Saturday, 19 November 2016

Westagate and Westbrook Residents Minutes November 2016



Fifteen members, and Westbrook District Cllr and Westgate Town Cllr Ash Ashbee. 

In the absence of Mick Tomlinson, Don Eacott agreed to chair the meeting.

Apologies had been received from Mick Tomlinson and KCC Warden Laura Bungard.

The minutes of the last meeting, (10th October 2016), which had been circulated were  amended as shown below, agreed and adopted on a proposal by Pam O'Toole sec by Maureen Eacott.

1) The map supplied by James had shown the electoral ward boundary, which is the same as the Westgate-on-Sea Town Council boundary. (Correction to Matters arising (3) in last minutes). 

REPORTS: Councillors-KCC, TDC, WTC.  PCSOs and Wardens.
Cllr Ash Ashbee:
1) Westbrook Avenue/Rancorn Road Parking and Blind Spot.  Cllr Ashbee had called Mr Robin Chantrill-Smith requesting double yellow lines, as visibility is often obstructed and double decker buses use this route.
2) Speed Checking.  This had been carried out with KCC Warden Laura and other councillors on various roads, and was noticeably worse opposite Bridge Road.
3) Possible Crossing in Westbrook Avenue.  This would be delayed due to the fact that the inquest into the fatality has not as yet been completed.  Unfortunately the allowance that KCC Cllr Jeff Elenor was prepared to put towards this has to be used by January.
4) Local Officers.  KCC Warden Laura has been seconded to St Nicholas temporarily.  A new PCSO is being appointed to Westgate. 
5) Manston Airport.  This is being written out of the local plan by the TDC leader.  A considerable sum of money was paid to Avia for their report which was negative about the airport, however it may be noted that this company has an interest in Heathrow.  The over view and scrutiny committee will be meeting, and members of the public should be present if possible.  Pro airport campaigners hope that River Oak will be successful with their DCO.   There would then be a local plan consultation before going to full council for voting.
6) Westgate-on-sea Town Council.  A possible increase in the precept and structure of the  council had been discussed.  A new clerk will start in January. The most concerning issue is dirty streets.  The meetings are now video recorded and can be viewed.  The meetings in future will be live streamed to the Bake House so that those unable to reach the conference room by the stairs will be able to see the meetings.  Westgate Pavilion future is an ongoing item, the WTC could acquire this for a nominal amount but there would be large repair bills, and this would need under writing perhaps by a trust.
7) TDC has a 1.7M£ shortfall in the budget, and are considering savings from Ramsgate Harbour, reducing the number of toilets, and perhaps running a lottery.

Comments/Questions.  As a result of the ruling party failing to honour their election pledge re the airport Cllr Ashbee had left UKIP and  after some time as an independent has joined the conservatives who do support the airport.
Barnes Car Park Large Bin.  A member asked where this had gone.  Cllr Ashbee explained that this extra bin is only put out in the summer.  A request has been put in for more dog bins.
One of the shelters had lost some of its roof sheets but unfortunately the Charter Trustees are not allowed to use money for such purposes.

KCC Warden Laura Bungard:
Though not able to get to this meeting Laura indicated that she had had a busy and varied month.  Youths had been hanging around the station, and there were several homeless people in the shelters and by one of the churches.  Any problems resulting should be reported.

A message had been received from Mick that a supply of light weight stackable chairs were available free of charge to the W&WRA, and on a show of hands members were unanimously in favour of receiving these.
There were still no offers from members to take over the position of vice-chairman.

1) Bumble Bee Conservation Trust.   Tony Sykes had received information that a grant has been applied for and should be available in October 2017 for increasing the numbers and training for the WASPS group at the Westbrook Undercliff.  The object is to prepare the area with suitable planting and reduction of some weeds for bumble bees to thrive.
2) Police email messages this month warned of scams sent by text supposedly from banks or BT requesting personal details.  

1) West Bay Cafe.  Application for another storey.
2) 18, Gresham Avenue.  Application to build a cattery.  There had been some objections, and Cllr Ashbee said she would speak if asked to do so.  

In the absence of Sam  Secomb there was no report.

Muriel reported there had been a slight delay but the magazine would be going to print shortly, proof reading had been completed.  

Mavis reported that two get well cards had been sent out to members this month.

Christina reported that as yet there had been no IT help with the computer records.

Westgate Heritage Centre:  Next meeting is Saturday 3rd   December at St Saviour's Church at 10.30am when there will be an illustrated talk about Kingsley Wood MP who worked with famous war time leaders and lived in Ava Lodge in Westgate Bay Avenue for a time.  The talk will be given by his biographer Hugh Gault and Jane Gallagher from the University of Kent.
Margate Civic Society: Next meeting Thursday 8th  December at the Walpole Bay Hotel at 7.30pm and will be a Christmas evening with wine and a quiz.


1) Festive New Year Lunch.  This is arranged for Sunday 15th January, forms with menu choice are in the Bake House and are required back by 10th December.  Raffle prizes are requested.

1) Remembrance Sunday Service at the Memorial.  Pat Sawyer-Jones and Sam Secomb were warmly thanked for making arrangements and presenting the wreath on behalf of the W&WRA.
2) Bake House Signage.  This was much needed as many people were unaware of the Bake House and the events held there.  A small hanging sign or flag would help draw attention to it.

 Monday 12th December, at the Westgate USC, 7.00pm for 7.15pm. 

There being no other business the meeting concluded at 8.24pm.