Monday, 29 August 2016









Mick Tomlinson (chair), twenty members, Thanet District Cllr Mick Tomlinson, Westgate Town Cllrs Tom King, and Dave Morrish.


The chairman welcomed all to the meeting.



Apologies had been received from Diane Coe, Sam Secombe, Stephanie Sutton, Tony and Sylvia Sykes, Christina Taylor, and KCC Warden  Laura Bungard.



The minutes of the last meeting, (11th July 2016), which had been circulated were adopted on a prop. by Don Eacott seconded by Jane Smith.



1)      Westbrook Road HMO.  Chris Wyer reported that in spite of TDC efforts to resolve the situation most of the residents were still there, and the owner was going to the ombudsman concerning the  TDC action.  The whole property is now up for auction which will delay proceedings.

2)      Westbrook Road Waste and Flytipping.  Chris Wyer had removed some of this and the council had also removed a quantity.


REPORTS: Councillors-KCC, TDC, WTC.  PCSOs and Wardens.

Cllr Tom King WTC:

1)      Refuse and Recycling.  There is a lack of refuse bins available to residents living above the shops, some have had to keep rubbish indoors which is most unsatisfactory, and members of the WTC are meeting with Mr Geoff Dunn and others from the TDC to try to resolve the problem, possibly by allocating an outside area where bins may be kept.

2)      Station Road.  Flytipping has  been experienced by traders.  Also graffiti has appeared on the toilets and mobile phone mast boxes and Johnsons empty shop needs tidying up.

3)      Street Cleaning Machines.  These will be stored in the old games hut by St Mildred's car park, the rubbish at present inside will be removed by TDC.  A cleaning schedule will then be set up.

4)      Parking Problems in St Mildred's Road.  Parking and double parking have been noted.

5)      Westgate Bay Promenade.  The “no cycling” area is not always observed, and the bay warden has received some verbal abuse.

6)      Allotments.  No increase in charges have been made, and there is a healthy waiting list of applications.   


KCC Warden Laura Bungard:

Duties this month have included updating first aid course and training on IT scams/danger to residents.  General and financial advice to elderly/vulnerable residents.  Highways potholes/street lamps.

Refuse issues, cars and vans used for camping on roads, cycles turn up as lost property.

Residents are encouraged to be observant and to give Laura details of events witnessed, but not to confront anyone regarding ASB.

Suspect vehicles, misuse of drugs, work continues with PCSO Adrian Butterworth.


TDC Westbrook Cllr Mick Tomlinson:

1)      Sea Front Roundabout Westbrook.  This  has at last been tidied up, and is the first place visitors see when coming into Margate.

2)      Barnes Car Park.  A new sign is  needed for this which should  also indicate it is suitable for coaches, which hopefully will reduce road parking.

3)      Canterbury Road.  Many properties are receiving maintenance which is good for the area.



1)      St Mildred's Bay Paddling Pool.  Members had observed that this does not retain water when the tide goes out, and asked if this could be rectified.

2)      Barnes Car Park.  This was in the past used for both cars and coaches, and new notices to this effect were needed.

3)      The roundabout going into Margate and joined by All Saints Avenue is not a proper one and requires looking at.

4)      Parking in Westgate.  Bob Loxley had handed in a written proposal requesting a discussion as there seemed to be so little control, and this could end up being detrimental to businesses and residents.  The chairman offered to get in touch with council officers.

5)      Street Cleaning Equipment.  A member asked if this is insured.  Answer Yes.

6)      Graffiti, poor condition of beach facilities, and weeds were giving a  bad impression of the area.

7)      St Mildred's Court.  A resident had frequently found the residents' parking area full which is probably caused by the St Mildred's beach car park being chargeable.  Developments at “The Knott” may make this worse.

8)      Signs by the Golf Club.  Only the Westgate sign now remains, and a new location is required for the Margate and Cinque Ports signs.  Cllr Tom King suggested they could be resited at Garlinge near the Hussar.




1)      Police Information by email.  Phone calls have been received pretending to be from the Telephone Preference Service stating that unwanted call protection is about to end.  This comes from a number showing as 08000326281, and may ask for direct debit details.  This is a fraud do not give any information.

2)       Stolen Cycles.  One was stolen from a porch in Adrian Square overnight three or four days ago.  Ensure cycles are secure.


1)      45 – 51 Sea Road.  Permission has been granted for change of use and extension of 51 to seven flats, and erection of two 3 to 4 storey buildings with fifteen flats, and erection of seven three storey houses fronting St Clements Road following demolition of 47 and 49 Sea Road.

2)      139, Sea Road.  Application for erection of single storey rear extension and two storey side extension following demolition of existing structure. Permission Refused.

3)      125, Canterbury Road.  (St Augustines/Tower House).  Application for listed building consent for change of use from residential C2 to C3 for thirteen flats.  Permission Granted.

4)      Cliff Edge (40?) Royal Esplanade.  Concern was expressed from the floor that the application for a two storey side extension may cause a change of character of the property.

5)      Walmer Castle.  Application for change of use to Greek bar and snack bar and flats above has been called in.  The chairman agreed to find out the details of this application.

6)      New Shops, Station Road.  It was confirmed that an application for change of use for one unit from retail to educational has been made.




There was no general report, but the chairman confirmed that the nursery bill has been paid.



At present the W&WRA has no editor.  A volunteer is urgently required.  Suggestions from the floor, were to have a temporary newsletter, to pay for an editor, or encourage a new editor by offering an incentive.  Muriel Atkins has been making enquiries as to a possible new editor.



Mavis reported sending one card this month.



No Report.



Westgate Heritage Centre:  Next meeting is Saturday 3rd September at St Saviour's Church at 10.30am when there will be a talk by Dr Dawn Crouch “The Story of Christ Church's Clock”.

There is also an exhibition of information on the battle of the Somme and the effect of this on Westgate and local people. It will be open for two weeks in St Saviour's Church            .





1)      Carol Peters Dinner/Dance. Tuesday 30th August at Bay Point, tickets £28.

2)      Sunday Carvery Lunches at The Swan.  These are enjoyed by all attending and will continue.



1)      George V Green.  Pumping operations had been observed and members were curious.  It was thought that this could be test boring for a storage area for storm overflows, but it was hoped to find out if this is correct. 



 Monday 12th September, at the Westbrook Bowls Club, 7.00pm for 7.15pm.


There being no other business the meeting concluded at 8.38p