Friday, 13 December 2013

Thanet Coast and Inshore Waters are now a Marine Conservation Zone

Recently announced Marine Conservation Zones includes the Thanet coast. This means that our coastal environment is protected because of its unique habitats, marine life and chalk reefs. Two examples are as follows:

Stalk Jellyfish

Blue Mussel

The Thanet Coast Project and Kent Wildlife Trust are delighted with the designation. Their work on shore search and recording supported by Coastal Wardens and other Volunteers has helped gain recognition for our coast and marine environment.

Marine Conservation Zones

Marine Conservation Zones are a type of Marine Protected Area. They protect areas that are important to conserving the diversity of nationally rare or threatened habitats and/or species and those places containing habitats and/or species that are representative of the biodiversity in our seas.

For Map showing the Marine Conservation Zone Click on link.

Friday, 6 December 2013

The Urge of the Surge

Was the Tidal Surge up to Expectation?
These are perhaps a few pictures of the many that have been taken today. The Westgate Walking Group were surprised at the state of West bay this morning after last nights surge. The Swan Inn must have been a little nervous as water reached the road. However the beach huts did not fair so well some had ended up as flotsam on the beach. The brick beach huts next to the toilets had about 4 foot of water. According to a spokesman saucepans that were on shelves were full of water this morning. 
Lunchtime today the tide was in again and but the height of the water appeared to be not as high as last night. However the waves crashing over the prom were quite spectacular.
We must think ourselves lucky that the wind was WNW as if it had been stronger and more northerly it could have been more serious. The bays taking the most battering from this wind direction were St Mildred's and West Bays on this part of coast West of Margate.
St Mildred's Bay takes a pounding

West Bay too

Last night's damage

Westbrook Undercliffe Nature Park now has lakes.