2014 AT 7.15PM.
Tom King, chairman and councillor, twenty six members, KCC
Cllr Jeff Elenor, and guest speakers from Minster Parish Council, Cllr Bob
Grove and Parish Clerk Kyla Lamb.
The chairman welcomed all attending.
Apologies had been received from Don and Maureen
Eacott and Chris and Derek Smith.
Tom introduced the speakers who gave the meeting an
outline of the workings of their Parish council. Cllr Bob Grove is the chairman and described
Minster PC as a body of hard working people who gave their services free of
charge. Some PCs work as a whole council
and some (including Minster) have committees for various functions such as
street cleaning, toilets, finance, planning, flood, and highways. Decisions from these committees have to be
ratified by a full Parish Council meeting. Each committee group consists of members interested in the particular
subject. The Clerk is the line manager.
There are various assets of the PC such as ownership
of the toilets for which an agency payment is received from the TDC, the
cemetery, and the recreation ground from which there is an income from sports
clubs' payments.
Eight staff (some part time) are employed for
maintenance cleaning and dog bins.
Questions were then invited.
Funding. The
source of funding comes from the precept which is levied with the rates bill,
this is shown on the TDC website, also agency cash which is reducing and a
small amount from KCC Highways.
Council Meeting Frequency. Once a month.
Population of Minster. 3569.
Precept. The
total is approximately £50,000, this could result in around £40 in a band D tax
bill. There is a council tax support
grant which is £8,000 at present but may not continue.
Planning Committee Powers. The PC Planning Committee deals with small
applications and its views are noted by TDC with applications called in if
Terms of Service.
Councillors are elected for four years, in the case of vacancies arising
in between may be co-opted after interviewing candidates which saves the considerable costs of elections.
Fors and Againsts.
There is more control of your own area, and policies are not sent from
an office block, the Parish Councillors look after their own community.
Tom said today's question is would Westgate be
better with a Parish Council? He then
thanked the guest speakers for their presentation. Tom also said that there
would be a press report from tonight's meeting and a larger meeting could be
called if the interest is there.
Tom then continued with the chairman's report:
1) Village Green. Although this status had been granted by the
KCC, King Ethelbert School were going to appeal. Graham Rickett is forming a village green
committee and offers of help in this respect should be made to Graham on
2) Manston Airport. There was overwhelming support for Manston,
and there is to be an emergency TDC
cabinet meeting on Tuesday to look into legal aspects for a CPO, a “back to
back” agreement with an investor would require setting up.
3) Silting up of the pool in the bay. No reply received to date.
4) West Bay, request for
shower. Negative reply various reasons
5) Refuse/Recycling
Collections. There had been problems
with some flats, even when a caretaker had done his best to help.
The minutes of the last meeting, (9th
June 2014), which had been circulated, were adopted on a prop by Stephanie
Sutton sec by Richard Charlton, and signed.
1) Dog Bins. Tom had requested more, one had already been
placed and hopefully there will be other new ones.
2) Village Green. Funding re the school's appeal case would be
met by the KCC.
KCC Cllr Jeff Elenor:
Questions were invited.
Roads. It was
pointed out that in spite of a weed spraying team having been observed in the
area, the weeds in some roads especially Bridge Road were considerable. Also observed were potholes in Station Road,
and Westgate Bay Avenue. Jeff told the
meeting that Station Road was scheduled for complete resurfacing in the Autumn,
and the markings round other potholes indicates they have been reported.
Westgate Bay Avenue Crossing. Members pointed out that this road was still
without a crossing whilst there were several in Birchington. Jeff said that members' grants are not
sufficient to cover all the items asked for.
Westbrook Avenue/Rancorn Road. Once again the wall of this property had been
knocked down. Tom hoped that KCC
Highways and the joint transport committee may
be able to come up with improved warning road markings.
New Trees.
Chris Wyer reported that some of the new trees required maintenance and
Waste and Street Cleaning. Harold Avenue and Westbury Road are to have
double yellow lines at the corners so that the necessary vehicles can have
Railway Footbridge Refurbishment. This is mostly complete but on 26th
September trains will be suspended so that the painting can be finished.
Waste and Recycling.
There will be new dog bins in Victoria Avenue and Minster Road, but the
posters re dog fouling are still awaited.
Beach Management Plan.
Tony Sykes had been in contact with Acorn Tourism Consulting Ltd which
has been working for KCC and Canterbury Council and produced the plan. Accommodation (hotels and guest houses) have
been considered as people do not stay in Thanet due to lack of variety of
accommodation. One idea is for overnight
beach huts, with availability the advantages of the Turner Centre etc Thanet
should be made the place to stay. Issues of litter and dog fouling and
vandalism need to be dealt with so that the plan can move forward. Suggested spots for the huts were on the
promenade by the Sea Bathing Hospital sight, near the Nayland Rock, and the
Barnes car park as a motorhome stop.
Green tourism ie guided walks and seashore safaries could take place
both summer and winter. Local history
and the work of Thanet Coast project should also be incorporated in the plan,
and also important are the views of local residents.
Marc Lawrence Memorial.
Tom reported this is now in place
and is in keeping with the rest of the memorial. A letter has been received for the W&WRA
from Mr and Mrs Lawrence expressing their gratitude for this fitting memorial
in Westgate where Marc had grown up which does bring them some comfort. There will be a service of dedication, date
to be announced.
22, Carlton Road West.
Application for permission to erect single storey front and side
extension and dormer roof.
12, Domneva Road.
Application for erection of first floor rear extension.
6, Ascot Gardens.
Application for erection of two storey side extension.
West Bay Apartments.
Retrospective application for summer house.
2/25 Westgate Bay Avenue. Application for door and alteration to rear
The next magazine issue is now going to press.
More road stewards are urgently required.
Richard said he will send a report of the meeting which
hopefully will appear on Friday week.
Outings. The
outing to Wingham Wildlife Park has been postponed.
East Northdown Park Nursery. An outing to see this and tea is to be
Quiz. The next
quiz will be on Friday 29th August at the Bake House, participants
to bring their own food.
1) Trees near the library on
Canterbury Road on the verge have grown considerably and require KCC attention.
2) Westbrook Bay Promenade
Beach Huts. Eight original 1920s style
beach huts were due for removal by TDC in September. Tom agreed to make enquiries and see if there
had been a report on them.
3) Gully Sucking Work. Chris Wyer queried the necessity of the stop
and go signs and operatives during the operation
4) Dual Carriageway-Plastic
Flowers. Comments were made about these
and also the weeds underneath.
Monday 11th
August at the Westbrook Bowls Club 7 pm.
There being no other business the meeting concluded
at 8.50pm.