Tuesday, 17 November 2015









Richard Charlton, (chair), twenty three members, Thanet District Cllr Bertie Braidwood, Westgate Town Cllrs Richard Charlton, Tom King, and Hannah Scott, and KCC Warden Laura Bungard.


The chairman welcomed all to the meeting.



Apologies had been received from TDC Cllrs Ash Ashbee and Carol Partington.



The chairman spoke of the urgent need for a regular rental for the Bake House, and the possibility of advertising for this.  Quotes from the local press were £30 + VAT per month (min 12 months) for their website business listing, or a one off advert in the paper for £86 + VAT.  Any member who receives enquiries is asked to forward these to the Bake House for the chairman's attention.

Magazine.  The next issue due out  soon is the last for the  year and the last by our editor Derek Smith who will  be stepping down.  The editor elect will be Mike Linder who will be co-opted to the committee.



The minutes of the last meeting, (12th October 2015), which had been circulated, were adopted on a prop. by Ray Taylor seconded by Pat Sawyer-Jones.



1)      Accounts.  James Brazier reminded the meeting that the accounts should be formerly approved.

2)      Family Fun Day at Community Centre.  Abigail Carden was pleased to report that over £300 had been raised in spite of the poor weather.

3)      Business Rates.  It was confirmed that the treasurer is in  contact with TDC and is awaiting a reply.

4)      Litter Bags in Birchington.  Chris Wyer reported that more bags had been tied to trees by the anti litter group.

5)      Town Council.  Richard confirmed that the official name is now Westgate-on-Sea Town council.

6)      Lights on Railway Footbridge.  All three on The Grove side and one on the other side were not working.  Cllr Braidwood agreed to chase this  up.





KCC  Warden Laura Bungard: Rubbish in the area had been reported and dealt with.  The highways had had drains, kerbs, and pothole issues which are being resolved.  The problem with the new charity shop using the pavement for it's wares had proved difficult as part of the area was found to be private land.  There have been burglaries in the area, some criminals have been caught, but residents were asked to keep an eye out and report anything suspicious on 101.  There has been a change round of PCSOs and for the time being the PCSO at Birchington is also covering Westgate.  There was an assault in Beach Rise on Saturday, and some local car break ins.  Laura's contact phone no is  07969 583922.


Cllr Bertie Braidwood:  Sunday's remembrance service had been well attended, the zebra crossing had been put in by KCC and resurfacing started on the pavements on the Royal Esplanade.  Tony Snow congratulated and thanked KCC and TDC councillors who had worked to bring this about, it had been may years since a crossing had first  been requested, and a news cutting of former Cllr Brian Goodwin in Westgate Bay Avenue in 2002 campaigning for the crossing was passed round.

Cllr Braidwood said that the three councillors would be checking planning very carefully especially in view of the conservation area, and were at present looking at applications for 17, Sea Road and Fodbury Court.

Cllr Braidwood informed the meeting that his surgery is held on the second Saturday of the month at the library from 10.00am to 11.00am.

In answer to questions Cllr Braidwood said road markings for the Roxburgh Road bus stop will now be painted in, and a consultation had been taking place concerning payment methods for the St Mildred's Bay car park and the conclusions available shortly.


WTC Cllr Hannah Scott:   Details of a forthcoming survey to determine what Westgate residents would like to see the Town Council doing were given, and feedback should be returned as soon as possible.  £2,000 is available through bids to the clerk by community groups for community items.  The clerk is Jacqueline Williams tel 834252 (Mondays, Tuesdays, or leave a message), or email townclerk.westgateonseatc@gmail.com.  A website is also being prepared.

Questions and comments:  Will the Town Cllrs be each designated with an area of Westgate?  This could be worth  considering and may be put on the agenda.

Members commented that it was good to see some of the Town Cllrs at the W&WRA meetings.



1)      8, Westleigh Road. Application for permission to erect a three storey building with six flats of various sizes with access following demolition of existing building. WTC Cllr Hannah Scott said this had been turned down as it would be oversized for the plot, and insufficient  play area for children.  However the larger building in Sea Road had been referred to as a precedent, and this could result in demolitions of other large buildings.  The Town Council has made representation and asked TDC Cllr Bertie Braidwood to call this in.







The next magazine issue will be ready soon.



Mavis reported that a card had been sent to Stephanie Sutton.



Christina reported that most subscriptions were now in only a very few were outstanding.  New members always welcome.



Civic Society. The next monthly meeting is to be held on Thursday 10th December when there will be a slides show of old Margate, and a social evening..


Westgate Heritage Centre.  Saturday 5th   December at St Saviour's Church 10.30am when there will be a talk about the Huckstep family.



Jane reported on events to take place during the winter:  Lunch at the Golf Club 22nd November, New year Lunch at St Augustines 10th January (booking/menu forms available at the Bake House).  Trip to Pole Hill Garden Centre, Sevenoaks (with Carol Peters) 7th December,  Quiz Night end of January.

Jane also explained to members that since the major loss of rental income some of the social events need to become self funding which would require a contribution from each person attending.  A Christmas party could be held during the afternoon for some members and extending into the evening for others so that more members could come than in previous years.  It was agreed that the Bake House should be used as much as possible and maintained as it is a very valuable centre for the people of Westgate.  It was suggested that the facebook page be updated, and a rise in subscription rates considered.

Other social events include the Christmas light switch on 29th November, and a nativity play at Minster Abbey on 8th December.



1)      Letter Boxes.  Tony Snow pointed out that two of these along the Royal Esplanade, near the junctions with Fitzmary and Cliffe Avenues are in poor condition. Chris Wyer said he would report this to the CAAG who will help.

2)      Kerb Stones.  Chris Wyer reported that KCC are not going to put in any more plastic kerbs. 

3)      Westgate Library.  There is great concern about the future of the library, the Gardening Club are not allowed to use the upstairs part of the building.  WTC Cllr Tom King suggested that the W&WRA should be in touch with KCC and KCC Cllr Jeff Elenor.

4)      Briary Close Hedge Row.  A cross over (drop kerb) had been put in against this hedge presumably for possible future development.  It was also noted that one had been placed at the Epple Bay bus stop in Birchington.     

5)      Westgate-on-Sea Town Council.  Cllr Hannah Scott said all residents are invited to attend the WTC meetings which are held on the first Monday of the month at 7.00pm, and the planning and environment meetings on the third Monday.  Residents wishing to raise any points should notify the clerk by the previous Friday.  Three minutes may be allotted for speaking.   





 Monday 14th December, at the Town Hall Buildings 7.00pm for 7.15pm.



There being no other business the meeting concluded at 8.25pm.