Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Westgate and Westbrook Residents' Association Minutes August 2015

I am pleased to say that I am impressed by the enthusiasm of our new councillors who attend the meetings. Problems discussed are often acted on and it is a really good forum for two way contact with residents. The next meeting will be in the Westbrook Bowls club on Monday 14th September.

Here are the minutes of the meeting:




Richard Charlton, (chair), thirty two members, KCC Cllr Jeff Elenor, District Cllrs Ash Ashbee, Bertie Braidwood, and Carol Partington,  Westgate-on-Sea Town Cllrs Ash Ashbee,  Richard Charlton, Tom King, and Ron Rolfe, and Peter Ellis from Kent Community Health Trust.


The chairman welcomed all to the meeting.



Apologies had been received from Cllr Sam Bambridge and KCC Warden Laura Bungard.




The chairman then introduced Peter Ellis, Senior Postural Stability Instructor who spoke about his work and the twelve week exercise classes he organises, in order to reduce the risk of falls. Numbers required to form classes are minimum 10 – 12 maximum 15 – 18.  Leaflets were given out and there will be a notice put up in the Bake House.

Richard had arranged to receive planning application information by email although the system is changing and Cllr Carol Partington offered to make sure copies are forwarded to Richard.

St Saviour's Church invited members of the W&WRA to the service to be held on Sunday 16th August to commemorate the ending of WW2.

Members' Monday.  Jane Welch had been able to arrange 10% discount for W&WRA members in five local businesses on Mondays on production of their membership card. 




The minutes of the last meeting, (13th July 2015), which had been circulated, were adopted on a prop by Don Eacott sec by Janet Smith, and signed.




1)      Emptying of Bins at the Seafront.  Some of the problems were reported as being caused by beach hut users not leaving sufficient room for the refuse trucks to access the required areas.




Cllr Ash Ashbee:

1)      Seaweed Problems.  One lorry load had been removed from St  Mildred's Bay. On enquiry flat bottomed barges could be used for removal from most of the beaches but would be somewhat costly.

2)      Royal Esplanade Drop Kerb.  A “dog bone” white line marking is required to prevent parking across this, and a written request or an application form, available to download from the KCC website could be used to request a grant towards this.  KCC Cllr Jeff Elenor could then set the wheels in motion.

3)      Coastal Car Parks.  Barnes car park needed a sign, there was still a car that had been left there, and a member pointed out that St Mildred's car park was little used as this required payment of parking fees by mobile phone and credit card.  As a result people at the beach parked in the roads instead.

4)      Westbrook Toilets.  These had been out of action, ward Cllr Mick Tomlinson was aware.


Cllr Bertie Braidwood:

1)      Royal Esplanade Pavements.  There had been complaints about these and the whole length will now be resurfaced.

2)      Speeding Motorists.  Local support and a crash history help to get things done.  There is a scheme (Rural Speedwatch), which can be used following training and the log of results sent into Maidstone.  From information received the offending driver may receive a letter or visit. Members were asked which roads were the most urgent for this attention.  Westgate Bay Avenue, Royal Esplanade, Lymington Road, and Sea Road were suggested.

3)      Seaweed.  This was at present only removed when it was sufficient to fill a tipper  lorry.

4)      Barnes Crescent/Westgate Bay Avenue.  The  hedge had now been cutback for a safe siteline.


Cllr Carol Partington:

1)      Seaweed.  In the past there seems to have been lack of connection between beach officers and TDC, hopefully this will now improve.

2)      Refuse Collections.  Some of the  lorries have not always been able to gain access to streets.  There is now a strategy looking at the possible use of smaller trucks to overcome this problem.

3)      Dog Excrement.  There is a new and more robust vehicle coming into service to deal with this problem, as well as educational information for dog owners.

4)      Keep Britain Tidy and TDC at Margate High Street.  Charity wrapped bins indicating increase in use of these will result in in money going to charity are to be deployed.


KCC Cllr Jeff Elenor:

1)      Margate Area Improvements.  Some of the grey railings have been removed and flowers put in.

2)      Westgate Bay Avenue Crossing.  This has taken some time and was held up due to the elections, the next stage is for power to be put in at the  site, and hopefully the crossing will go in during November.

Questions from members: Should there be yellow lines at the bus stop in Roxburgh Road? Cars park here which prevents the use of the bus drop platform to the pavement. Jeff said the contact for this is Robin Chantril-Smith, and Richard agreed to contact him.

Canterbury Road resurfacing had been promised near the BP garage but no further news to date?


KCC Community Warden Laura Bungard:  July report read out by Richard:

Items dealt with include Flytips/rubbish, social service, drug dealing, ASB, parking,  burglary, and vulnerable children.

The next neighbourhood engagement meeting is on this Wednesday at 6.30 pm at Birchington.  




None received.



See below under CAAG report.



The accounts have now been audited.



Road stewards are requested to collect and distribute their magazines.



Richard reported that Rosalind had resigned from this position, and it will be necessary to find a replacement.



Civic Society.  James Brazier reported that the new programme for 2015/2016 will start in October.  There is an outing to the Imperial War Museum on Tuesday 22nd September.

Westgate Heritage Centre.  Next meeting is on Saturday 5th September from 10.00am with the talk “End of an Era”, about Sir William Ingram  at 10.30am.

CAAG Report, Chris Wyer said there had been some planning issues concerning bungalows for which application had been made on the boundary  of flats in Egbert Road in there conservation area.  Also at Westcliff House applications to build flats in order to raise funds to refurbish and bring Westcliff House back to use have been made.  The CAAG would also like to see the new owner proceed with work on the PEJ House, the roof has now been made weather proof.

Re Westcliff House information from Cllrs was that there is to be a site meeting with the John Townsend Trust who want to build the apartments on land which is near to a listed building behind, the planning committee will then meet for consideration.




Jane reported on recent events much enjoyed by all, Visit to Minster Abbey, Westbrook Bowls Club, Westgate Golf Club, and a Sunday lunch at the Swan Hotel.

Future events/trips.  Ramsgate Tunnels 19th August, Quiz 11th September, Sunday lunch at the Golf Club 20th Sept (list in the Bake House).  Also later on shopping trips, lunch at the Swan, and a provisional date for the new year lunch is 10th January 2016.



1)      Westgate Art and Craft Group.  Exhibition at St Saviour's Church this week and next.

2)      Town Green near Barnes Car Park.  Tony Sykes was concerned about the annual grass cut which helps to encourage wild flowers, this used to be arranged with Paul Verrall who has now retired.  Cllr Carol Partington said she would be happy to take this  up.

3)      Fly Posting.  Many posters were left in the area after events had finished. TDC staff are assisting  with their removal.

4)      Defibrillator.  There does not appear  to be one in the town, and Jane Welch informed the meeting that if £600 could be raised, a further £600 grant would be made.

5)      Vehicles for sale in Canterbury Road.  This is not permitted and requires enforcement notices from the PCSOs.  Richard thought that notices should be up to make the prohibition quite clear.

6)      Children's Playground in Linksfield.  Bottles and papers and rubbish appeared here, Cllr Carol Partington agreed to deal with the problem.

7)      Seagull Proof Bins.  These are required in Westgate.

8)      Town Council Issues.  Residents may attend  but not speak at TC meetings.  Anyone requiring an issue discussed should speak to one of the councillors in good time. 



 Monday 14th September, at the Westbrook Bowls Club..


There being no other business the meeting concluded at 8.40pm.