Thursday, 13 November 2014

Westgate and Westbrook Residents' Meeting November 2014





Tom King, chairman and councillor, thirty six members, and KCC Cllr Jeff Elenor.


The chairman welcomed all to the meeting.



Apologies had been received from Richard Charlton and Derek and Chris Smith.




1)      Review of Governance Arrangements.  There is to be an extraordinary meeting at TDC to consider the recommendations of the working party: That a Westgate-on-Sea Parish Council be created, and that the remainder of Margate should retain the Charter Trustees.  There had been letters, leaflets, meetings, consultations, press adverts, publicity teams, tweets twice a day, with copies of the information sent to libraries and community groups prior to the recommendation.  Public meetings had been held in Westgate and Margate and had been attended by 100 and 20 persons respectively.  There appeared to be a good deal of interest in forming a Westgate Parish Council, but little interest in one for Margate.  If the recommendations are ratified questions are likely to arise and Tom has been in touch with the democratic services manager, and the finance and legal officers.  

Questions were then invited from the floor: These included arrangements for a shadow PC as in other areas, a more accurate estimate for the cost of the precept (as in band D) which is £36, not £24, and the additional precept that will be required in the council tax as fewer households will be contributing towards the Margate Charter Trustees.  It was noted that these points had not been taken up by the local press.   The effect on the W&WRA was raised, Tom felt that the relationship between PCs and RAs should be constructive (although it has been known for them not to get along).  He expressed the opinion that for a member of the W&WRA to be also on the Parish Council could be a conflict of interest.  The meeting is to be held on 18th November at 7.00pm at the TDC chambers and the public gallery is available for residents.

2)      St Mildred's Bay Slipway.  It had been pointed out that there were no railings on one side of the slipway and a dog had fallen and injured itself here, and this could possibly happen to a child.  Tom is to see Mike Humber of TDC.

3)      Westgate Bay Avenue/Dent-de-Lion Road.  Blocked drains had been reported after the rain, but the cause was due to leaves requiring removal and Tom has contacted TDC  for action.

4)      Elm Grove by St Saviour's School.  It had been reported that a nearby site had been cleared, but Tom confirmed that no planning applications had  been received.

5)      ASB Dispersal Notices.  Ethelbert Square and the Station areas had been much better, residents have asked that the benches be re-sited to reduce possible nuisance and this had been agreed.

6)      Footpath Lights, between Ursuline and King Ethelbert Schools.  None of the lights are working, and Tom reported that these are the responsibility of TDC (not KCC), although KCC are obtaining an estimate for TDC.   



The minutes of the last meeting, (13th October 2014), which had been circulated, were adopted on a prop by Don Eacott sec by Tony Snow, and signed.



1)      34, Westgate Bay Avenue.  A substantial part of the wall had been knocked down, as yet Tom had been unable to contact planning enforcement, and is watching to see if there should be any planning applications.  There are trees on site and Tom has arranged to receive copies of all applications for tree work.

2)      St Mildred's Bay Car Park.  Tom had spoken to Mr Smith of TDC who said the car park was under used, one member asked if they were taking any money now as it appears that motorists are completely avoiding it.  The general feeling of the meeting was that residents would prefer to pay by using a meter as before, as there were complications with the new arrangements, not everyone has mobile phones or can get a signal in the venue, and many were concerned about the security of giving out card numbers over the phone. The charges are not displayed on the notices.

3)      W&WRA Accounts.  Tom confirmed that these have now been  audited and will be ready  this week and made available to members.

4)      TDC Chief Executive.  James Brazier asked if the chief executive was coming back as she was still on the payroll.  Tom said that this was not yet known. 



KCC Cllr Jeff Elenor:

1)      St Mildred's and Station Roads.  Members were very pleased with the resurfacing of these roads. 

2)      Hospice Fundraising Event.  This had been supported by Brenda Blethin and been very successful. 

3)      “Essential Furniture”.  Jeff told the meeting that this company takes and will collect good second hand furniture which is placed at reasonable prices according to need.  They are at present in Hersden but are planning to have a place in Margate.

4)      Westgate Bay Avenue Crossing.  Jeff has put much of his member's discretionary funding towards this, as some older residents have difficulty crossing this road and could become isolated.



1)      Promenade Bins and Lifebuoys.  The extra (seasonal) bins had been removed, unfortunately the lifebuoys had been vandalised five times recently.

2)      Public Address System.  This had been purchased with the KCC grant.  It is transportable and may also be used with battery power.  It is for the community, and has been used by Westgate Community Centre.

3)      Police Community Messages (received by email).  Minor crimes in the area included vehicles being broken into and windows smashed, and hubcaps stolen.  Some households had received flyers bearing the wording “important notice” and an address “RSL Metro House” This is a scam and should be disregarded.   



1)      14 Wellesley Road.  Application for permission to erect part one storey and part two storey extension following demolition of existing extension.

2)      22, Carlton Road West.  Application for permission to erect a single storey front and side extension, and alteration to roof.

3)      20 Carlton Road East.  Retrospective application for permission for french doors and first floor balcony. 

4)      41 Royal Esplanade.  Application to demolish existing  house and build blocks of flats.  This application  has caused great concern and a petition is going round. If this was allowed it would set a precedent.  Ward councillor Mick Tomlinson is calling it in.  Tom thought the hearing may be in about two months time, on the third Wednesday during which the public may attend.



EDITOR’S REPORT          None.


MEMBERSHIP                   None



Westgate Heritage Centre (in St Saviour's Church).  Next meeting is Saturday 6th December at 10.30am when there will be a talk by Dr Dawn Crouch and Sally Whitworth about their research into the names on the war memorial boards of Wellington House School.



1)      Quiz Night.  To be held on Wednesday 19th November at the Bake House.

2)      Christmas Party.  All welcome.

3)      New Year Lunch.  Sunday 11th January at St Augustines.  Booking forms and menus available from the Bake House, names and deposits required by 24th November.

Also there is a talk on “Defence of Thanet in WW2” at the Community Centre on 20th November at 7.30pm.



1)      Fly Tipping.  Tony Sykes reported that fly tipping has taken place in the Barnes car park, on informing TDC they had very promptly cleared this up. 

2)      CAAG Groups.  Chris Wyer reported that both Westgate and Margate had written to oppose the proposed development at 41 Royal Esplanade.



 Monday 8th December, as it is the Christmas meeting it will be held again in the Town Hall Building.

There being no other business the meeting concluded at 8.30pm.