Wyer informed the meeting of a proposal
to allow residents to phone TDC where parking causes problems.
4) Vice-Chairman. Since this position still remains vacant, the
chairman will discuss with the committee the possible co-option that may be
made to fill the position.
5) Remembrance Services. James Brazier commented on the wording on the
wreath that had been prepared for the W&WRA by the British Legion. It was also noted that no wreath had been
presented at the Margate ceremony by the W&WRA even though the Association
also covered Westbrook. This had
apparently not been considered before.
It was further considered that the ceremony at Westgate took place at
12.00noon (after the church services)
and not at 11.00am as in most places.
These items would be considered for future years.
Monday 11th
December, at the Bake House.
There being no other business the meeting concluded
at 8.45pm.