Wednesday, 23 August 2017

WESTGATE AND WESTBROOK Residents' Association Minutes August 2017







Mick Tomlinson (Ch), thirty six members, and WTC Cllr Joanna Cornford.


The chairman welcomed all to the meeting. 



Apologies had been received from Janet Smith.  



The minutes of the last meeting, (10/07/17), which had been circulated were agreed as a correct record on a prop. by Don Eacott sec. by Dee Hooper, and adopted, and signed.



1)      Barnes Car Park.  It was reported that notices had been put up indicating that  camper vans are not to be parked there overnight.    

2)      Westgate Pavilion.  No further information.



REPORTS: Councillors-KCC, TDC, WTC.  PCSOs and Wardens.


WTC Cllr Joanna Cornford:

1)      Town Council Meetings.  These are now to be held in Christ Church Hall, and are open to all, there is full and easy access without stairs, and it is hoped that many residents will come.  The next meeting will be on 5th September start time 7.00pm.

2)      Newsletter.  The latest copy is now out.

3)      Nominations and requests for the two vacancies on the council should be made in writing. 


CHAIRMAN''S REPORT TDC Cllr Mick Tomlinson:

1)      Parking on the Royal Esplanade.  A number of taxis and two mini buses had been left on the road for several weeks.  TDC were aware of this and the road tax, insurance and taxi licences were all in order.  One large vehicle had been  left in Barnes Avenue.  These had been used for the transport of disadvantaged children to school.  The company had become insolvent and most of the vehicles had been removed by transporter lorries.

2)      Parking Charges.  It was noted that the  car park at St Mildred's Bay is usually empty since  charges were introduced, but this is controlled by TDC and it is very difficult for local councillors to take action.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

3)      Post Boxes.  The chairman had been chasing this up, but as yet no  reply had been received.

4)      Developments.  There is no further information on the buildings of the old British Legion and the  Catholic Church in Canterbury Road.  At the Sea Bathing Hospital there is an application for ten terrace houses with high roofs, (this may be seen on line).  The old  toilet block on the promenade at Westbrook have plans in, and will include support for the road.  The Westbrook roundabout has now been cleared and is respectable.

5)      TDC Volunteer Policy.   A large booklet has been produced concerning volunteers for events on council land.  There will be a requirement to fill up forms.  The document may be seen on line.  The chairman will keep the W&WRA informed when more is known.  This may affect the Westgate Against Rubbish group and the Westgate Town Council.

6)      Re the Pavilion and the Lymington Road recreation ground, there is no information as yet



Police email for residents' information:  Vehicles have been broken into and items stolen, be wary of leaving windows open in your house, there are scam phone calls being made in the area.   



1)      160, Canterbury Road, Westgate.  Applcation for alteration to roof, two dormer windows, and single storey rear extension following demolition of existing, and erection of single storey porch to the front.

2)      20, Westcliff Gardens.  Application for erection of ground, first, and second floor extensions with balconies, additional windows at the side, and full length dormer window to front.

3)      16, Cuthbert Road.  Change of use of basement and ground floor from retail to one 1-bedroom flat, removal of shop front and installation of two windows and rear conservatory.  PERMISSION GRANTED.

4)      21, Westcliff Gardens.  Application for erection of ground first and second floor extensions additional windows to side and full length dormer window to front.

5)      44, Royal  Esplanade.  Application for erection of one 4-bed detached dwelling following demolition of detached bungalow.

6)      Westgate Golf Club.  Erection and display of non-illuminated freedtanding sign within car park.  PERMISSION REFUSED.

7)      11, Old Crossing Road.  Erection of single storey front extension. PERMISSION GRANTED.

8)      Castle Cottage, Sussex Gardens.  Application for listeed building consent for installation of French drain.  PERMISSION GRANTED.

9)      27, Elm Grove.  Application for change of use from one dwelling to two 2-bed dwellings with erection of dormers to front and rear, and raising the roof.

10)  83, Sea Road, (St Cecilias).  Application for erection of two storey building incorporating garage to ground floor and one studio flat to first floor following demolition of existing  boundary wall.

11)  4/5, Adrian Square.  Replacement of three single glazed sash windows to front with double glazed vertical slider windows.  PERMISSION REFUSED.

12)  Former Nurses Home RSBH.  Change of use of part of basement to one 2-bed self contained flat.  PERMISSION GRANTED.

13)  4, Bowes Avenue.  Retrospective application for erection of 1.8M fence to front boundary of property.

14)  20-21, Roxburgh Road.  Application for erection of five garages including access onto Edith Road.

15)  10, Carlton Road West.  Application for erection of porch to front elevation.

16)  43, Rancorn Road.  Installation of balcony to rear elevation. PERMISSION GRANTED.

17)  46, St Mildred's Road.  Conversion of former takeaway and residential to retail and three self contained flats, with erection of additional storey to front, and rear extensions following demolition of present rear extensions, also erection of single storey dwelling to rear following demolition of garage. PERMISSION GRANTED.   

Mick reminded the meeting that as a councillor on the planning committee, he cannot make any comment on planning issues but any residents concerned may contact their ward councillor or town councillor.



No new report.  The accounts are in a healthy condition..



Ray Taylor reported that magazines had gone out, and copy for the next issue is required by the end of September.

On behalf of members the chairman warmly thanked Ray for producing the magazine.

James Brazier's kind offer to proof read was gratefully accepted. 



Mavis reported that there had been three bereavements this month and the appropriate cards had been sent on behalf of the W&WRA.



Christina thanked all road stewards for distributing the magazine copies.  There is to be a thank you  tea party on Friday 1st September for road stewards and tea/coffee staff.



Westgate Heritage Centre:  Saturday 2nd September at 10.30am at St Saviour's Church, “Childhood memories of the chalk cliffs and stacks around West Bay.” 

Also for the next two weeks there will be an Art exhibition and a Heritage Centre exhibition in St Saviour's Church.


Margate Civic Society: Regular meetings will resume in the Autumn. 

Heritage Open Day 9th September there will be “open house” for the Town Hall Buildings.

On Red Ensign Day 3rd September, there will be a service by Margate  Town Hall at 12.00noon.



Pat Castle reported that she had given details of this meeting to the Gazette for inclusion in “Down Your Way”, and they had been  published.



The chairman reminded members that this was approaching, and any ideas are welcome for the celebrations.  It was agreed that a sub-committee should be formed from the membership.  A larger venue may be required, and plans should move forward for the celebrations.



1)      A tea at “Strawberry Fields” is arranged for 23rd August.

2)      A MacMillan coffee morning will be held at the Bake House on 29th September.

3)      Other social events to be announced.

For forthcoming events watch the notice board and book your place.



1)      Bunnings Warehouse.  This is a new establishment which is willing to help in the community, and could supply items for BBQs or volunteers to help with jobs.

2)      Westgate Town Council Truck.  James Brazier noted that this had been left outside the depot and wondered if it was to be parked there regularly.  Joanna Cornford did not know but suggested such queries could be answered at the next WTC meeting.

3)      Bumble Bee Trust.  Tony Sykes informed the meeting that funding has been awarded and more details will follow.

4)      Millie's Beach Bar /Restaurant.  Several members reported the opening of this in St Mildred's Bay and commented how well it had been designed and the good selection of food and drinks available.

5)      Recycling Collections.  Chris Wyer reported that the recycling in his road had not been collected for a month, and other members in Westbrook had been missed out the previous week.  Unfortunately there had been problems with TDC phones, but the reason given on their website was due to vehicle breakdown.

6)      Bridge Road Weeds.  Don Eacott reported that these are now large and numerous.   Cllr Ash Ashbee has been chasing  this up with KCC.

7)      Railway Foot Bridge.  Dee Hooper said that the graffiti had been painted over, but not very well, and many lights were still not working and the non-slip surface was coming up.

8)      Rowena Road Derelict Garages.  No further information was available.

9)      Margate Town Council.  The process has started towards forming this, and any comments should be made to TDC by 21st August.




 Monday 11th September, at the Bowls Club.


There being no other business the meeting concluded at 8.45pm.