Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Windy Westbrook Walk

Just got back from a ramble on Westbrook cliff tops as Hurricane Gonzalo flicks its tail towards us. At 12 noon high tide has passed and fortunately the gale is 'westing' rather than 'northing' at the moment. Walking towards Westgate it was difficult to remain perpendicular as the strength of the wind moves towards its predicted 70 MPH. Breathing is also difficult given the strength of the gale. No spectacular pictures of tidal surges. Next high tide around 11 pm tonight might be more difficult if the wind springs to northwest as predicted however the tide tables show the high is a moderate 4.9 metres unless there is a surge in the North Sea.

Moving Beach huts to winter storage in Barnes Car park becomes a tricky operation.

Saturday, 18 October 2014









Tom King, chairman and councillor, twenty one members, and KCC Cllr Jeff Elenor.


The chairman welcomed all attending especially on such a wet evening.



Apologies had been received from Stephanie Sutton.




1)      Dreamland Briefing.  Tom reported that he had just come from a briefing for councillors about plans for the site, which include some original items, retail outlets, restaurants, ballroom, and pin ball area etc which will all be marketed.  The opening will take place in 2015.  

2)      Library Service.  A “Kent on Sunday” article had featured formal plans to hand over the running of libraries to a charitable trust.  There is a twelve week consultation period which has just started.  If this change goes ahead it is estimated to save half a million pounds, business rates would no longer apply.  The service should continue as at present (the museum and libraries' act protects library services).  Suffolk CC has made this change successfully.  Consultation forms are available at libraries.




The minutes of the last meeting, (8th September 2014), which had been circulated, were adopted on a prop by Richard Charlton sec by Darren Ellis, and signed.



1)      TV Reception.  This was still poor in many areas especially the BBC.  The suggestion from Offcom that those affected should purchase receiving equipment at around £200 was regarded as an insult.

2)      Anti Social Behaviour.  Richard Charlton reported that when the congregations of youngsters are moved away from the station by the police, they often end up in Ethelbert Square causing disturbance to local residents.  Tom has raised awareness of this problem at the Community Safety meetings.

3)      Governance Review.  James Brazier referred to the meeting of the Council Boundary and Electoral working party.  Tom reminded the meeting that residents may attend any council meeting, except those designated as confidential.  The views of the other local ward councillors concerning a possible Westgate parish council was not known.

4)      St Milded's Bay Car Park.  Residents and visitors had been avoiding the car park since notices went up requiring payment by mobile phone and credit card, sometimes there is no phone signal, and there is concern about giving out credit card numbers over the telephone.  One of the notices is with the disabled space parking notices giving rise to concern that those disabled may have to pay.  Tom agreed to clarify the situation from the council.

5)      34, Westgate Bay Avenue.  Following concern about this site as the trees had been very severely cut and part of the flint wall taken down, Tom has arranged with the KCC to receive a copy of their list of trees undergoing work.  These trees are on the list, most tree work is carried out by an independent firm but the KCC makes checks.  Other areas in Sea Road and Lockwood are on the list.



KCC Cllr Jeff Elenor:

1)      Library Service.  KCC are proud they have retained all the seventy nine libraries in the county, and are not intending to close any.  There are questionnaire forms available at the library about the  new proposals, group points of view are welcome.  Jeff agreed to find out who is eligible to sit on the trust.

2)      Community Warden Service.  KCC have to save 250M£, and in round figures one hundred staff will be reduced by fifty, covering management, administration, supervisors, and wardens.

3)      Kerb Stones.  In answer to a question Jeff confirmed that there is one contractor who uses plastic kerb stones.

4)      New Trees in Westgate.  Jeff had arranged for these trees to be watered, and recent rain as well should ensure their survival.

5)      Weeds.  Extra spraying had been carried out and Bridge road tidied up.  Julian Smith pointed out that  the metal railing by the junction of Bridge Road and Westbrook Avenue was loose.

6)      Westbrook Shops Area.  It was pointed out that the road easily becomes flooded during rain, as does part of the dual carriageway.



1)      Beach Management Plan for Thanet.  A lengthy report had been produced with ideas for maximising the asset for tourism.  Some residents were concerned about the beach accomodation, eco-huts, and overnight camper vans that had been suggested.  At St Mildred's Bay the old closed cafe and horseshoe huts could be phased into the new scheme as also the Westbrook cafe.  It was noted that contrary to previous information all the old style beach huts by the Sea Bathing hospital site had been removed.  



1)      28, Roxburgh Road.  Appllication for permission to replace timber windows with UPVC ones.

2)      Lockwoods Yard.  The site is now under an enforcement order to reinstate the wall.

3)      12, Thanet Road.  Application for retrospective permission to erect a two metre high boundary fence.

4)      14, Barn Crescent.  Application for permission to erect a two storey side extension.

5)      20, Carlton Road East.  The planing committee has been called in to check the application for french doors and a balcony on the first floor. 





Sam Secomb told the meeting that the  bank balance stood  at £7,511, and the year to date to the end of September showed an income of £10,490, and an expenditure of £8,790.  Some  of the Bake House renovations had been covered from the memorial fund for Barbara.  The profit had been made by hard work of the  residents, and their views as to how this may best be spent should be sought.  Various suggestions were made including a contribution towards a crossing for Westgate  Bay Avenue, the Community Centre refurbishment, paint for the library, the old putting  green  area.  James Brazier felt that the audited accounts are required before further consideration, and several members said that a reasonable reserve should be kept as magazine printing is costly.




MEMBERSHIP                None




Margate Civic Society.  Next meeting Thursday 6th  November,  a talk “Richborough Port and World War 1” by Dr Frank Andrews.




1)      Quiz Night.  This was held on 8th October and enjoyed by all.

2)      Ramsgate Caves.  A trip to see the caves is to be arranged.

3)      Trip to Deal next Wednesday.




1)      Promenade Rubbish Bins.  It was pointed out that three of these had gone from St Mildred's Bay, so that no bins were available between Rowena Court and West Bay.  Also noted the lifebelt previously by the pool was missing. 

2)      Tesco Arlington.  Tesco had pulled out of this development, as yet it was not known what was going to happen at the site.

3)      Westgate Sign.  This had again been vandalised with graffiti.  Darren Ellis offered to clean it again.

4)      TDC Chief Executive.  It was noted from the floor that this executive had been on  leave for five months and the TDC  had an interim director.  Tom explained that the general purposes committee make these appointments, and that a barrister is going to report on his findings.

5)      Traffic Accidents in Westbrook.  Chris Wyer pointed out that these accidents had  left the area and walls damaged and looking very tatty, and asked if TDC could bring to bear any pressure to help effect repairs.

6)      Westcliff House.  Westgate CAAG are meeting to view the plans.  The building is being converted to flats, but some houses are to be build adjacent to this to help offset the costs.  There was concern about the proximity to Ellingham.

7)      Signs re Units by Garden Centre.  These had appeared recently, and Darren Ellis thought they could be a reference to possible retail units.

8)      Christmas Lights Switch on.  This is scheduled to take place on Sunday 30th November.



 Monday 10th November in the Town Hall Building.


There being no other business the meeting concluded at 8.50pm.