Saturday, 25 February 2017




Mick Tomlinson (Ch) and twenty six members, and WTC Cllrs Tom King, Dave Morrish, and Ron Rolfe. 

Apologies had been received from Derek Smith, Stephanie Sutton, Mavis Vaughan, and KCC Warden Laura Bungard.

The minutes of the last meeting, (9th January 2017), which had been circulated were  amended, agreed, and adopted.

1) FIDO Dog Excrement Clearing Vehicle.  Several members expressed concern as to the efficiency of this as it has been seen moving at speeds in excess of 25mph. 
2) 36, Westgate Bay Avenue.  Members had observed the removal of trees from the site by the developers.  Chris Wyer (Westgate CAAG) reported that there had been agreement to remove those at the side but not the tree at the end of the site.  Don Eacott pointed out that the developers need to be made aware that the flints and wall material should be stored ready for the replacement wall as agreed.  
3) Westgate CCTV.  The W&WRA has always been supportive of this and made an annual contribution, and had invited the Town Council now that we have one, also to join in with this responsibility, one way in which the two organisations could be seen to be working together for local residents..  WTC Chairman Tom King pointed out that correct procedure would be to write a formal letter to the Town Clerk for consideration.

REPORTS: Councillors-KCC, TDC, WTC.  PCSOs and Wardens.

WTC Councillor and Chairman Tom King:
1) NHS Modernisation.  Suggested plans for Thanet are to have four super surgeries to cover everybody.  This has only just come to light and will need discussion at patients' forums.  There is to be a meeting with Dr Tony Martin on 21st February in the Global Generation Church building where it is hoped more information will be forthcoming. 

TDC Councillor Mick Tomlinson:
1) Westbrook Issues.  There is awareness of the following problems, Fido Vehicle, promenade seating breaking up, graffiti, shelters, which are being looked at, but no action taken due to financial restraints.  Cllr Tom King said
that in Westgate the WTC was trying to remedy this, and now had two new sweepers who will also remove graffiti, fly tips etc in addition to the services already supplied.
2) Dog and Duck Site.  Work has commenced for the luxury flats to be built behind which there is a proposal for a small terrace of houses and a car park.
3) Promenade Damage.  Recent damage near St Mildred's Bay and also in Westbrook near the new houses are the responsibility of TDC.  Fly tips occur regularly by Barnes car park behind the beach huts.  Cllrs Mick Tomlinson and Ash Ashby had  observed this and emailed appropriately and will follow this up.

KCC Warden Laura Bungard:
The report had been sent in and was read out.
January had been a busy month, with helping vulnerable elderly, dealing with fly tipped rubbish, parking issues in and around St Mildred's Road and Station Road, advising on security, highways issues (potholes, lines refreshed), and untaxed vehicles.  There is a new service in Thanet called “Kent Karrier” which is a dial a ride service with a joining fee and a small fare for each journey, eligibility applies, Tel 03000 413567.   Details in Bake House and Library.
Laura can be contacted on her mobile phone 07969 583922.

Mick reminded the meeting that by using the internet and typing in DVLA and a vehicle reg number it can be quickly determined if a vehicle is taxed.

Members' Questions:
A dance school had been set up in Westbury Road, and in spite of objections from neighbours just a few feet away had been passed on the grounds that it would be good for children.   Had sound proofing been a requirement it could have made a considerable difference for local residents' quality of life.  Cllr Mick Tomlinson agreed to follow this up.

1) Annual New Year Lunch.  Mick congratulated the organisers on an excellent event which had been enjoyed by all.
2) Local Plan.  This is to cover the next thirty years, and includes the removal of Manston Airport from the plan.  Residents are invited to make their comment. Don Eacott expressed concern that the same consultants were used for the plan as were employed by the building developers for Manston.  The local plan is on line.  Thanet now has 9,500 new builds (dwellings) to come, several members expressed concern about an adequate water supply.  On Wednesday there is a drop in at King Ethelbert School.  Cllr Dave Morrish felt the consultation was confusing, and the WTC would be carefully considering objections.  There is to be a meeting at Westgate Pavilion on 4th March.  

1) Parking on Yellow Lines at the T junction of Lymington and Linksfield Roads.  This is causing problems for residents and making it difficult or impossible for emergency vehicles such as fire engines to reach certain areas. There is also a grade 2 listed flint wall in poor condition nearby.
2) Police Community Messages (by email).  These include warnings about cold callers looking to repair faults on resident' roofs, loan sharks, vehicle thefts, and scam phone calls purporting to be from BT to reduce certain charges and requesting bank details to do this.  Never give bank details out over the phone.  There have been bogus callers claiming to be from Dyno Rod working in the area and needing entry to check water pressures.  The police are pleased to say they have had good success in arresting a number of burglars, vandals, and people with knives and guns.    

1) 39, Elm Grove.  Application for single storey side/rear extension and rear dormer window following demolition of garage.
2) 102, St Mildred's Road.  Application for erection of single storey rear extension.
3) 225, Canterbury Road.  Formation of vehicular access.  GRANTED.
4) 9, Pembroke Avenue.  Single storey rear extension and UPVC windows and porch. Permission GRANTED.
5) 147, Sea Road.  Application for erection of decking to rear garden. 
6) 11, Westonville Avenue. Application for erection of garage and flat above following demolition of existing garage and roof alterations.  REFUSED.
7) 139,  Sea Road.  Application for erection of two storey side extension, and side and rear extensions, enlargement of balcony area to front, and alterations to front fenestrations.  CALLED IN.
8) 3, Lymington Road.  Application for installation of extraction flue to rear.
1) 93 – 95 Canterbury Road (Goodwins).  Change of use of warehouse to mixed storage unit factory workshop and office space. Cladding on front elevation. GRANTED.
2) 1 – 16 Turnstones Court.  Replacement of windows and doors.  GRANTED.
3) 17, Meadow Road.  Application for erection of two storey side and front extensions, single storey rear, and dormers to front and rear following demolition of existing garage and conservatory.
4) 32, Station Road.  Change of use of land for use as garden for the nursery school.
5) 4, Queens Road.  Erection of single storey rear extension.  GRANTED.

In the absence of Sam  Secomb there was no report.

Muriel Atkins reported that the next magazine issue will be in March.  

No report, except that Mavis is unwell.

Christina had no special items to report.

Westgate Heritage Centre:  Next meeting is Saturday 4th March at St Saviour's Church at 10.30am when the AGM will take place, followed by a short talk by Dr Dawn Crouch about the pews of St Saviour's Church.

Margate Civic Society: Next meeting is Thursday 2nd March when a talk will be given by Lee Ault “Rites of Passage: Birth, Marriage and Mourning”.

1) Music Quiz.  This was offered by Chairman Mick Tomlinson
2) Lunch at the Swan.  Next one 26th February.  

1) Pancake Race.  In answer to enquiries it is hoped to reinstate this by 2018.
2) Bridge Road Car for Sale.  This had been observed again, and as well as taking up road space it was not fair on valid traders who pay their rent.  Mick Tomlinson agreed to follow  this up.
3) Westbrook Avenue Grass Verge Parking.  This appeared to be happening again, KCC had already booked quite a few offenders.  
4) Rubble in Westbrook Road.  Chris Wyer reported rubble on the road, skips, and parking on yellow lines.  
5) Committee.  It had been reported that a member of the  committee had been overheard to criticize the other members in a certain way, but the chairman said these things can be taken out of context, and the committee memberss work very hard, and any disharmony should be avoided.  The chairman said that he would look into and try to resolve the problem.  

 Monday 13th March, at the Westbrook Bowls Club, 7.00pm for 7.15pm. 

There being no other business the meeting concluded at 9.00pm.