Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Westgate and Westbrook Resident's Meeting Minutes June 2014





Tom King, chairman and councillor, twenty seven members, KCC Cllr Jeff Elenor, and Cllr Simon Moores.
The chairman welcomed all attending.
Apologies had been received from Abigail Carden, Richard Charlton, Sam Secomb, Chris Smith, and John Vaughan.
1)      Number 35 Bus Service.  This service will no longer be run by Carol Peters after 27th July.  Tom has been in touch with KCC who say the service, which  is much needed by residents to travel to Westgate and the hospital, will go out to tender and continue from Monday 29th July.
2)      Village Green Westgate.  Following the work by Graham Rickett and the hearing at the Swan this green is now recommended for registration by KCC, and the land is protected by the Act.
3)      Waste and Recycling.  Complaints had been received concerning unemptied bins, there were roads that the collecting vehicles had been unable to drive down.  Waterside Drive and Harold Avenue were two of the roads mentioned. It is hoped that management and operatives can work out a solution.
4)      Parish Councils.  Tom said he had approached Cllr Bob Grove, also of Minster Parish Council who is willing to come to the next meeting with the Parish Clerk and bring  information and take questions about Parish Councils.
5)      Welfare Benefits.  Many of these go unclaimed, and Tom will be arranging a speaker to give members information.
6)      Coastal Management Plan.  Members wishes and suggestions for increasing tourism will be welcomed by Alison Burgh.
7)      Marc Lawrence Memorial.  The final invoice has been received and on payment of this the work should be completed in June.  The total cost is £553.
8)      Home Library Service.  This is for those residents unable to go to the library, details will be on the Bake House notice board.
Questions and Comments:
a)  Number 35 Bus service.  Tom confirmed that a subsidy may be necessary.
b)  Parish Councils.  James Brazier said the date had now passed for returning the questionnaires on governance to the TDC, but Tom felt we should continue to try and make local residents more aware of the issues.  Cllr Simon Moores said that it will be important to know the mandate of as many residents as possible.  After Cllr Bob Groves has addressed the W&WRA meeting Tom said the next step will be to have larger meetings.  Cllr Simon Moores warned of caution as many parish councils had been disfunctional with little achieved.  It was generally felt good to gain knowledge of both the fors and againsts.  Margate town council and Westgate parish council would be separate issues.c)Home Library Service. Tom confirmed that this would rely on volunteers.

d)  Coastal Management Plan. Suggestions were for more bins and better maintenance of the grassy areas.  Tony Sykes pointed out that the Thanet Coast Project had lost one worker due to the cut backs but was continuing with volunteers.  The  toilets in West Bay are in poor condition, and the paddling pools filled up with sand.


The minutes of the last meeting, (12th May 2014), which had been circulated, were adopted on a prop by Don Eacott sec by Derek Smith, and signed.


There were no matters arising.


Cllr Simon Moores:

1)      Westgate is a deprived ward and there are many problems that the councillors have to deal with.

2)      Neighbourhood Engagement Meeting.  Information was that antisocial behaviour is down, there had been problems with beach huts, there were campers under the  cliffs, but these were homeless and had nowhere to go.

3)      Dog Mess.  More bins are needed, and there are  too many unruly dogs which have led to attacks.

4)      Refuse Problems.  Some disciplinary action had been threatened

KCC Cllr Jeff Elenor:

1)      Station Road.  KCC had now completed the work in Station Road.  There were still one or two pot holes to be repaired.

2)      Puddle outside Aldi.  The drain required a complete repair which is shortly to be done.

3)      Manston Airport.  This did not look good.  An information request had been made to Paul Carter to find out what he and Ann Gloag had arranged.  Tom King said that TDC would need to do an assessment of viability before a compulsory purchase order was made and the airport run by a partner.

4)      Flower Tubs.  Cllr Elenor was thanked for the flower tubs, and Stephanie confirmed that this year's money for plants and flowers had been received from TDC and Jackie from the nursery would be filling the tubs.

5)      Roads.  Cllr Jeff Elenor is still looking at the possibility of a zebra crossing for Westgate  Bay Avenue.  Tom said that a review of drop kerbs for those with battery car transport would help the disabled.


1)      Walk and Talk Evening.  Westgate Heritage Centre have arranged a talk on the one hundred years of local aviation history, starting from St Mildred's Bay and finishing at the West Bay Cafe for a meal, cost £10.

2)      KCC Safe and Sensible Street Lighting.  Notification of the trials for this has been received.



1)      74-76 St Mildred's Road.  Application for installation of double glazed timber windows on first and second floors.

2)      Land Adjacent to 149, Sea road.  Application for detached two storey dwelling and parking.

3)      1A Ethelbert Square.  Alterations to front elevation, to put window in garage door and make habitable.

4)      15, Sea Road.  Application for change of use from hotel to house of multiple occupation (by the John Townsend Trust).


Derek requested articles and copy for the next issue by the 25th June.


1)      Outings.  Three are planned:  Elham Valley 18th June (full), Folkestone 2nd July, and Wingham 15th July.



1)      Gardening Club Meeting.  Re the village green, speakers Graham Rickett and Neville Hudson, 23rd June.

2)      Westbrook Road Waste Collection.  The plastic bags had been put out ready for the lorry but in the twenty minutes sea gulls had made a severe mess.

3)      Turret Court (April House).  Some areas had now been given flat roofing, but this had been within the permitted planning.

4)      Dual Carriageway-Plastic Flowers.  Comments were made about these and also the weeds underneath.


 Monday 14th July at the Conference Room in the Town Hall Buildings, in order to accommodate all who wished to hear about parish councils.


There being no other business the meeting concluded at 8.44pm.


Thursday, 5 June 2014

Westgate Village Green Registration Approved

Westgate Now has a Town/Village Green

At a packed public meeting of the Kent County Council Commons Registration Committee at the Swan Hotel Westgate on 3rd June 2014 the result of the Public Enquiry recommending registration of land adjacent to Ursuline Drive Westgate  as a Village/Town Green was discussed.

Representations were made on behalf of the landowners (King Ethelbert's School) and the applicant.

The decision of the Committee was that the Inspector's recommendation be accepted and the land should be formally registered as a Town Green. This means that this field is protected and ensures the continued use by local residents as an area for leisure and recreation.

See also reports on this blog dated 27/11/2013 and 27/3/14.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Change of Venue for the next meeting of Westgate and Westbrook Residents Meeting

The next meeting on Monday 9th June 2014 at 7pm will not be held at the Westbrook Bowls Club but will take place in Westgate in the rooms over the Carlton Cinema (Town Hall Buildings)