Sunday, 29 March 2020

Covid-19 Information for Residents

Please note that all meetings of the Westgate and Westbrook Residents Association are cancelled until further notice.

Message from Ash Ashbee:

The April 2020 issue of the WWRA magazine "The Record" has been printed and ready to go out but as we are all following the Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives they will stay in my office until we are giving the ok to make delivery.

Details that are in the magazine that could be helpful are as follows:

The new WWRA email address is and also the new mobile 07899 222993 is also up and running being answered at present by Jane.

Other useful information is that
Westgate Town Council with their volunteers are co-ordinating assistance for Westgate residents that are in self isolation.

Should anyone that you hear of is in need of help, Thanet District
Council has now set up and running this Dedicated Helpline: 01843 577330. 
Please see the TDC web site for more details:

Are you having Trouble Getting those daily essentials?Age UK are still running their Buddy Box Meal Delivery service and for £8 per day we can deliver a tasty hot main course and a dessert straight to your door. They also offer an Afternoon Tea Box consisting of a sandwich, fruit, drink and some snacks. This is £5 and gets delivered with the hot meal to be eaten later.
For further information please phone 01843 223881.

Please contact me on if you have any questions.

Stay Safe & Kind regards

Ash Ashbee

Sunday, 8 March 2020





Tom King (Ch), and thirty two members, including TDC Cllr Ash Ashbee-Welch, and WTC Cllr David Wallin.   

Jane Chambers, Joanna Cornford, Bob Loxley, Pam O’Toole, and Ron Rolfe.

1)       The Constitution.  This is being brought up to date and will be presented to the April meeting for comment/approval.
2)      WTC By-election.  Tim Green was elected to the council.  There was comment all round that many had not been aware that an election was taking place as poll cards were not used, and there was a low turnout of only 401 voters.
3)      Induction of new minister to Christ Church URC, Rev David Yule.  Tom had been invited to represent the W&WRA at the service along with MP Sir Roger Gale and WTC chairman Martyn Pennington.
4)      Proposed Margate Town Council.  Tom will be finding out more information and will be reporting back in due course.

Questions:  The question of poll cards arose, apparently they are not legally required, but many missed the poll as they were not aware of it.

The minutes of the last general meeting, (10/02/20), which had been circulated, were agreed as a correct record on a proposal by Chris Smith sec. by James Brazier, and signed.

Minutes.  Following discussion about the availability of minutes of general meetings, a proposal by Ash Ashbee-Welch sec by Chris Whittingham that these in draft form may be available to members and on the website/facebook/and WASPS site was unanimously agreed

TDC Cllr Ash Ashbee-Welch:
1)      George V Park (Green).  The TDC budget has been passed, and the plan to plant trees would go ahead.
2)      Tivoli Park Site.  Nothing has been decided as yet about this site.

A question arose as to the new statue near the Nayland Rock, and for how long the temporary statue would be there.  One member thought it was provocative.

KCC Warden Laura Bungard: (Report sent in and read by the minute secretary):
1)      Scams.  These are becoming more frequent most commonly by post and phone.  Be aware do not have any conversation or be persuaded to press any buttons on the phone, and do not redial them.
2)      Blocked Drains.  Laura has repeatedly requested these to be cleared and shown the KCC Inspector the worse areas.  Residents can call KCC to report these problems on 03000 414141, (ask for highways), or to click on “report a problem”.
3)      Vulnerable and Elderly.  It is much better to make friends in group settings in halls, libraries, offices etc rather than inviting someone into your home.
4)       Contact.  Laura may be contacted by email or by phone 07969 583922, and her details are held at the Town Council Offices.

Police Messages (by email):
1)      Scam.  Calls received supposedly from HMRC are prevalent at the moment.

1)      174, Canterbury Road.  Application for change of use from hot food takeaway to tattoo studio.
2)      15, Victoria Avenue. Application for erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory.
3)      6, Ashly House, 9, Royal Crescent.  Application for listed building consent for alteration to existing room layout.
4)      1, Countess Mountbatten Court.  Change of use from 1x three bed flat to 2x one bed flats.  GRANTED.
5)      53, Victoria Avenue.  Single storey rear extension with 3x rooflights and alteration to fenestration following demolition of conservatory. GRANTED.
6)      23, Minster Road.  Application for erection of single storey side extension.
7)      18-20A Station Road.  Variation of use from storage to community use to allow alterations to opening hours.
8)      3, Orchard Road.  Application for erection of double detached garage.
9)      Hundred’s Farm House.  Application for outline permission for erection of three storey building. GRANTED.
10)  Land Adjacent to Lifeboat Memorial, Marine Terrace.  Installation of temporary sculpture, between April – November 2020.
11)  13, Meadow Road.  Erection of first floor side extension and rear extension raising the roof height.  REFUSED.
12)  Ursuline Convent.  Application for listed building consent for internal and external work, including roof cowls and external fire escape.
13)  24, Gresham Avenue.  Application for erection of two storey rear and side extension, and new roof and balcony to the rear and front porch.

Jane reported that the bank has now officially recognised her as treasurer.  The bank balance stands at £4,430.  Bills to pay St Augustines £144, Bowls Club £20.
Jane will be contacting Dennis Jarvis for auditing the years accounts.

Ash reported that the facebook page is set up, and work on the magazine is going ahead.  This will be a sixteen page magazine with a colour cover costing £170 for 800 copies, three times a year (ie just over £500 per year).  Thanks to Jane there is already £300 worth of advertising with possibly more to come to offset the price of production.  The address for the magazine is

Jane is gathering membership details, and will be meeting with road stewards.  A5 application for membership forms will be available, and incentives for members suggested to encourage residents to join.

Sent in by Joanna and read out by the minute secretary:
Cards and contact had been made with four members who had been poorly or had operations from which they were recovering.  A card was also sent to June, the bereaved mother of our prematurely departed member Andrew Bramley, known by many and a popular figure in the area.
If any member is aware of another who would benefit from contact or card please text 07896092324 with the details.

Margate Civic Society:  5th March talk by Chris McCooey “Rogues, Rascals and Rebels”,  also 2nd April talk by Sally Whitworth on the Early Days of Westgate-on-Sea.  Both talks are at the Walpole Bay Hotel at 7.30pm.

Westgate-on-Sea Heritage Centre:  This Saturday 7th March, the AGM will be followed by a short talk by member Karl Troop on his research on Christopher Moor.
The meeting is as usual at St Saviour’s Church at 10.00am for 10.30am.

Following enquiries it had been decided to hold the annual lunch, as previously in January at St Augustines.

1)      Sunken Gardens Group. Meets on the last Saturday of the month from 10.00am to 12.00noon, more volunteers will be welcome.  Details of tree planting will be forthcoming soon.
2)      Railway Footbridge.  Dee Hooper pointed out one of the lights (no TAR 007) on the bridge has not been working for some weeks.  It was thought that KCC are responsible for these lights.
3)      St Mildred’s Bay Car Park.  As pointed out by member Bob Loxley at a previous meeting it is unusual to see any vehicles paying for parking, due to unrealistically high charges, and the requirement of a smart phone to make the payments, so that if this could be made free there would be minimal loss to TDC.  Under the freedom of information act is it possible to be advised of the annual revenue collected for this car park?  Free parking would encourage visitors and relieve local residents of street parking round their houses and flats which is considerable in the summer.  Cllr Ash said she has raised this before unsuccessfully as the council’s thinking is for the revenue to pay for upkeep and repairs, but she would try again.
Tony Sykes thought the area could be under a covenant from the Bethlehem Hospital and if so are the charges legal?  James Brazier thought the covenant was just for restricting building.

This will be held on Monday 6th April at Westbrook Bowls Club at 7.00pm.

The meeting concluded at 8.10pm


Tuesday, 3 March 2020




Tom King (Ch), and thirty five members, including TDC Cllr Ash Ashbee-Welch, WTC Cllr Joanna Cornford.  Also present Tim Green and Penny Wells, prospective candidates for the forthcoming Westgate Town Council election.

Bob Loxley.

1)       General Meetings.  Tom informed members that the monthly meetings would continue, alternating between Westbrook Bowls Club and Christ Church URC. Due to various commitments the second Monday was difficult for a number of committee members, and Tom asked the meeting if the first Monday in the month would be acceptable.  This was agreed.
2)      Information for Members.  The notice board near “Krusty Kobbs”, and the window of Tescos Westbrook will be available for notices of meetings etc.
3)      Constitution.  This requires updating and clarifying.  Some of the previous committee had been looking at this and Don Eacott had supplied a suggested revised text for consideration.
4)      Membership Lists.  Information is awaited.
5)      New Businesses in Westgate.  Two have opened, a Pizza shop, and “The Little Brown Fairy Cake”.
6)      WTC Bye-election.  The two candidates had both come to the meeting to address members, unfortunately at this point Tim Green who is in the fire service received a call out and had to leave.  Penny Wells told the meeting that she had lived in the area since the 1980s and had been involved in the community in many ways and hopes to help look after Westgate especially in view of the forthcoming development.

The minutes of the last general meeting, (14/10/19), which had been circulated, were agreed as a correct record on a proposal by James Brazier sec. by Don Eacott, and signed.
The minutes of the EGM held on the 13th January 2020, also circulated, were agreed as a correct record on a proposal by Derek Smith sec. by Stephanie Sutton, and signed.

WTC Cllr Joanna Cornford:
1)       Advertisements in the new WTC magazine.  Cllr Cornford pointed out that these had not been “nicked” from the Record magazine.
TDC Cllr Ash Ashbee-Welch:
1)       Tree Project on Council Land.  TDC has managed to win a bid for a large amount for an urban tree project for Isle of Thanet trees.  The funding is matched by the airport owners and voluntary labour matchfunding.  There will be 1,200 trees in all.  Help and advice will be given by Luke Evans, (Thanet Forestry Community School), and Peter Hasted.  Trees will be planted in Dane Park, Dane Valley Green, (which will help prevent travellers from camping), the Sunken Gardens and George V Green.  This will hel;p raise Thanet’s tree canopy coverage which is now only 4%, (London is 29%).
2)      George V Avenue.  KCC is to build a large soakaway which is to prevent flooding, after which all the green will be put back and trees planted.

KCC Warden Laura Bungard: (Report sent in and read by the chair):
1)      Scams.  Golden Rule do not have a conversation or agree to work being done by anyone who calls at the door, recently offers to clear gutters or do odd jobs have been unsatisfactory.
2)      TDC Lorries, Pot Holes and Drains.  Problems with these are being chased up.
3)       Contact.  Laura may be contacted by email or by phone 07969 583922, and her details are held at the Town Council Offices.

Police Messages (by email):
1)      Scam.  Calls received supposedly from BT or Open Reach asking to add a program to your computer to help it work faster.  Disregard this.
2)      Scam.  Spurious drain/sewer unblocker calls, claiming to be from the local council and asks for bank card and pin to pay for the work.  Do not get involved.

1)      30, Bowes Avenue.  Application for single storey rear extension.
2)      2/74, St Mildred’s Road.  Application for removal of chimney.
3)      Budget Beaters, Station Road.  Application for change of frontage.  This is to be called in.
4)      5, Bowes Avenue. Application for single storey front side and rear extension.
5)      3, Westcliff Road. Application for single storey rear extension.
6)      Paul’s Bar.  Retrospective application for external shelter.
7)      Springfield.  Application for change of use from care home to five bedroom detached dwelling.
8)      Royal Sea Bathing Hospital.  Application to build two metre boundary wall following demolition of old wall.

Jane reported that the paperwork had been received, and the accounts are being audited as arranged by the previous treasurer.
The bank account stands at £4,420.  The necessary forms have been sent to the bank for change of name of treasurer.
Expenses had included £960 for postage etc. and the meeting at The Swan, and payment for entries in three editions of the WTC magazines totalling £1,400.  The deficit for the year had been £775, in spite of refunds from the electricity company which were owed.
In answer to a question Jane confirmed that the subscriptions would continue as before, and may be paid by direct debit if convenient.
Jane undertook to give a brief report at each general meeting for transparency regarding the state of the account and ins and outs of the month.

Ash reported that she was in touch with Emma Dublin of “Westgate Matters” for help in setting up a facebook page for the W&WRA, it would be an outward only page.
Minutes are to be only available for W&WRA and not available to the general public or on other websites.
The Record magazine used to pay for itself with the advertisement fees, and it has been relatively costly, @£350/month, to use pages in the WTC magazine.  Ash had contacted Adam Robson and as a gesture of goodwill two pages have been made available for the next edition free of charge.  It is hoped to have the “Record” magazine up and running as soon as possible.
The postal address will remain at St Augustines for correspondence.
Jane asked that any road stewards who had copies of their rounds supply these in order to help to help with delivery of magazines and subscription collection.  Jacquie said she had hard copies of these she could supply.

A suggestion to hold a VE Day Lunch in place of the New Year Lunch was put to members for feedback.  The idea appeared to be received favourably.

1)       Travellers’ Sites.  Chris Wyer enquired if the council had been able to allocate sites.  Cllr Ash said there is a working party for this, which was a difficult problem to solve and some sites had been refused and it was back to review.
2)      Tennis Courts by St Mildred’s Bay.  Don Eacott pointed out that there was no fence round the lower pair of courts, and asked if this could be remedied. Cllr Ash replied that there was no spare finance at present.
3)      Laura Shawyer thanked all committee members for their voluntary hard work, and expressed the hope that the W&WRA will go forward in a positive way.

This will be held on Monday 2nd March at Christ Church URC (54, Westgate Bay Avenue) at 7.00pm for 7.15pm.

The meeting concluded at 8.48pm.