Sunday, 31 August 2014

Last Chance to Visit the Changing Coast Exhibition back by Popular Demand

 You will be amazed by this free exhibition exploring and comparing historic images and postcards and current images from our ever-changing coastline.  This exhibition also highlights recent tidal and weather extremes and links up with the Coastal Communities and Climate Change project, and is run with support from the CC2150.

Historical pictures fade into up to date photos showing the same view. Many of us have forgotten how things have changed. Cliff arches to chalk stacks. Chalk stacks and meandering cliffs of Birchington to smoothed lines of sea defences and much more.

Remember the storm of 1953 and when the sea froze over in the sixties.  These are compared with recent extreme weather and tidal surges.

The exhibition closed on Friday for the Dreamland exhibition but returns on Tuesday 2nd September until 7th September. It is held in the Drum Room, Droit House, Margate harbour   CT9 1JD. Doors open 10 am to 5 pm. Just go into the tourist information office and walk through to the back. The rolling exhibition lasts about 45 minutes.

Monday, 25 August 2014

Westgate and Westbrook Residents' Minutes of Meeting on 11th August 2014








Tom King, chairman and councillor, twenty eight members, and KCC Cllr Jeff Elenor.

The chairman welcomed all attending.


Apologies had been received from Abigail Carden, Rosalind Morton, and John and Mavis Vaughan.

1)      Refuse and Recycling Problems.  Tom informed the meeting that he had spoken with Cllr Mike Harrison (services) about residents who had not had their refuse/recycling removed.  The contractor to TDC pays £120 per load but if there are incorrect contents (contamination) this is not paid, and TDC  have had to be strict in this respect resulting in a few bins being left.

2)      West Bay Showers.  This bay does not have a shower, only an old tin sink, which can hardly be considered blue flag standard, and Tom is pressing for the installation of a shower.

3)      Marc Lawrence Memorial.  The new stone was dedicated at a memorial service on Sunday conducted by Rev Barbara Way.  MP Sir Roger Gale, KCC Cllr Jeff Elenor, Cllr Tom King and many local residents attended.

4)      No 35 Bus.  This route has been taken over by Regent Coaches, and the modern buses have been well received.

5)      Seaside Children's Play Areas.  Tom had spoken to Morgan Harris about these as there were so few around the Westgate Bays.  A walk around took place to identify a site for play equipment.  £7,000 would be required to start, but only £3,500 was available.  A children's galleon type play boat would be the first item and more added when possible.  A possible site is the green between West Bay and St Mildred's Road, there may be some planning gain funding available from local developments.

6)      Governance Review.  A letter has been received from Justine Wingate re the launch of the public consultation.  There could be a division of the unparished area into two, Margate Town Council and Westgate Parish Council.  There are to be meetings to give more information and to take questions.  On 27th August at 7.00pm at Westgate Pavilion, and on 28th August at TDC Offices.  There is more information on line at www.thanet, A few paper copies are available tel 577050.  Further publicity will be out this week, and press adverts locally.

Comments and questions were then invited which resulted in discussions as to the various suggestions of governance methods and precepts payable for Town Councils and Parish Councils.  Tom had checked a list of some of the responsibilities that can be taken over by Parish Councils which included sports grounds, crematoriums, clocks, common land, community centres, drainage, war memorials, toilets etc.  Tom said it is very important that the information and meeting details are made known to local residents.  Some thought that it would create another tier of local government administration with associated costs, others did not want to lose TDC services who could maintain larger items such as the FIDO, and road cleaning machines.


The minutes of the last meeting, (14th July 2014), which had been circulated, were adopted on a prop by Stephanie Sutton sec by Mercia Beach, and signed.


1)      Litter Bin.  Victoria Avenue now required one of these.

2)      Westbrook Bay 1920 Style Beach Huts. On enquiry Tom had been informed that some of these will be retained and repaired, but others were beyond repair.

3)      Double Yellow Lines.  These were only partially effective due to lack of enforcement.


KCC Cllr Jeff Elenor: 

1)      Jeff had had a meeting with highways dept at KCC and raised items as requested: tree watering of new trees – contractors would be made aware/ overhanging trees near the library in Canterbury Road to be attended to/ weeds in Bridge Road and gully sucking to be chased up.

2)      Westgate Bay Avenue Crossing.  KCC Highways at Maidstone had taken this on board, but it would be likely to take up a substantial part or even whole of the member's grant.

3)      Trees in Westbrook Avenue and Canterbury Road.  Some had been removed, but there was not the money available to replace them at present.

4)      Plastic Kerbstones had been observed, these can crack under heavy weight and then have jagged edges, causing concern.


1)      There is a coach  trip to Greenwich on 5th September Price £13, leaving at 8.00am and returning at 5.30pm.  Optional visits available are: Tall Ships, Maritime museum, and the Royal Observatory.


1)      64, Westgate Bay Avenue.  Application for permission to erect a 1.8 metre high timber fence at the boundary.

2)      17/114 St Mildred's Road.  Application for permission to erect a balcony to the roof.

Chris Wyer enquired if the application for six houses on the Westgate Bay Avenue site had been turned down as the site had  now been cleared, and more of the old wall pulled down.  Tom said he would check on the site.


Sam Secomb reported the bank account total to be £9,165.

Since 1st April the income has been £5,662, and the expenditure £5,575.

Payments will be due when the Bake House refurbishment is carried out according to Barbara Whitlock's bequest.


Derek apologised for the  late appearance of the magazine which has been delayed due to a number of problems at the printers.


More road stewards are urgently required.


Westgate Heritage Centre.  Next main meeting to be held on Saturday 6th September with a talk on the role of the civilian services at the start of the first world war.


Richard reported sending in the W&WRA news and is given quite good coverage.


1)      East Northdown Park Nursery.  Outing and tea 21st August.

2)      Quiz.  The next quiz will be on Friday 29th August at the Bake House, participants to bring their own food.

3)      Elham Valley Trip.  This on 27th August.


1)      Weeds in Roads.  Many roads do not appear to have had treatment for weeds, the new method of treatment from a lorry (photograph produced by a member) may not be effective, or may not have been used on many roads.

2)      TV Reception.  This is still poor in the locality, Stephanie is waiting to hear from MP Sir Roger Gale following the investigation.


 Monday 8th September in the conference room at the Town Hall Buildings..


There being no other business the meeting concluded at 8.52pm.