Eighteen members, Westgate Town Cllrs Tom King and Ron
Rolfe, and KCC Community Warden Laura Bungard.
In the absence of Mick Tomlinson, Don Eacott agreed
to chair the meeting.
Apologies had been received from Muriel Atkins, Tony
and Sylvia Sykes, Christina Taylor, and TDC Cllrs Carol Partington and Mick
Tomlinson who would be delayed.
The minutes of the last meeting, (12th
September 2016), which had been circulated were agreed and adopted.
1) Westbrook Road Yellow
Lines. Chris Wyer is to phone KCC
Highways to check the validity of these.
2) Zebra Crossing. One member had noticed no parking cones on
the pavement. Cllr Tom King said that parking inside the zig zag lines had been
considered safe in the report by Robin Chantrill-Smith, and recommended that
the W&WRA request a copy, as the view is impeded by parked vehicles. Chris
Wyer pointed out that parked vans made it much more difficult to see
approaching traffic.
3) Electoral Boundary. The map obtained from TDC by James showed the
electoral boundary, which varies slightly from the Town boundary.
REPORTS: Councillors-KCC, TDC, WTC. PCSOs and Wardens.
KCC Warden Laura Bungard:
1) Speed Checks. These had been carried out in Westgate Bay
Avenue and Westbrook Avenue, and some speeding was observed.
2) Zebra Crossing. This is causing some concern.
3) Jewellery Robbery. This had taken place in Westbury Road when a
door had been broken open.
4) The Elderly. Some had no central heating or other
facilities, help is available in such situations.
5) Elm Grove Parking
Problems. These occur by the school and
the drivers' side of conversations is becoming aggressive and rude.
6) Multi-Agency Case. This is proceeding and all agencies involved
meet once a week.
7) New PCSO. Duties will commence in three weeks.
8) “Talk Time” in the
Library. This takes place on Monday
mornings and more people are welcome.
Cllr Tom King suggested enforcement could be used to reduce the school
parking problem.
A member asked if vehicles could be checked for
valid car tax. Answer yes Laura can
check this.
Cllr Tom King WTC:
1) Westgate Pavilion. This is on the TDC asset disposal list. The WTC is concerned. It has been leased for the last six years and
is fully booked up, the lease is due to expire shortly. In this type of
situation if the asset can be proved to have community value a period of six
months is given for suitable purchasers to buy it. The second option is for it to be subject
to a community asset transfer, and the WTC resolved to make an approach to TDC
to express interest in this, which must be done within the time limit.
2) Cleansing Operative. In July the WTC accepted the offer of
equipment carts vacuums etc and now needs to employ an operative.
3) Pancake Race. The WTC would be pleased to take on the
arrangements for the pancake race if the W&WRA were agreeable. The minute secretary confirmed that this had
been agreed and minuted at the February committee meeting, and March general
4) Retirement of Town
Clerk. The lady holding this office was
now financially in a position to retire, so that a new town clerk will be
appointed to take up these duties.
Questions: In
answer to a question about the proposed cleansing operative Cllr King explained
that the WTC will be enhancing the service provided by TDC, and that there is a
memorandum of understanding that the present TDC services will not be lost.
Regarding Regalia there did not appear to be any
left from the old Westgate Parish Council.
Cllr Carol Partington TDC:
1) Westgate Pavilion. Although unable to attend this meeting Cllr
Partington sent information that she had spoken to WTC and the tenant, and
hoped that the Pavilion will be kept for the community by either option
referred to in Cllr King's report, and is willing to help facilitate this
between the TDC and WTC.
CORRESPONDENCE (by Police Email)
1) Scam Phone Calls. These are being received in the South East
supposedly from the post code lottery requesting personal details. The post code lottery does not cold call in
this way, do not give any details.
2) Courier Fraud. A phone call supposedly from the resident's
own bank states that the credit card has been compromised and has the new one
been received in the post? Of course the
answer is no, so that the caller says the new one will be sent by courier and
the old one is to be handed over to the courier. Money is then withdrawn from the victim's
account. If any doubts contact your own
bank making sure that the dialling tone is evident.
25, Westbury Road.
Application for permission for a dance studio. There are a few objections.
No new planning sheets obtained from TDC this month.
In the absence of Sam
Secomb there was no report.
The next magazine will be out soon. The contents and advertising have been
co-ordinated by Muriel, and it will be printed by Carol Peters as agreed at the
September general meeting.
Mavis reported that two get well cards had been sent out
to members this month.
No Report.
Westgate Heritage Centre:
Next meeting is Saturday 5th November at St Saviour's Church
at 10.30am when there will be an illustrated talk about SirWilliam Orchardson
RA 1833 – 1910, who lived for a time in Sea Road.
Margate Civic Society: Next meeting Thursday 3rd
November at the Walpole Bay Hotel at 7.30pm a talk “Quex Gardens” by Sue
Harris, Head Gardener.
Trips out and the annual festive lunch are being
Sunday Carvery Lunches at The Swan. Twenty one members enjoyed lunch out together
on Sunday. Muriel was thanked for
co-ordinating the arrangements. Watch
the notice board for future dates.
1) Litter Bin Outside Piggy
Bank Nursery. Members had heard that
this was a very expensive bin. Cllr Tom
King explained that it is on loan and does compact rubbish placed in it so that
collections do not have to be so frequent.
2) Road Sweeping Vehicle. Members had noticed that this could only
clear about one third of the road due to parked cars.
3) Chris Wyer observed that
Westgate Pavilion still does not have a disabled friendly entrance.
4) Walmer Castle, Canterbury
Road. Permission has been granted for
three flats, and from the new year the downstairs will be a members only club.
5) The meeting expressed a wish
of good health to chairman Mick Tomlinson.
Monday 14th
November, at the Westbrook Bowls Club, 7.00pm for 7.15pm.
There being no other business the meeting concluded
at 8.21pm.