Mick Tomlinson (chair), twenty seven members, Thanet
District Cllrs Ash Ashby, Sam Bambridge, Carol Partington, and Mick Tomlinson,
Westgate Town Cllr Ash Ashby, and Robin Chantrill-Smith (I/C parking for TDC)
who was introduced by the chairman.
The chairman welcomed all to the meeting.
Apologies had been received from Pat Sawyer-Jones.
Mr Robin Chantrill-Smith informed the meeting that
he was in charge of on and off street parking for TDC. There were twelve enforcement officers for
the whole of Thanet which was a somewhat limited resource. Questions were then invited from the floor.
1) St Mildred's Bay Car
Park. A ticket machine had now been
installed, this is solar powered as the previous electricity supply had
failed. Members questioned if this was
worth charging as motorists can and do park in adjacent roads. Answer: It does just about break even. Local members would prefer no charges so that
it is used and parking would not congest local residential roads. One member asked if it was a legal charge as
the land had been made over to the community by deed of covenant in 1926.
2) Double Parking had been
noticed in the main Westgate roads.
3) Westbrook Tescos. James Brazier brought to members' attention
parking problems here, and also on corners in Westgate Bay Avenue. Answer This is a country wide problem and
lack of enforcement officers is a difficulty.
Cllr Carol Partington said there had been an agreement that smaller
delivery lorries should be used, although it appeared that this was not always
the case. The chairman said there had
often been problems with bollards and railings had been asked for but this
would be the responsibility of KCC Highways.
4) Westbrook Road. An unauthorised yellow line had been put down
and subsequently blacked out.
5) Zebra Crossing,
Westgate. Cars parking by the zig zag
lines had been checked and considered sufficiently safe.
6) Problems caused by parking
at bus stops, and parked camper vans were also discussed. The police or environmental dept may be
contacted in cases of overnight camping.
Chris Wyer pointed out that if the jacks are put down it becomes
Mr Chantrill-Smith was thanked for his time and
The minutes of the last meeting, (8th
August 2016), which had been circulated were agreed and adopted.
1) Westgate Town Council
Boundary. Following the debate at the
last meeting James Brazier had obtained a copy of a map from TDC showing the
boundary as it is now. The blue shed at
St Mildred's Bay has been made over to
WTC, but there was some question about land that may go with it.
2) Westbrook Road HMO.
This is now empty, there is still a fly tipping problem in the road.
3) Old Nurses Home at the Sea
Bathing Hospital Site. Following
conversion to flats the scaffolding is being removed and the appearance is
Cllr Carol Partington TDC:
1) Camper Vans in Barnes
Park. The complaint has been resolved
with the help of an enforcement officer.
2) Green by Community
Centre. For access TDC used to use
Wellington Road, but now has changed to the corner by Lymington Road where
suitable posts have been placed.
3) Tennis Courts. Youngsters have been observed playing
football on these. Appropriate signs are
to be put up. Opinion was being sought
as to the possibility of using some of the courts as a multi sports court.
4) The Knot. The planning application is ongoing.
5) Beach Clean reminder. The national beachwatch beach cleans take
place this weekend, the local one in St Mildred's Bay is on Saturday 17th
September at 9.30 am.
1) KCC Warden Laura Bungard had
sent in her report to Cllr Ashbee. This
detailed a busy month with vehicles without
tax, highways issues, 101 calls, illegal camping and drugs.
2) Westbrook Avenue
Speeding. Permanent speeding signs had
been requested but the cost for one would be £6,000. KCC Cllr Jeff Elenor had earmarked his
discretional funding for a second zebra crossing. One member suggested a 20mph
limit would reduce casualties considerably, but there would be much legislation
to be dealt with beforehand.
1) Nurses' Home, Old Sea
Bathing Hospital. Work is nearly
complete and it is looking good.
2) Nayland Rock Hotel. This has been sold and is to be converted to
a five star hotel.
3) Victorian Shelter by the
Nayland Rock. In spite of being cleaned
regularly it does at times get into a poor state.
4) The “Record” Magazine. The next issue is being prepared and Carol
Peters are going to print it. Muriel
Atkins was warmly thanked for co-ordinating the new arrangements.
1) Police Information by
email. Phone calls have been received
pretending to be from HMRC and Amazon requesting personal details, these have
been confirmed as fraudulent. Never give
your details when cold calls request them.
Care when leaving parked cars, do not leave items with your home address
or even home GPS as if the car is stolen it may be driven to your home whilst
you are unaware. Mobile phones if stolen
in a bag with credit cards. It has been
known for the thieves to call “home” to request pin numbers and if given to
draw money from the victim's account.
2) Letter from Derek
Smith. A letter had been received by the
secretary, Pat Sawyer-Jones concerning the recent death of member and tea lady
Joyce Smith expressing disappointment that no committee member had attended the
funeral on 30th August in
spite of an open invitation. It appeared
that not all the committee were aware of the invitation and date. Some members were aware of the small size of
the Bake House and would not have wished to occupy space needed for family and
friends at the reception. The chairman expressed regret that the W&WRA had
not been officially represented, and a reply would be sent concerning this
oversight. Pat Sawyer-Jones had provided a floral tribute.
40, Royal Esplanade.
Application to erect single storey rear extension together with loft
conversion. Permission granted.
8, Westcliff Gardens.
Application to erect single storey rear extension.
10, Buenos Ayres.
Application to change of use from one flat and hostel to two self
contained flats with single storey rear extension.
14, Domneva Road.
Application to change windows on first and second floor levels to UPVC
vertical sliding with external Georgian bars.
85, Linksfield Road.
Application for erection of single storey side and rear extension. Permission granted.
Margate Beach.
Application for new life boat house.
There is some support and some objection. A TDC meeting is to be held on Wednesday week. For details see TDC planning services.
In the absence of Sam
Secomb there was no report.
At present the W&WRA has no editor. The next issue is being prepared, see
Chairman's Report item (4) on page 2.
Christina reported members still joining weekly. As soon as the new magazine was ready the
road stewards would be requested to deliver copies to members.
Westgate Heritage Centre:
Next meeting is Saturday 8th October at St Saviour's Church
at 10.30am when there will be a chance to see the film taken of the ceremony
when Dr Dawn Crouch was appointed the first Honorary Freeman of the town of
Margate Civic Society: Next meeting Thursday 6th
October at the Walpole Bay Hotel at 7.30pm a talk “Civic Voice” by John Walker,
Deputy Chairman, Civic Voice/President, Kent Federation of Amenity
Societies/Chairman, Ramsgate Society.
Mick Tomlinson informed the meeting that the Civic service
for the Mayor would take place on Sunday 9th October.
Trips out and the annual festive lunch are being
Sunday Carvery Lunches at The Swan. Next date is Sunday 9th October.
1) Westgate Community Centre
Quiz. To be held on Saturday 29th
October at 7.00pm. Entry £5.
2) Small encampment in public
shelter near Barnes car park. This has
been called in by Cllr Ash Ashbee.
3) Chris Wyer, various
observations. a)The mechanical road
sweepers cannot do their job as so many parked cars are in the way. b)The litter bin outside the Piggy Bank
Nursery is reported to have cost £3,000.
c)Bridge Road. New trees have not
been watered and have died, and the weeds were not completely killed during the
first treatment and have had to be sprayed again.
4) Next Litter Pick is on 24th
September at 10.00am.
5) Railway Footbridge. This had not been painted very well, and one
light on the Station Road side and two lights on the South side are not
6) Seaweed in St Mildred's
Bay. A very large quantity has been
removed by TDC.
7) Bonfires. In answer to an enquiry, bonfires are legal
but subject to the law of nuisance.
8) Animal Excrement. Though there is a legal obligation for owners
to pick up dog poo, there is no such obligation for horse owners.
Monday 10th
October, at the United Services Club, 7.00pm for 7.15pm.
There being no other business the meeting concluded
at 9.00pm.