Anyway for those that are interested here are the minutes of the last meeting.
NEXT MEETING Monday 10th March, at Westbrook Bowls Club.
FEBRUARY 2014 AT 7.15PM.
Tom King, councillor and chairman, thirty two members, and
KCC Cllr Jeff Elenor.
The chairman welcomed all attending.
Apologies had been received from Derek Smith and
John Vaughan.
1) Dog Fouling.
This appears to have been increasing, and is very unpleasant for all
residents as well as dangerous for children as blindness can be caused. Tom
suggested that the W&WRA mount a campaign against it and invited comments
from the floor. Suggestions included
education of the ignorant dog owners/fines possibly by contractors/more
wardens/more dog bins/use of posters available from TDC/the need to target the
very small minority of dog owners who fail to clear up. The meeting was in favour of a local campaign
and Tom agreed to follow this up.
Members noted that other debris also accumulated on pavements as there
was no regular sweeping rota except in areas of high footfall.
2) Pancake Races. Invitations to four schools had been sent
out. The date is 4th March
and profits will go to the “Caring for Connor” funds.
3) Marc Lawrence Memorial. Tom had received a phone call from TDC and
has to go in to sort one final detail out after which the work should go ahead.
4) Bake House Seating. Seating is being considered for the right
hand side wall so that it will be more comfortable and will match the other
side. A quote has been obtained from Tony
Wiltshire, Carpenter’s Workshop, of £500.
5) Railway Footbridge. Network Rail has scheduled work which should
start very soon.
6) The “Why Not”. TDC have had ten expressions of interest to
take over the premises.
7) Tesco Westgate. The appeal has failed and planning permission
is refused.
The minutes of the last meeting, (13th January
2014), which had been circulated, were adopted on a prop by Don Eacott sec by Mick
Rooney, and signed.
1) Post Box and Wall, Elm Grove. Tom had spoken to Nick Dermott who confirmed
that the post box will be reinstated with the wall.
2) Quiz. This is to take place on 28th
February, (not 21st February).
KCC Cllr Jeff Elenor:
1) Station
Road Improvements. The system of KCC
members’ grants for local projects has been valued in recent years, where a
small pot of money can be democratically used for local improvements. Jeff suggested that one such project could be
to repair and refurbish the unique row of shop canopies along Station
Road. Many of the members present had
memories of the same suggestion some years ago, there had been a history of
problems mainly due to the fact that the canopies are individually owned. Additional grants to help with conservation
had been made less likely by some shops having put in UPVC windows, and the new
plastic planters. It was agreed that
projects should be looked at in greater detail next meeting.
1) Westgate
Heritage Centre. A grant of £7,600 had
been received from the Heritage Lottery Funding.
2) Police
Poster. This will be displayed in the
Bake House, as police wish to identify and interview the subject about possible
involvement in a violent crime.
3) Police
Email Messages. A warning about two men
cold callers wanting to repair roof tiles.
The charge was high but the quality of work poor, only a handwritten
receipt was given with the name “AK Roofing”.
Both men late twenties came in a white van. Police advise never commission work with cold
1) 21,
Nelson Villas, Quex Road. Application
for permission to change timber windows to aluminium.
2) 8,
Elm Grove. Application for single storey
rear extension.
3) Royal
Sea Bathing Hospital. Application for
electricity substation.
4) 120,
St James Park Road. Application for
erection of single storey side and rear extension.
5) 83,
Sea Road. Application for conversion of
home to six two bedroom flats, and three houses. Permission granted.
6) 149,
Sea Road. Application for erection of
detached two storey dwelling. Permission granted.
Sam Secomb told the meeting that in the last month
expenditure had exceeded income, but only due to the fact that the bill for the
new year lunch at St Augustines had been paid.
The balance of funds is £6,802 and all bills to date are paid.
Members were reminded that copy for the next issue is
required by this Friday.
Margaret reported that three get well cards had been sent
to members this month, including Eileen Cunnew who had been in hospital.
No report.
No report.
Richard Charlton confirmed he is sending reports to the
local press.
1) Police
Panto. Stephanie said a group of members
will be going to this on Friday 21st February.
2) Quiz
28th February. A list for
names is in the Bake House
1) Victorian Letter Box, Elm
Grove. Chris Wyer had a petition for the
members and the public to sign requesting the letter box to be put back in the
wall as it is to be rebuilt soon following enforcement action.
2) Station Phone Boxes. Following problems with misuse Tom had
suggested to BT that they be removed, but these are part of a minimum quota
that must be maintained in the area.
3) Letter Boxes. A member pointed out that some of these
required refurbishing, one by Bridge Road had lost its lid, another had
graffiti on it, and others were leaning.
4) Adrian Square – Holm
Oak. A member pointed out that the
entire tree had been taken away when it appeared that the removal of one branch
should have been sufficient. Tom agreed
to enquire if a replacement tree would be supplied.
Monday 10th
March, at Westbrook Bowls Club.
There being no other business the meeting concluded
at 8.20pm.
Signed………………………………….. Date……………………..