Saturday, 23 July 2016

WESTGATE AND WESTBROOK Residents' Association meeting July 2016







Mick Tomlinson (chair), eighteen members, Thanet District Cllrs Ash Ashbee and Mick Tomlinson, Westgate Town Cllrs Ash Ashbee, Tom King, and Ron Rolfe, and KCC Warden Laura Bungard.


The chairman welcomed all to the meeting.



Apologies had been received from Muriel Atkins, Sam Secomb, and Mavis Vaughan.



1)      Committee.  New committee members are needed especially to fill the posts of vice-chairman, magazine editor, and press secretary.  The work of editor requires time and experience and will be filled as soon as possible, and the chairman asked for patience and understanding concerning the delay of the next issue.

2)      Waste/Recycling Collections.  There have been some problems with these, there have been staff shortages and some bins filled with incorrect contents which cannot be taken to recycling.  In the case of the latter a sticker will be placed on the bin giving  the reason.

3)      Council Tax Support Scheme.  This will be changing and details will be explained at the Gateway on Wednesday and Thursday.

4)      Super East Kent Authority.  This possibility is to be discussed with leaders and chief executives of Thanet, Canterbury, Ashford, Dover and Shepway councils.  There will not be a decision for some time, and if it goes ahead would not be in place until 2020.  Details will be shown on the internet.

5)      24-26, Westbrook Road.  Following enforcement some occupants had left, but some had come back.  In spite of objections planning permission had been granted for flats.  Concern was expressed from the floor that the property was now up for sale.

6)      Margate Cemetery Trust.  More volunteers are required for the one morning  per week.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        



The minutes of the last meeting, (13th June 2016), which had been circulated, were   amended and adopted on a prop. by Don Eacott seconded by Tony Sykes.




1)      Westgate-on-Sea Town Council.  Mick said he would be inviting the Town Clerk to address one of our general meetings, and any councillors from the WTC are always welcome to represent the council at W&WRA meetings. 



TDC Cllr Ash Ashbee:

1)      Application for 139, Sea Road.  This has been called in.  

2)      Bridge Road.  KCC are to clear the banks, then the pay back team will paint the railings as arranged by Cllr Ashbee.

3)      Barnes Car Park Large Bin.  This has now been put in place.


In answer to a question from the floor concerning a possible second pedestrian crossing for Westbrook/Westgate Bay Avenues, Cllr Ashbee said that the inquest had only just been completed, and the exact location for the crossing is  not yet decided.


WTC Cllr Tom King:

1)      Town Council Meetings.  These took place on the first Monday of each month at the Town Hall and are open for the public to attend.

2)      Different Councillors are to be seconded out to local organisations including the W&WRA.

3)      Progress so Far.  The first fifteen months had been difficult, plans were in hand to manage finance and general purposes, and talks were continuing with TDC to acquire equipment for services.  It is hoped to remove rubbish graffiti and weeds.  Events that will go through the WTC include the pancake race, remembrance day parade, and the Christmas lights.  Grants had been made to restore the chimes in the clock in Christ Church tower, and for cleaning equipment for use by local residents, and to the Westgate Community Centre, and Westgate's Christmas lights. TDC had offered the “games hut” in St Mildred's car park, and a cleaner truck and barrows are available for a nominal amount.  Tom believed that an active Town Council should be very helpful during tough financial times.


KCC Warden Laura Bungard: (Laura had brought her report but had to attend an incident urgently, and the report was read by the  chairman).

1)      In the month of June Laura had been involved with:  13 Highways issues, 9 rubbish/dog fouling/fly tips, 14 vulnerable residents/mental health etc., 8 parking/cars for sale in prohibited roads, 11 youth groups/nursery/clubs, 7 referrals/social services, 6 advice, 5 ASB/graffiti, 7 DVLA, 5 police, and a few other items. 




1)      Police Information by email.  Male doorstep callers in the area selling dusters etc no ID displayed.  Do not get involved, if suspicious call 101 and give description.

2)       Online Financial Scam. Message comes in “have restricted your access to online banking, and now require verification process”.

3)      Telephone Scam.  UK Call Guard Service offers protection from unwanted calls for £199.  Available free from TPS.  Do not get involved.

4)      Letter supposedly from the bank asking that you call them.  Only phone your bank on their correct number known to you. 




1)      29, Domneva Road.  Application for single storey extension to rear elevation, and two storey extension to side.

2)      72, St Mildred's Road.  Application for change of use from retail to ice cream parlour.

3)      139, Sea Road.  This application has been called in.

4)      Premier Inn Westbrook.  Proposed window replacement.

5)      Land West of Hundreds Farm House.  Outline application for erection of 64 bed care home including access.

6)      1, Tyson Avenue.  Application for single storey rear extension, loft conversion, front porch, and internal  alterations.

7)      60, St Mildred's Road.  Application for change of use from retail to children's nursery.

8)      Walmer Castle.  Application for change of use from pub to Greek bar and restaurant.

9)      Station Road (new units).  Application for change of use from retail to educational purposes in one unit, and to bar and restaurant in another unit.

10)  27B, Ethelbert Square.  Application for change of use from storage to a two bedroom dwelling. 







None.  A new editor is urgently needed.






Christina said there was no new information other than new members were joining steadily.



Westgate Heritage Centre:  Next meeting is Saturday 6th August at St Saviour's Church at 10.30am when there will be a talk by Dr Dawn Crouch “Westgate in 1916” concerning the effects on the Town of another year of war.    



1)      Continuing with outings, lunches, and a music quiz in September.



1)      Rubbish in Westbrook Road.   Cllr Ashbee suggested the best option was to report this to a local councillor. 

2)      Allotment.  The allotment previously rented by the W&WRA has been given up, which is why it may look derelict. 

3)      Car sales in Roads.  Cars have been seen for sale in Canterbury Road, which is a prohibited road and therefore illegal.

4)      Grass Cutting Frequency.  This is budgeted at eight cuts per year.

5)      Signs at junction of Hengist Road and the Dual Carriageway.  Cllr Ashbee agreed to raise this at the Joint Transport Committee meeting. 

6)      Foot Bridge between The Grove and Station Road.  This appeared to have been painted but not very professionally. Enquiries are ongoing. 

7)      Canterbury Road.  Trees and shrubs from gardens on the North side of the road are obstructing the pavement.  The council is writing to the owners.

8)      Westgate Against Rubbish Group.  Next litter removal is on 23rd July, meet at the station. 




 Monday 8th August, at the Westgate Town Hall, 7.00pm for 7.15pm.



There being no other business the meeting concluded at 8.41pm.


Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Here Comes Summer

Copy of events happening from the Thanet Coast Project.
Thanet Coast
Explore our

2016 Summer Events

Book & Pay ‘online’ to reserve place:

Seaweed and their Secrets!


Walk & talk with Ian Tittley (Natural

History Museum) to find out everything

about seaweed & their uses - on the

chalk reef & rockpools. Adults (14+).

Lasts 2hrs. Suggested donation: £3pp

Tue 2 Aug, 6pm - Eastcliff, Ramsgate

Book/Pay: online & receive details.

Please Book/Further details online:
Book/pay via Visitor Information Centre, Margate on 01843 577577

nekmpa1 ThanetCoastProj

Summer Seashore Safaris

Explore Thanet’s rocky chalk shore for its fascinating

rockpool wildlife - with help on hand to identify your

finds. ID sheet & equipment provided. Wear suitable

footwear for rockpools. Suitable for 4 to 14s & all

the family! Lasts 2 hrs; £1 pp (adults & children)

Sat 23 July, 8.30am - Minnis Bay

Sun 24 July, 9am - West Bay, Westgate

Mon 25 July, 9.30am - St Mildred’s Bay

Tue 26 July, 10am - Nayland Rock Margate

Wed 27 July, 11am - Walpole Bay

*Sat 30 July, 3pm - Eastcliff, Ramsgate

*Sun 31 July, 4.30pm - Western Undercliff

Sun 21 Aug, 8.30am - Stone Bay

Mon 22 Aug, 9am - Joss Bay

Tue 23 Aug, 9.30am - Botany Bay

Wed 24 Aug, 10am - Dumpton Gap

*Part of Ramsgate Festival:

Book/Pay: online & receive meeting point details


# Thanet’s coast is internationally & nationally important for its bird & marine life

# It has the longest continuous stretch of coastal chalk in the country.

# You can volunteer & get free training (12 Oct) as a ‘Coastal Warden’ to help safeguard wildlife.

# There are further ‘Discover Thanet’s Coast events funded by Coastal Communities Fund, &

# Coastal Community Beach Huts & their resources for community ‘family-orientated’ groups

which can booked at Margate or Ramsgate Main Sands! More:

# The Safaris are part of the ‘Guardians of the Deep’ (Kent Wildlife Trust with HLF support)

Great British Beach Clean 2016

Join us on a beach clean & litter survey

as a part of the Marine Conservation

Society’s national campaign to monitor

& clean our shores. Gloves, sticks and

bags provided Lasts 2.5 hrs; 5 yrs+

Sat 17 Sept, 10am

- Plumpudding, Birchington

Sat 17 Sept, 2.30pm

- Pegwell Bay, Cliffsend

Wheels & Fins Seashore Safaris

Explore the chalk reef & rockpools at the festival

Suitable for 4-11s accompanied by an adult. ID and

equipment provided please wear suitable

footwear/clothing for rockpooling. Lasts 2hrs.

Sat. 10 Sept, 11.30am

Sun 11 Sept, 12.30pm

Joss Bay, Broadstairs

Broadstairs Water Gala

Join the family fun on our beach

activities on this great day out at Viking

Bay. Suitable: under 11s with adult.

Wed 17 Aug (1.5hrs; 4-11s)

3pm: Beach Scavenger Challenge - Viking

5.30pm: Seashore Safari - Louisa Bay
#ThanetCoast #NEKMPA

The North East Kent Coast is

internationally important for wintering

birds, and the marine life of the chalk

caves, reef and sandy bays.

For more details visit:

Tel: 01843 577672

nekmpa1 ThanetCoastProj

Water Safety in Thanet

Spot the dangers

Always go with a friend or adult

Follow safety signs and flags

Emergency? Ring 999/112

The Thanet Coastal Codes and Water

Safety in Thanet video can be viewed

online at:
